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Pokemon: Rainbow Superstars (signups and discussion)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by WavePearl, Jan 5, 2017.

  1. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 30
    Nov 22, 2012
    ...or, Rainbow of Song 2.0.

    All across the Pokeworld, idols both male and female capture the hearts and imaginations of millions. But what many don't realize is that there are special schools just for idols to hone their skills in performance, as well as training the next generation of idols.

    Rainbow Music Academy is one such school, and it has produced many superstars both male and female across its storied history, many of which have gone on to enjoy long and successful music and acting careers.

    Studying at an idol academy like Rainbow is more than just singing poppy lyrics and dancing in cute costumes--you learn how to play instruments, act, give interviews, and most importantly, how to use the magic of the Star Power--a special magic deep within an idol's heart that gives form to their love for the music. Star Powers have many names, come in many forms, and may even manifest in different ways depending on the idol or costume. When it does manifest, a Star Power gives the idol's voice and any instruments they are playing an echo effect for a short time.

    But every idol, no matter what school they attend, has a big dream--to be crowned the top idol (or idol unit) in Kanto--the Indigo Idol(s).

    You are a new idol in training at Rainbow--will you go it alone as a solo act, or band together with your friends on your way to become the Indigo Idol(s)?

    Sign up here with the following info:

    Your character's name
    Your character's age (PCs should be no older than 18, and no younger than 13)
    Your character's appearance (Don't just give a picture--this will cause your sign-up to be Rejected.)
    Your character's personality and a brief history
    What kind of idol your character is (explained below)
    What skills your character has--what kind of music they prefer to play, what their vocal range is, what instruments do they play, if any, can they dance or act, etc.

    Remember: Idol academies strive to create music that has a broad appeal, so a genre like hard rock or heavy metal would not fit in this world.

    Any anime and game song (and some songs from American and European cartoons) can be used as songs for performances

    Idols are grouped into Cute, Cool, Beautiful, and Exotic for girls, and Dreamy, Heartthrob, Charming and Rugged for boys.

    Cute girls and Dreamy boys typically wear a lot of clothing that conveys an innocent and sweet image, and typically sing songs with sugary sweet lyrics to match.

    Cool girls and Heartthrob boys wear casual clothing, and sing songs with a distinct beat.

    Beautiful girls and Charming boys wear elaborate clothes with lots of sparkles, glitter, and color, and have the voices to match their elaborate costumes.

    Exotic girls and Rugged boys wear clothing and sing songs inspired by other lands, but do so in a way that respects the culture their costume came from.

    However, you are not limited to being set completely in one of these four types--you can mix and match elements of all four types to create a unique style.
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  2. HerbZ

    HerbZ PKMN Breeder

    Level 1
    Dec 31, 2016
    Before i'll submit my oc's sheet, i want to ask a question.

    If this school produces many superstars, can my character not be a singer and just be an actor? Because there was written, that in this school, students learn how to sing and how to act, but the whole description, refers mostly to singing.
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  3. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 30
    Nov 22, 2012
    Good point--you're not just limited to musical idols--you can be actors and models too!
  4. HerbZ

    HerbZ PKMN Breeder

    Level 1
    Dec 31, 2016
    So, does it mean, that my character MUST be a singer, but can also do other stuff?
  5. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    Count me in again. As soon as I go on my laptop I give my profile
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  6. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 30
    Nov 22, 2012
    You don't HAVE to be a music-type idol--you can be an actor/actress or fashion idol as well, or you can act as well as sing.
  7. HerbZ

    HerbZ PKMN Breeder

    Level 1
    Dec 31, 2016
    Very well than! I will give this RP a shot!
    Your character's name - Wilma Hammond

    Your character's age - 16

    Your character's appearance -
    A quick drawing of my charcter for those who are bad at imagining something from text.
    Wilma has short, black hair, that are usually a one big mess, because she has no time to properly take care of them. She has dark circles under her grey-blue eyes, and usually, a big, wide grin on her face, and a big, pointy nose. She is often hunched. She has not too big, not too small breasts, and a small belly flop. She usually wears a green fishing hat or black fedora, loose black jacket, red t-shirt, black tracksuit pants, and yellow trappers. She has a red bracelet with a black zig-zag on her left hand and a wristwatch on right hand.

    Your character's personality and a brief history - She was born in Nimbasa city. She loved going with her parents to the musical teathre to see many performances. A lot of people noticed, that she was good at mimicking the actors, and other things. Around the age of 8, her parents decided, that it would be best, if she had a companion, that would keep her safe, so she got a Hariyama named Marco. When she was around 10 years old, she often took parts in school performances, and she was pretty good at it. But, as time went on, she cared less about being an actress, and she focused more on drawing and writing. But her friends and family members noticed, that when she was talking, she was doing it with such a charisma, she was moving a lot, and she was talking very loudly, so much so, that when she was speaking in her normal tone in some places, others had to tell her to keep quiet. Also, when being with her friends, she was the one that was telling most of the jokes, doing funny stuff, and being a very cheery and funny person in general. When she was 16, she and her parents decided, that it would be best for her, to go to a shool, where she would learn all about the acting.
    Wilma is a kind, and nice person, but she gets lazy very guickly, so she doesn't always help. She is sometimes rather egotistical and hypocritical, but not to the point where it becomes unbearable. She likes to sometimes annoy people, howver, most of the things that she is sometimes annoying people with, often annoy her. She jokes a lot, and likes to hang out with other people. She is always sleepy, no matter how much sleep she gets, but after school, this sleepyness magically disappears. She is rather lazy. She never cleans up her desk, makes a bed, unless some visitors come, and by cleaning, i mean, making a bed and hiding stuff that was on her desk into a drawer. Wilma is also afraid to grow up. She crams materials for tests "last minute", but it somehow works, seeing, that her grades are fine. She mostly plays video games, draws, and writes stories. Wilma very often goes out on walks to get some inspiration. Marco is her comrade and sometimes he takes parts in her plays.

    What kind of idol your character is - Mostly cool, but she sometimes tries to mix other types of idols, to see how it can work out.

    What skills your character has - Wilma can act, and is (i hope) a pretty good comedian. She can draw, write stories and play on acordeon (Marco can play on harmonica)
  8. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 30
    Nov 22, 2012
    All right, you are Accepted!

    I'll include a list of known classes you can sign up for when the RP begins--while there are some classes all idols must take, music idols, fashion idols, and acting idols have different specialized classes
  9. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    Now! My OC will make her comeback from the original Rainbow of Song! But with some modifications!

    Name: Martine Grenadine
    Age: 18 (I remembered she was 19 in my fanfic, so I have to add a year to her age)
    Appearance: Shoulder-length red hair curled at the front and her bangs behind her right ear is one of Martine's trademarks. A black long-sleeved dress shirt with a slim white tie, black dress pants and red leather shoes, is the style reminiscent of her workplace - the Stone Bistro. As well, she does keep up a professional image doing this, and the curls at the front of her hair complete her image. With a slim build (not skinny, mind you), her appearance flows seamlessly with her clothes - and makes Martine look smart and pretty too!

    Personality: she is very optimistic and supportive of her friends, and also has that personality in that she is able to face almost anything with a smile (that is, if the situation isn't that serious). In fact, Martine is a not-so-serious type of girl, and she tends to speak a lot whenever there is something worth talking about. It wouldn't matter if what she talked about (in private!) embarrassed her friends, or if her conversations became annoying, or if she received dozens of death glares in response. Martine is used to those kinds of reactions, and reacts with genuine smiles to infuriate her friends. She enjoys lightly tormenting her friends to further embarrass them. Why, she can even poke into private conversations and still come out smiling. Poking fun at her friends is what she enjoys (one time, she even flattered her boss to the point that he had to lock himself up in his office for a few hours).
    Nevertheless, Martine is also the person to talk to whenever someone has trouble. She is also that compassionate as she is playful.
    Martine likes Pokémon, but would never consider playing with one as she grows nervous near them. Her boss has a Metagross, a Skarmory, and an Aggron, and that was enough for Martine!

    Bottom line: in spite of her optimism to support her friends, Martine is very playful, can be annoying sometimes, and can even be nosy.
    Sirop de grenadine is Martine's favourite drink, and has been her favourite since she was five. As well as a waitress, Martine has a talent for shaking or stirring up specialty drinks just about anyone can enjoy.

    History: a Cyllage City local, Martine has worked part-time at the top-class Stone Bistro as a waitress. In her downtime, though, Martine trains frequently with on an acoustic guitar and the piano. While she doesn't intend to make a big name for herself, Martine also would want a music-focused environment where she could hone her skills. Why, if she went back to Cyllage City to perform, perhaps she might even get a raise from her boss!

    Unfortunately, during one night at the restaurant, Martine was left in charge of moving new but highly unstable equipment into the Stone Bistro. Rather than taking it through the back because it was being renovated, Martine brought the equipment through the foyer and dropped the unstable equipment by accident. The force of the impact shook the foyer and caused the chandelier in the foyer to fall to the ground with a might crash. The result was an outraged boss for Martine and a 208,000 Poké debt for the chandelier plus an extra 50,000 Poké for repairing the floor. Martine, facepalming herself, thought there had to be faster ways of making money to repay her debt. Her wages as a waitress simply would not cut it in the short-run. 258,000 Poké in debt!!! Because of this, Martine does have financial struggles for the time being...

    Idol type: Cool girl with a touch of Beauty.

    Pendent colour: Peridot

    Skills: in addition to playing acoustic guitar and piano, Martine is also skilled with the electric guitar and the synthesizer - which make her instrumental (no pun intended) to just about any band; otherwise, she enjoys playing guitar on her own. Fingerpicking or medium-to-hard picks are her preference. However, Martine doesn't sing a lot but at the very least she does give musical support to her friends who do sing, which includes minimal vocals. Hence, Martine has a preference to instrumentals.
    If she had to sing, it would be in the lower C to upper D# range. (Middle C in the middle)
    Also, as Martine is from Kalos, speaking French is first nature to her.

    I'll post details on Martine's instruments in the future, for the record.
  10. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    here comes mine, there is Mel :D

    Your character's name: Melissa Jewel (Mel)
    Your character's age : 17
    Your character's appearance : Long pink hair, with two stripes of black at the front, she usually where a black ribbon in it. With bright purple eyes, where deep inside is signs of sadness in it. Wearing a top with puffy sleeves in a dark blue way. and a dark purple skirt with long black socks and half long boots. She always has cat ears on her head. a necklace with a pendant on it, and lots of golden bracelets.
    Your character's personality and a brief history: When Mel was a small girl she looked up to her older sister who started to sing and dance. As soon she was 7 she could do the same only with a more cheering mood behind it. When her sister took on a record label the whole family was thrilled. However after a couple of years, they decided to black mail her sister saying she owes them lots of money. Mel who became 14 decided to do something about it. To raise the money however the family looked at the sisters as a disgrace and didn't believe that the older girl was innocent. Mel decided to clear her sisters name to help her any way she could. Eventually the older girl left home ashamed and Mel got kicked out. Wondering around for 2 years. She finally decided to join the new school she had heard about , hoping to get some sort of scholarship.
    Mel is a hyper girl and mostly happy. she loves to sing and dance and puts her whole being into it. Even though her entry can be hyper, at times some of her past darkness pop up and she stays gloomy the whole time. Mel is easy to make friends even though she hardly shares anything about her self. and likes to stand out. Mostly she is the center of the attention but she doesn't mind at all. in a way she can be very clumsy, like tripping over a simple rock or doorstep. she doesn't get shy or blush.
    What kind of idol your character is: she is mostly a cool girl, but can sing also some happy songs, or songs that has a meaning behind them.
    What skills your character has--: SHe usually sings and dance a long the rhythm of the music.

    Can Mel partner Pachirisu get back here also?

    Pendant: Black diamond

    also her image song is

  11. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 30
    Nov 22, 2012
    Both of you are Accepted!

    For the curious, here is the class list:

    What every idol has to take:

    Performance (even model idols "perform" when showing off their clothes)
    Communication (all three have to deal with the press)
    General music appreciation
    General dance appriciation
    General acting appriciation
    Music of the world
    Ethics in Entertainment

    Music idols are required to take vocal, instrumental, and dance classes, although it's also a good idea for actors to learn to dance and sing (since many voice actors sing and speak for their characters, and musicals are very popular) It's also a good idea for models to learn to dance so their outfits can be performance tested.
  12. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    Martine's instruments: for the record.

    Larousse Authentique Series
    Martine's acoustic guitar, manufactured by Les Instruments Larousse in the city of Larousse. Genuinely selected strings and precise tuning make this acoustic guitar sound as authentic as its namesake, in addition to a minutely thinner fretboard which helps make rapid chord changes smoother and sound better. A body made of local Larousse lumber makes the sound sharper too. Yet the sound of it is especially suitable for jazzy or lounge-like tunes. It is partially electronic since It functions well as a casual instrument and is surprisingly easy to play. The factory tends to equip magnetic pickups on these guitars.

    Larousse Audiocrafter
    Martine's electric guitar with an amp, pickguard, and plenty of pickups to match. The Audiocrafter is capable of producing distinctive sounds depending on the scenario, and for the most part, the notes ring with brightness and rich tones. A finely polished body helps amplify the sound of the Audiocrafter tenfold, which especially helps make the string sound clearer.

    Electronic aids in the Audiocrafter enable Martine to adjust and control volume, but that's not the end of it. With these aids, Martine can manipulate the sound of the Audiocrafter to match, add, or complement almost any type of music with a touch of electric guitar, whether it be upbeat dance or comforting jazz. That being said, it came with a hefty price tag, having been manufactured in Larousse.

    The Audiocrafter serves as Martine's primary performance instrument.

    (Note: Les Instruments Larousse is completely fictional with respect to the Pokémon world, but the city of Larousse itself is actually real! On another note, the Audiocrafter's characteristics are inspired by the Fender Stratocaster.)

    Larousse Synthesizer-Keyboard Hybrida
    It's wider than a synthesizer, it sounds different than a piano keyboard. Just what is this?! A regular keyboard complete with the amenities of a synthesizer. It can record previously played notes and modified as much as Martine wants. Not to mention it is also capable of recording layers and layers of music of different tones and speeds to make complete songs. It is very useful! However, the amount of work put into producing a song is very exhausting, so Martine would rather just play it as a piano instead.
  13. ShireHime

    (Meowstic ♀)
    Level 54
    May 16, 2016
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Tapunium Z ★★★★★Crown of Valor
    Here's mine ^^

    Your character's name: Ayaka Harujaki

    Your character's age: 15

    Your character's appearance: Ayaka has blonde hair that is usually kept in curly pigtails that goes to her hips. She has carnation pink eyes, and has a light skin. She usually wears stylish and elegant dresses, and is usually seen with an amethyst pendant around her neck. She also wears high heels, but not those that are too high.

    Your character's personality and a brief history: She is pretty much a very shy person when she talks to strangers, but she is very cheerful around her friends. She could be classified as a genki girl. She loves to play the violin, and has been a master at it since she was 8 years old. Her parents are divorced, and she lives with her caring mother. She wants to become an idol so that she could earn some money for her mother.

    What kind of idol your character is: She is a mix between a cute girl and a beautiful girl. She wears elegant dresses, and usually little to no jewelry, except for her pendant. She could wear something like this (I don't own the model, I'm just saying that this is what she would possibly wear): http://yamisweet.dev...NLOAD-474892949

    What skills your character has: Ayaka can play the violin, and she usually likes to sing love and cheerful songs. She always has a high voice, but often, due to her drinking cold water all the time, she usually has a semi-high voice. Her acting skills are quite okay, but dancing is really difficult for her. Interviews and talking to a huge crowd really doesn't bother her since she just imagines that no one is watching. Her modeling skills are quite impressive due to her fashion taste.

    Pendant Color: Amethyst

    Pokémon: Steenee
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  14. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 30
    Nov 22, 2012
    Okay--you are Accepted!

    A quick reminder to everyone--you should add what jewel your idol pendant will be--this will affect what your starting costumes will be.
  15. HerbZ

    HerbZ PKMN Breeder

    Level 1
    Dec 31, 2016
    Also, if this universe takes place in a Pokémon universe, are our characters allowed to have their own Pokémon?
  16. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 30
    Nov 22, 2012
    Yes they can--as companions, as coordinators (and possibly trainers) or even part of your character's act if you feel they would fit.
  17. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 30
    Nov 22, 2012
    Your schedule of classes (or at least, the ones you all have together with Miracolore)

    8:00 Classes begin
    8:30-9:45-Performance 101 (Brock)
    10:00-10:45 Vocals 101 (Ash) (the Vocals classes are popular with musicians and actors, as well as those that genuinely want to learn to sing)
    11:00-11:45 The Basics of Communication (Misty)

    12:00 PM--Lunch

    1:00-1:45 Dance 101 (Serena) (It's a good idea for actors to learn to dance for ball scenes and musicals)

    You round out the afternoon with classes befitting your idol path until the school day ends at 3:45
  18. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    now I think back at school :( haven't been there for some years lol
  19. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 30
    Nov 22, 2012
    Well, we'll only RP in detail what you do with Miracolore, unless you want to share what you think your character might be doing in their more specialized classes.
  20. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    If we're having multiple classes, I just hope they'll be brief if we're repeating them over and over.

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