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Group RP Iris-shi High School Talent (Idol) Club! (IC)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by 122 Generation, Jul 14, 2022.

  1. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 19
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    And now it was Kai's turn to squint since the siblings had already done packing up by then. All he could see from there were one whitehead, one brunet, one dark-haired girl, and one unusually tall bag on a table (he couldn't see Morgan from that distance). Hoping to get a better view, Kai lugged his keyboard and moved closer with Nora following suit.

    As the siblings got closer, they could hear a childish whine of "Huh? Onii-chaaaaan!" coming from the direction they were heading to. Oh Naga, whatever's just happening now?
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  2. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    7/6 Saturday: Afternoon

    Goldenrod Square Now Maya found herself standing outside the theatre entrance in Goldenrod Square. It was only early afternoon as the sunlight welcomed her back to the world. Watching a movie in the early morning wasn't done every day, and certainly not before the finals season. (Then again, almost a year ago, Robyn and Robin had done similar. They had gone to an anime convention in Aritia and studied on the commute to and from, just before the week of exams)

    Nowi had also left the theatre and waved to Maya. "Whoa! Maya-chan! You were here too? That movie was awesome! So, what will you do next?"

    @SAF @ChocoChicken
    Amatsu Park Robyn was no less amused that she would be walking together with Nora and Kai as if they were a travelling band (but as school idols, she supposed that made sense anyway). The closer that Kai, Nora, and Robyn got, the more they could make sense that the unusually tall bag was that unusually tall. The childish cry also made Robyn smile too. She recognised that sound as none other than Morgan's whining.

    Soon enough, Robin looked up to see his fellow clubmates approach them (and looked even more pleased to see Robyn).

    "Hey there..." Robyn waved, seeing that really only Robin was paying attention. "Everything okay?" she asked. From the looks of it, the girl with dark long hair (Alex) had visibly closed herself off from the world, and the other boy looked like he was dying. Then there was Morgan, who was finding it hard not to stay out of sight from her onii-chan.

    Robin had just finished up studying his latest chapter. "Uh... I guess so? I'm multitasking." That is, keeping an eye on Morgan.

    (Elsewhere, on the internet... >:D)
    • Robyn x Robin (18)
    • Robyn x Kai (19)
    • Robyn x Tamal (3)
    • Alexa x Robin (15)
    • Alexa x Kai (5)
    • Alexa x Tamal (11)
    • Nora x Robin (5)
    • Nora x Kai (15)
    • Nora x Tamal (3)
    • Maya x Robin (6)
    • Maya x Kai (5)
    • Maya x Tamal (3)
  3. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    (The OTP poll gets more messed up every time it's seen LMAO. Wonder what prompted the flood of Alex and Robin? And I see the fans got caught up in their fanon Robyn-Kai that Robin's been pushed out of his own relationship lol)

    "I died for a bit, but I got better. And Alex is... fine, I think?" Tamal responded to Robyn's question, swapping one of his books for another. Ah, math. That was a better subject - geometry was more his forte.

    Alex on the other hand gave an offhand wave to the new group coming in. Her other arm was busy running through laws and calculations already.
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    122 Generation likes this.
  4. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 32
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    (what is in the vicinity of the movie theater? This will inform Maya's reaction
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  5. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    (That's the idea, so as to mess around with poor Robyn's and Robin's mental health - and possibly drive Robin to being a little jelly :D Now that you mention it, being pushed out of a relationship like that is a little tragic heheh. As for Alex and Robin? Because they're seen studying together - simple as that)

    Robyn stared at Tamal. "You... died? How could you feel better after dying...?" But before she could ask any further, it seemed that Tamal and Alex had switched off and isolated themselves from the world. The fact that Alex didn't even look at her and was focused on studying sent a message that Alex was dead serious. Either Alex was a diligent student, or that she was fighting for survival for the sake of her grades.

    Robin continued to smile at Robyn. "Let's just say that Morgan has had too much fun with Tamal here. She can't get enough of her devious pranks." At that, Robin looked down at his notebook and finished reading over the remainder of his notes. It took a little more time, and when he was done, he closed his notebook. He looked at Nora too. "Was that you playing in the park? Your tunes were nice!"

    "Oh yes! Check this out!" Robyn brought out her phone, excited to show Robin the video she recorded.

    And because Robin was visibly distracted by Robyn's presence, Morgan took the opportunity to slip out of sight. There was a devious grin on her face as she decided who her next victim should be.
  6. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 19
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Like Robyn, Kai waved to their clubmates, never mind that it went unnoticed. I mean, Alex and Tamal looked like they were too busy cramming for final exams which was like, what, a little more than a week away? Both Robyins seemed to be busy with each other and it looked like they had a little girl -- an even younger girl than Nora -- in tow. "And who do we have here, hmm?" the older brunet asked with his own devious grin upon noticing the little girl and the mischievous look on her face.

    Nora, meanwhile, could be seen smiling in response to Robin's compliment while trying to sneak a peek on what Tamal was reading. Turned out it was a second-year high school maths book which was way beyond her at the moment.
  7. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    @SAF @ChocoChicken
    Amatsu Park Morgan visibly paled when she realised she had been caught by the older boy. There was a look on his face that suggested that he knew what she was up to - a kind of look that reminded her of her older brother's (that is, Robin). There was no way that Morgan could try toppling Alex's bag unnoticed like this! If only she could jump just a little closer to that tempting bag...

    "Uh, uh..." Morgan's devious grin faded to become a nervous one, even more so when this boy was taller than her. "I'm... Morgan," her voice became quiet.

    Meanwhile, Robyn and Robin were so invested in watching the video together (let alone in each other's company) that Robin didn't even realise that Morgan had slipped away - until the end of the video.

    Goldenrod Square It appeared that Maya was dazed such that Nowi had to wave her hand in front of Maya's eyes. "Uh... Maya-chan? You okay?"
  8. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 32
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    "Yeah..." Maya replied as she rubbed her eyes. "Just bright outside, that's all."

    After checking her phone to discover there was still plenty of time before she had to be home, something told Maya to take the bus to the park. "Want to head for the park?" she offered Nowi. "Usually in the summer they have food trucks and bands playing."
  9. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014

    Nowi's eyes brightened. "Sure! I bet there will be some specials going on. I don't mind ice cream, crepes, cakes..."

    And so Nowi dragged Maya to the Goldenrod Square bus stop, where the bus would take them to Iris-shi Station first.
    WavePearl likes this.
  10. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 19
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    "Hmm?" the older Hansen leaned closer to the girl as he put his keyboard down. It was heavy, after all. "I can't hear you~" he then playfully chimed in the style of <insert a Spongebob Squarepants equivalent here>'s opening soundtrack. I mean, how was he supposed to know about this kid being Robin's little sister?

    Meanwhile, seeing that Tamal probably wouldn't budge from his studying materials anytime soon, Nora decided to leave him be. Instead, she put her violin case down (it wasn't as heavy as Kai's keyboard, but still) and let her sight wander around the park while leaning on the towering ba--


    Too bad the bag couldn't support the younger Hansen's weight as it (and she) toppled backwards.
    122 Generation likes this.
  11. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 32
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    After being unceremoniously dragged to the bus station, Maya did have enough time to dispose of her movie popcorn bucket (since no food was allowed on the bus, and drinks were only allowed in easily closed containers). Luckily, she had plenty of money for the fares there, food, and the fares for the trip back.
    122 Generation likes this.
  12. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014

    (We’ve assumed Maya lives near Goldenrod Square, so fares for the ride back should be easy)
    Nowi Nowi had also unceremoniously dragged Maya through Amatsu Park when they got off the bus. It was only a momentary walk from the bus stop on Anathema Road to enter the public park, so it didn’t take long for them to reach the park.

    There were a lot of food stalls set up in the area between the lake and Marth Stadium. Now, if they had time, they would gone to explore what stalls were open. But instead, Nowi dragged Maya to the lakeside.

    “Hmm… there must be something we can see around here! Or we can eat,” Nowi said. As she walked, she could make out an enormous pile of books in the distance. An unnaturally enormous pile, come to that.

    @SAF @ChocoChicken
    Robyn and Robin Just as Morgan was about to reply to Kai in protest at his playful remark, her world suddenly went black. In the exact same comical fashion as has happened to Tamal earlier, the sudden and accidental toppling of Alex’s oversized bag came crashing down on her. An excessive amount of textbooks and worksheets flowed out of the bag and buried her in a pile so big that - unlike Tamal - had completely covered Morgan due to her little body. In other words, Morgan was buried more deeply than Tamal, that was for sure!

    And on top of that - pun intended - Nora was lying flat at the top of the pile. The overall appearance of the pile was almost comical.

    “Onii-chan! Save me!” Morgan cried.

    And now Robin was trying not to panic. First, he needed to get Morgan out. Second, there was the concern of what Alexa would make of this. Robyn wasn’t there the first time it happened, so he wasn’t sure if Alex was ready to snap at this.

    Either way, Robyn and Robin sprung into action and they tried to remove the enormous pile of books, worksheets, and review guides. They had to find Morgan, but also not damage Alexa’s work. After all, they knew they had to be careful with their own papers. For a start, Robyn went to help Nora off the pile first.

    “Um… You okay, Nora-chan?” Robyn asked.

    (Can’t think of a SpongeBob equivalent either, but my first guess would be something akin to a cube)
  13. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 32
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    Maya wanted to tell Nowi they were well past the food vendors and food trucks, but then she noticed the pile of books. Were they school books, novels, or something else? And who would read that many books in one go?


    (Cubibob sound good for a Spongebob counterpart?)
  14. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Ironically, it was Tamal who first spotted Alex's bag spilling once again, the sudden movement snapping him out of his tired state. "Wait, don't-"

    A bit too late, Mallik. Before he knew it, the stack they had spent a good chunk of time rescuing him from now had fallen on Morgan. Oh crap. He knew (joked) he was a tough guy who just survived Death By Nerd, but a little kid like Morgan could be in actual danger from Alex's stacks. There were too many hardcovers in there to be safe!

    Just when he was about to make his way over and start shoving the worst of it off, a loud cracking noise interrupted him. He turned to Alex, who sat half-turned towards the pile with a splintered pencil end in her right fist. The other half lay wobbling on the table. He swore he could see her jaw practically grinding itself down even through her grimace alone.

    "Let's get to work." That was all she said before she slapped the other end of the broken pencil down on her half-finished mock exam, stood up, and began to yank books off with a ferocity he hadn't seen in quite a while.
    122 Generation likes this.
  15. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    @WavePearl @ChocoChicken @SAF

    (Cubibob does sound like something... Now I'm imagining a bouncing ice cube heheh)

    Now that Nowi and Maya had gotten closer to the pile of books, they could see some fellow Ylisstol High students frantically digging into the pile of books. Two of them looked suspiciously alike, like Robyn and Robin... Eh, it was probably because that was exactly the case. Who else wore white twin tails like that? "That looks... tedious," Nowi said to Maya.

    At the giant book pile, Robyn was oblivious to Alex's apparent bubbling anger and instead interpreted it as a willingness to help. Still helping Nora off the pile, Robyn turned to see Robin also help Alex pick up and neatly put away the books. He even grouped the worksheets together neatly! Relative to Alex, though, Robin's pacing looked slow. Even then, he was doing his best to put the textbooks away in stacks, book by book. That being said, there was no doubt that Robyn was worried what might have become of Morgan.

    As for Robin, he grew very concerned for Alexa's wellbeing. "Um, Alexa-san, if you're not feeling okay, maybe you should take a break from studying..." he suggested, amid Alex's fast and furious yanking of her books. If anything, Robin would have guessed that something had snapped in her. Thank goodness she wasn't a Risen...

    Deep below the pile, Morgan was buried under an inconceivable number of textbooks. She was getting worried she might not get out.
    WavePearl likes this.
  16. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 19
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Unfortunately for Kai, his playful attitude vanished in an instant at the sight of suddenly falling books and his reflex wasn't quick enough that he couldn't save the kid from it in time. He just stood there for a second to find, lo and behold, Nora lying flat on the pile of books, so he immediately went ahead to help her off the pile first.

    "O-o-o-ow..." the younger Hansen winced in pain as her brother and Robyn helped her up. "I- thanks..." she muttered. Looking around, there's now a messy pile of books courtesy of her own carelessness. Robin and Alex could be seen putting the books away in stacks, though the latter looked like she was seething at the whole kerfuffle. I mean, were all these books even hers in the first place?

    So... yeah, Nora was pretty sure she would be in for a bad time.
    #1176 Jun 9, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2023
  17. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 32
    Nov 22, 2012
    @SAF @122 Generation @ChocoChicken

    Maya balked at the (seemingly) massive pile of books. How that many books got there, she wasn't sure, but she could at the very least organize the huge mess, and see if everyone was okay...
  18. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    Robyn gave a relieved smile seeing that the smaller Hansen was back on her feet. Seemed like the shock of causing an accident had caused herself to be shaky. Seemed that Nora might need a breather from what happened, as amusing and frightening the situation was.

    Between Maya and Nowi, Nowi stepped forward to speak to Robin first. "Robin onii-chan! Everything okay?"

    "Oh, hey, Nowi-chan," Robin greeted his underclassman. "Um, Morgan is buried underneath all this." As he said that, he continued to arrange the hardcovers into neat stacks, although not too tall enough to cause another round of tome stackers.

    It had taken a while, but Morgan was finally unearthed from the giant pile.

    "Morgan! You okay?" Robin said.

    "Um... Yeah..." Morgan whispered quietly, a little shaken by the crushing impact of Alexa's bag. While Robin went to help her on her feet, Robyn picked up where Robin left off from sorting out Alexa's bag. Morgan then looked at Kai and Nora with a thumb-up. "I'm good, really!" she said, trying to smile.

    "I think we should take a study break," Robin suggested again, this time directing at Tamal as well.

    Robyn smiled a little. Seemed everything would be okay now. "Um, we could always go eat together at the food stalls. You know, I got a letter from Tala-chan that I wanted to share with us."
    WavePearl likes this.
  19. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Now that most of the books were back in order, Alex left the pile as was. "I'm good as well, so long as nobody's hurt. You guys go on ahead, and I'll figure this out back here."

    "Alex? Don't you also... all right. I'll get ya something from the stands, if that's where we're going." Tamal paused before turning to the others. "Wait, Tala sent a letter? That's awesome! We haven't heard from her in quite a while."
    WavePearl likes this.
  20. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    @ChocoChicken @SAF @WavePearl @Pirate Captain

    "I know right?!" Robyn balled her hands into fists. "I have it with me, so we have to see this! Tala-chan would have wanted you to read it too."

    Robin looked apologetically at Alex. "Um... So long as you're okay with it, good luck." At that, he lifted Morgan onto his back to carry her over to the stands. Seemed that Morgan might need some time to recover from the shock. He hoped that maybe Morgan might stop playing tome stackers after this, but he had serious doubts.

    "Oi! Robin onii-chan! Can I come too?" Nowi piped.

    "Nowi-chan? Where did you...? Never mined. Sure," Robin replied, a little surprised from the girl's sudden appearance.

    So the members of the Ylisstol High School Talent/Idol Club made their way from the lakeside to where the food stands were set up. They either appeared as stationary stalls or food trucks. There were many foods to choose from too, whether it was takoyaki, ramen, yakisoba, ice cream, crepe, melon pan, or sandwiches. Just something that could be prepared right on the spot.

    But of all the things that Robyn and Robin got, they got kumadon. That is, bear meat on rice. While bear meat was edible and for sale in Iris-shi - even in the Hee Ho Mart - it certainly wasn't desirable by everyone, and partly because of its smell. Not even Morgan was impressed when her brother and Robyn came back from the stall with the food.

    So Morgan had a plate of apple curry and rice instead.

    (Yeah, couldn't help referencing more apple curry from other RPs ;))
    #1180 Jun 11, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2023
    SAF likes this.

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