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Sign Up/Discussion Plates of Fate

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by NyxieRina, Jul 23, 2023.

  1. NyxieRina

    Level 8
    Jul 21, 2021
    GS Ball ★★★★★Oran Berry ★★
    It had been 10 years since trouble stirred up in the Trifecta Regions. In all that time, life in the Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh regions have become better than ever. But now, that era of peace is about to come to an end. Something is looming in the background, threatening to destroy the world as we know it.

    You are an ordinary trainer, just trying to chase your dreams wherever they may lead you. But when your funny little trinket starts talking about God and using Their powers to save the world, will you heed its call?


    Plates of Fate is a semi-dice RP where you play as a Trainer that (unintentionally) obtains the power of God to become a Magical Girl! Using the power of the Arcean Plates, you gain the powers of the 18 elemental types and use that to defeat the powers of evil!

    Interested? Here's what you need to know about the story and mechanics!
    (Info Dumps Below)

    POF takes place in the Trifecta Regions, a nickname given to the Kanto-Johto-Sinnoh Alliance. It has been 10 years since the end of both HGSS and DPPt and much has changed in the regions.

    To quickly summarize; Sinnoh is now accessible from Kanto and Johto via a train across the Coronet mountain range. Kanto and Johto no longer share the same league and each have their own Elite 4 and Champion. Due to their proximity, the three of them decided to create an alliance of sorts, making them the most popular destination for both battle and mythology enthusiasts. Other changes will be noted if and when they appear in the RP.

    Your character starts in Goldenrod City, Johto. But they won't remain there for the entirety of the rp. As time goes on, you and your fellow teammates may end up traveling to all the Trifecta Regions, with the possibility of also going elsewhere.

    The Arcean Plates are mythical items said to Arceus Themselves. According to legend, these plates were used by Arceus to create the universe, with each plate creating the various Pokémon types we see in the world today. It is said that after Arceus was done, They sent those plates to Earth, so that in times of great need, they may be used by the people and Pokémon of the world to protect it.

    But this knowledge is highly debated. Few people have ever seen the Arcean Plates for themselves and records of them are scarce to none. Some people believe that the existence of the plates are merely an embellishment added to the creation myth to make it sound more grand. But they are indeed true.

    Like most elemental boosting items (ie. Mystic Water), the Arcean Plates can boost the elemental abilities of the Pokémon that hold them. But it has an even bigger impact if a HUMAN holds them instead. When a Human uses it, it transforms them so they gain the powers of the elemental auras in the plates. They are able to access nearly all moves of that type, are able to gain abilities associated with that type, and even connect and boost other Pokémon of the same type.

    The Arcean Plates have two forms. A dormant form where they look like a little tag themed around they type they are, and an active form where they turn into a big tablet with an iridescent sheen on it. Aside from its indestructibility, its near impossible to tell it is an Arcean plate just from its dormant form.. When it turns into it's active form, it can be (for a lack of a better term) absorbed by its holder to boost their abilities. If they get knocked out, the plate will be knocked out of their body.

    The Plates also come with a helpful guide in the form of an Unown that lives in the plate. They can act like independent Pokémon, but can also act as extensions of the users when they use the plate.

    Here are the list of Plates, their types, and the Unown attached to them. Ask me for more information about them.

    Blank Plate | Normal | O-Form
    Draco Plate | Dragon | W-Form
    Dread Plate | Dark | D-Form
    Earth Plate | Ground | P-Form
    Fist Plate | Fighting | L-Form
    Flame Plate | Fire | Y-Form
    Icicle Plate | Ice | B-Form
    Insect Plate | Bug | J-Form
    Iron Plate | Steel | Q-Form
    Meadow Plate | Grass | T-Form
    Mind Plate | Psychic | M-Form
    Pixie Plate | Fairy | H-Form
    Sky Plate | Flying | F-Form
    Splash Plate | Water | K-Form
    Spooky Plate | Ghost | G-Form
    Stone Plate | Rock | V-Form
    Toxic Plate | Poison | X-Form
    Zap Plate | Electric | N-Form

    POF will use a simplified dice system when it comes to combat. Dice rolls will be done on Discord using Dyno for maximum transparency (if participants aren't on Discord, then a screenshot of the roll will be sent here)

    These are the ways Dice will be used in the RP:

    Everyone will roll a D20 to see who goes first. The one with the highest number moves first. Enemy Pokémon will have their base speed minus the last number be used for their roll.

    Ex: Fist - 10, Dread - 7, Sawsbuck - 9 (removed the 5 from its 95 base speed)
    Turn order: Fist -> Sawsbuck -> Dread

    With the exception of never-miss moves like Swift, all moves will have a chance to miss. This will be rolled once everyone has had their turn and the conclusions of which will be written on the end post. This roll will use a D10 with the example below. The accuracy that doesnt end in 0 will be rounded down for simplicity.

    Ex. 100% - 10 miss, 90% - 9-10 miss, 80% 8-10 miss.

    If a multi-hit move is used, a D4 or D6 will be used to see how many times it strikes (Dyno doesn't allow for custom dice).

    Additionally, if a move has a secondary effect, a D10 will be used to see if the effect takes hold.
    Ex. Scald has a 30% chance of inflicting burn so they must roll a 1-3 in order to get the burn

    If a move lands, a D20 will be rolled to see if it becomes a Critical Hit. A critical hit gets half of its base power added to the attack, before type effectiveness is added. A 20 will make it a critical hit, but the rolls can change depending on the move used.

    Once a Status Effect is inflicted, a D4 will be rolled to see how many turns it will last on the target. After said turns the status effect will go away.

    This RP will ignore STAB and the different types of Attack and Defenses. All that matters here is the raw base power of the move. Moves have been grouped together so they should deal the same amount of damage.

    10-35 Damage = 0.5 Damage
    40-55 Damage = 1 Damage
    60-75 Damage = 2 Damage
    80-100 Damage = 3 Damage
    100+ Damage = 5 Damage

    If a move is super effective against a target, add half of its power to the move. If it is not very effective, reduce the damage done by half.

    The bearers of the Arcean Plates can learn any move of their type, with the exception of signature moves, z-moves, and g-moves.

    Additionally, they have to be at the right level to learn those moves.

    There are 5 levels of proficiency one can reach when wielding the Arcean Plates. Each level gives the user more boons to help them fight evil.

    At the moment, all users are at Level 1, which includes the following perks:

    - 15 HP
    - Access to all moves below 55 Damage (1 Damage below)
    - Access to all status moves

    Still here? Great! Here is the Character Sheet

    Age: (Between 13-17)
    Home Region:
    Civilian Appearance:
    Backstory: (At least explain where they got the Plate from and how they ended up in Goldenrod for the story)

    Arcean Plate: (Name of the plate)
    Alias: (The name they go as in magical girl form, if they have one)
    Magical Girl Appearance: (Go wild. As long as they look like they embody the type they have)
    Level: (All characters start as Level 1.)
    Moveset: (Start with 3 attacking moves and 3 status moves. More can be learned later)

    Pokémon: (You can be as descriptive as you want here. Max 6 Pokémon. They can catch more Pokémon later in the RP.)
    Inventory: (All characters start with nothing but P2,000)

    #1 Jul 23, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2023
    ChocoChicken likes this.
  2. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Choco is crawling out of the nearby gutters to sniff at new RP (/j, I hope that wasn't TOO insane. I can turn it down to regular insane in here)

    I've got a few questions to start with.

    1. Do all characters have to be native to the Kanto-Johto-Sinnoh alliance, or can they be foreigners? I understand the Goldenrod City rule, but would it be okay to have someone from a different region who moved there or do they have to be native?
    2. Maybe this is more so my brain trying to establish everything already but do we need to stick to a color for the Magical Girl form? And are those colors predetermined by type or are we allowed to go a little bit more varied (say like Ground type can have some brown but with the design still predominantly green, etc, or should brown be the main color overall?)
    3. Is there a minimum Pokémon limit? Like, should we have at least one?
    4. Are anime/tactical-style uses of the moves allowed? Like using moves in ways they aren't used in the game but to do things like affect the environment, counter another move, etc.

    Those are all my questions for now and I am already rotating through character thoughts in my head, I will see you later when I flesh them out better haha ciao
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  3. NyxieRina

    Level 8
    Jul 21, 2021
    GS Ball ★★★★★Oran Berry ★★
    Hello! Thank you for the interest in this RP! I dont mind the insanity, Im really happy that peopel are interested in this!

    As for your questions:

    1. Yep! Your trainer can come from any of the main regions.

    2. While I prefer the plate color be the primary color of their magical girl transformation, as long as the type still comes across youre all good!

    3. Yes, you can start the journey with no Pokémon, but certain events might require you to have a Pokémon partner.

    4. Yep! Youre free to freestyle the battle scenes but the math will still stay the same. If you plan on doing something unique but arent sure how that would work out, you can ask here or on the discord so we can sort things out.

    I can't wait to see who you come up with!
  4. NyxieRina

    Level 8
    Jul 21, 2021
    GS Ball ★★★★★Oran Berry ★★
    Just a quick few things:

    - the HP is meant to be 15 points not 25 points for Level 1. I didnt realize I put the wrong number til now
    - Ill be adding Critical Hits to this. When an attack lands, I will be rolling a D20 to see if it becomes a critical hit. If it rolls a 20 it becomes a critical and half of its base power gets added to it. This roll may change depending on the individual moves properties.

    I will be updating the main post with these changes.
    SAF and ChocoChicken like this.
  5. NyxieRina

    Level 8
    Jul 21, 2021
    GS Ball ★★★★★Oran Berry ★★
    Here is what the Arcean Plates generally look like. Disguised and Active. I used the Insect Plate as the example:

    ChocoChicken likes this.
  6. NyxieRina

    Level 8
    Jul 21, 2021
    GS Ball ★★★★★Oran Berry ★★
    Also you can have more than one character in this, as long as you can keep up and play as all of them.
  7. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Quick question. What are the main colors for each type?
  8. NyxieRina

    Level 8
    Jul 21, 2021
    GS Ball ★★★★★Oran Berry ★★
    Heres a screenshot from Bulbapedia:


    In POF, the plates somehwat resemble their anime counterparts in terms of shape.


    Also the Legend Plate wont be used here.
    ChocoChicken likes this.
  9. NyxieRina

    Level 8
    Jul 21, 2021
    GS Ball ★★★★★Oran Berry ★★
    Name: Pamela Harrison
    Age: 15
    Gender/Pronouns: Female She/Her
    Home Region: Hoenn
    Civilian Appearance:

    Personality: Pamela is a kindhearted and eccentric girl. She loves making new ideas but this can lead into her being indecisive often. She can also be a bit scatterbrained but she's trying to work on it.
    Backstory: Pamela was born in Rustburto City in the Hoenn Region. Her mother was a Pokémon doctor while her father was completely absent from her life. Pamela had a lot of aspirations but wasn't sure which ones were actual goals and which ones were just idle fantasies. She decided she needed to explore and see the world before she could confidently say what she wanted to do. Her mother supported her decision and gave her a good luck charm before she set off. Pamela wanted to see the world outside of Hoenn so she traveled to the Trifecta Regions. After landing in Olivine City, she decided to travel to Goldenrod City to see what opportunities awaited her in the capital of Johto.

    Arcean Plate: Insect Plate
    Type: Bug
    Alias: Jitterbug
    Magical Girl Appearance:

    (Second Picrew is to show the fade and the shape of the glasses)
    Level: 1
    - String Shot (Status, lowers targets initiative roll by 1 each use)
    - Fury Cutter (1 Damage (gains 0.5 each successful attack))
    - Twin Needle (0.5 Damage (hits twice)
    - Pin Missile (0.5 Damage (hits 2-5 times)
    (Sticking with 4 moves for now due to lack of Bug Moves)

    - Nils | Trapinch | Male | Hardy

    - P2,000
    ChocoChicken likes this.
  10. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 19
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Quick question: For moves like Night Shade whose damage equals to user's level in the games, how will it work here?
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  11. NyxieRina

    Level 8
    Jul 21, 2021
    GS Ball ★★★★★Oran Berry ★★
    I had not considered those kinds of moves. Well, there are levels of proficiency that the characters can reach. Perhaps we can have it be attatched to that. At level 1 it will only do 1 damage and at level 5 it would do 5 damage. Im unsure if critical hits can happen with this move but in that case we can have those too.

    Feel free to ask about other moves with funky damage stuff so we can clear them before they become a problem.
  12. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 19
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Another girl for now -- will see if we're gonna have boys and/or enbies in the mix later on. ;)

    Airin Fletcher / Spectra
    Name: Airin Fletcher
    Alias: Spectra
    Age: 15 y.o.
    Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
    Home Region: Alola
    Appearance: Airin on the left, Spectra on the right.

    Personality: Airin has a sweet demeanor and looks like your typical quiet girl archetype. However, it's actually because she was born mute but still can hear everything audible for a normal person. She will need something to write stuff down in case her main methods of "speaking up" (via gestures and sign language) don't work. She also tends to poke people when she needs to talk to them. May sound rude, but that's literally the only way she can get their attention.
    Airin has been a mute girl since birth. Despite her paternal grandparents' order to abandon her because she "brought dishonor upon the family", her parents decided to raise her anyway. Thanks to her upbringing and her "sweet child" attitude, she once unknowingly shamed her grandparents for their discriminatory attitudes in a family gathering. Somehow.

    That aside, Airin was your average Alolan girl who managed to complete her island challenge by finishing the final trial atop Mount Lanakila. Thinking she had nothing else to do back home, she decided to start her journey anew in other regions. She randomly boarded inter-region public transportations during her journey (though being a mute girl had its own challenges, heh), eventually ended up finding herself in Goldenrod City, Johto. And oh, did I say she once found this spooky-looking tag that she'd thought of as someone's lost lucky charm at first?
    Arcean Plate: Spooky Plate
    Type: Ghost
    Level: 1
    • Astonish
    • Night Shade
    • Shadow Sneak
    • Confuse Ray
    • Curse
    • Nightmare
    Current roster:

    Nickname: Juno
    Trainer: Airin Fletcher
    Gender: Male
    Type: Grass / Ghost
    Ability: Long Reach
    HP: 19
    Initiative: 7
    • Spirit Shackle
    • Leaf Blade
    • Acrobatics
    • Sucker Punch
    • Juno is Airin's official starter since her island-hopping days back in Alola.

    Nickname: Effie
    Trainer: Airin Fletcher
    Gender: Female
    Type: Psychic
    Ability: Magic Bounce
    HP: 16
    Initiative: 11
    • Yawn
    • Psychic
    • Morning Sun
    • Dazzling Gleam
    • In case Airin can't find anything to write on and the person she's, er, "talking" to can't understand sign language, Effie can telepathically relay everything Airin wanted to say to the other person.
    Money: P2,000
    • Spooky Plate
    None at the moment

    Pepe Sylvan / Morpho Man
    Name: Pepe Sylvan
    Alias: Morpho Man
    Age: 17 y.o.
    Gender/Pronouns: He/Him
    Home Region: Alola
    Appearance: Pepe on the left, Morpho Man on the right.
    • Not pictured: Morpho Man's blue butterfly aesthetics on his undershirt, cape, and trousers (replacing the "buttons" on the trousers).

    Personality: A happy-go-lucky guy who won't hesitate to come to others' aid. That's the kind of guy Pepe is. He doesn't mind helping people unless it's for something beyond his abilities and/or conflicting with his beliefs. That, combined with his good looks and extra patience, made Pepe an unwitting chick magnet despite his sexuality (he's an ace btw). Also, fun fact: Airin was the one who taught him sign language in the first place.
    Back at home, Pepe had/has two best friends: Brenna Siriana (three years older than him) and Airin Fletcher (two years younger than him). Airin's predicaments had spurred both him and Brenna to learn sign language so that they both can understand her. Their friendship went on and on as the three grew up to the point that Airin felt somewhat lonely when Pepe started his island challenge with Brenna already gone chasing her own dreams.

    Like any other Alolan kids, Pepe took part on the island challenge at the age of 11. It was during this journey when he found a random bottle containing a message and this little pink tag with a blue butterfly on it just when he was about to do a Mantine surfing from Ula'ula Beach. He took it to its supposed recipient only for them to let him keep the tag. Oh well, whatever.

    After finally finishing the Alolans' coming-of-age ritual (which took him at least 5 tries to finish the final trial alone), Pepe decided to start his journey anew to explore the world outside the isles he grew up in. He eventually made his way to Goldenrod City where fate had him meet an old friend...
    Arcean Plate: Pixie Plate
    Type: Fairy
    Level: 1
    • Fairy Wind
    • Disarming Voice
    • Draining Kiss
    • Aromatic Mist
    • Charm
    • Moonlight
    Current roster:

    Nickname: Gaoh
    Trainer: Pepe Sylvan
    Gender: Male
    Type: Fire / Dark
    Ability: Intimidate
    HP: 23
    Initiative: 6
    • Darkest Lariat
    • Drain Punch
    • Flamethrower
    • Scary Face
    • Gaoh is Pepe's official starter since his island-hopping days back in Alola.

    Nickname: Nina
    Trainer: Pepe Sylvan
    Gender: Female
    Type: Fairy
    Ability: Cute Charm
    HP: 23
    Initiative: 6
    • Moonblast
    • Hyper Voice
    • Magical Leaf
    • Light Screen
    Money: P2,000
    • Pixie Plate
    None at the moment
    #12 Jul 26, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2023
    NyxieRina likes this.
  13. NyxieRina

    Level 8
    Jul 21, 2021
    GS Ball ★★★★★Oran Berry ★★
    @SAF Airin and Spectra have been ACCEPTED!
    SAF likes this.
  14. NyxieRina

    Level 8
    Jul 21, 2021
    GS Ball ★★★★★Oran Berry ★★
    @SAF I just realized a potential hiccup with your character. Spite is a move that targets PP, but this RP will be ignoring that for the sake of simplicity. Do you want to replace Spite with a different move or leave it blank for now?
  15. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 19
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Whelp, lessee...

    How will Grudge and Destiny Bond work here? I'll need a way to put foes to sleep if I do Nightmare...
  16. NyxieRina

    Level 8
    Jul 21, 2021
    GS Ball ★★★★★Oran Berry ★★
    Grudge probably wont work because of the Lack of PP.

    For Destiny Bond, if you use the move and in the same turn someone causes you to faint, they will faint as well. Although this will be determined at the very end of the turn when all the calculations and stuff are done.

    You can always collaborate with your other teammates to have sleep inducing moves if you want to use nightmare.
  17. NyxieRina

    Level 8
    Jul 21, 2021
    GS Ball ★★★★★Oran Berry ★★
    Here is the Google Sheet for the Characters Battle Info. This will be our guide when were navigating combat situations.
  18. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    Oho. Bringing back Airin? I shall bring back Kotone... and Makoto. For the record, Makoto can understand sign. Unfortunately, digital art is nots my thing...
    Kotone Shiomi / Eurydice
    Name: Kotone Shiomi
    Alias: Eurydice
    Age: 15
    Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
    Home Region: Sinnoh
    Personality: An extremely cheerful and bubbly resident of Canalave City. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and she cares for pretty much everyone around her, which is why she is so admired. But she also loves poking fun at others to the point of making up her shippings and OTPs (one true pairings), since she does have a liking to romantic shows and fanfiction. She even ships herself with her opposite, Makoto Yuki (who is calmed, reserved, and hot, in Kotone's opinion). She has a tendency to be wild, scatterbrained, or annoying to a point that defies common sense - and maybe enough to make people lose it.
    Level: 1
    Arcean Plate: Flame Plate
    Type: Fire
    • Ember
    • Fire Spin
    • Flame Wheel
    • Sunny Day
    Pokémon Species: Litwick
    Nickname: Mochi
    Trainer: Kotone
    Gender: Female
    Type: Ghost/Fire
    Ability: Flash Fire
    HP: 10
    Initiative: 3
    • Ember
    • Hex
    • Will-O-Wisp
    • Shadow Ball
    Balance: 2000P
    Makoto Yuki / Orpheus
    Name: Makoto Yuki
    Alias: Orpheus
    Age: 15
    Gender/Pronouns: He/Him
    Home Region: Sinnoh
    Personality: A calm, reserved, and quiet resident of Canalave City. Very much Kotone's opposite, he is of few words only speaks when necessary, but otherwise doesn't give a care for anyone around him. Neither is he great at cheering up others but at least can cut to the point when needed. Ironically, Makoto is really the only one who could keep Kotone restrained and has a natural resistance to her antics.
    Level: 1
    Arcean Plate: Icicle Plate
    Type: Ice
    • Powder Snow
    • Ice Shard
    • Icicle Spear
    • Snowscape
    Pokémon Species: Gallade
    Nickname: Aki
    Trainer: Makoto
    Gender: Male
    Type: Psychic/Fighting
    Ability: Sharpness
    HP: 15
    Initiative: 7
    • Leaf Blade
    • Psycho Cut
    • Slash
    • Swords Dance
    Balance: 2000P

    Kotone and Makoto are students of the local high school in Canalave City. They both grew up never knowing who their parents were and instead spent their lives in the care of their respective relatives - at least until they moved to dormitories in high school. As they grew older, their personalities became more polarised - with Kotone becoming very social and Makoto becoming not social.

    During this school term (to Kotone's joy but not Makoto's), they got accepted into the same internship that the school offered in Goldenrod City. So Kotone used this as a excuse to drag Makoto out to explore. While they were in the city, Kotone went on a spending spree and bought these two plates she found in the Goldenrod Tunnel.

    As much as Makoto tried pushing the plate away from her when she offered, Kotone was so persistent that Makoto thought it was more worth his while to keep the plate in his bag instead of Kotone constantly forcing her way through. This was only one of a few rare occasions where he had to give in to Kotone!
    This will be edited later once I have more time.
    #18 Jul 26, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2023
    SAF likes this.
  19. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 19
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★

    As for the Pokémon themselves, are there any limitations on the moves? I'm thinking of giving Effie Yawn but it's an egg move for Eeveelutions...

    Aye. I contemplated on rebooting ice-type Kaede/Sherry at first but ended up ditching it. Oh well, at least you can dib it instead. :thumbsup:

    As for the digital art thing, Nyxie and I used Picrew -- mainly because I can't even draw. :sweat:
  20. NyxieRina

    Level 8
    Jul 21, 2021
    GS Ball ★★★★★Oran Berry ★★
    That is a good question. I'm still working on that but I will update the thread once I have something for it.

    Please inform me when you have the final version of your characters finished so I can go over them.
    SAF likes this.

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