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Ask Questions of Madness

Discussion in 'Question & Answer' started by 8542Madness, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. DIO


    Legendary Egg
    (Groudon Egg)
    Level 12
    Sep 14, 2014
    Can I call you Shawn, just because you remind me of one of my friends?
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  2. 8542Madness

    Apr 6, 2014
    I see that you've limited my answer with that word "pony." How disappointing. Discord is the best character/villain/hero, and always has been all three at the same time.

    As far as best pony goes, I'd say that it's a close call between Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, and Rarity, with Twilight taking the lead with Applejack hot on her hooves and Rarity trailing just a little behind. I choose these three because I can identify best with them.

    I identify most with Twilight, which is why she's my favorite. We both have a powerful passion for learning everything that we can. We both went for the longest of times without understanding the magic of friendship (that was cheesy). We both are natural leaders. I see a large piece of myself reflected in her character.

    I identify second most strongly with Applejack because of my intense honesty policy. I personally hate it when people think they can lie to my face and get away with it. They never do. I'm brutally and bluntly honest with people, and I work tirelessly all the time with no complaint because I'm happy to do so for others. That's what I see of me in Applejack.

    Admittedly, I have very little personality similarities with Rarity. While I do speak more formally and respectfully to everyone than the majority of my similarly aged peers, that's simply because I spend most of my time reading. Informal speech and slang speech is still a foreign concept to me. What I see of myself in Rarity is her generosity. If I were to be an element, it would either be magic or generosity. People usually assume that I'm a harsh, rough, and uncaring person due to my zero tolerance for stupidity, but I'm actually pretty soft. I give all the time, but I normally don't let people know I've done anything. If they know it was me, it ruins the magic of the moment. I don't want their thanks for my generosity; I just want to see them smile, smile, smile.

    Woah, super long answer for a super easy question.

    We actually used to fight. A lot. All the time. So, up until a little over one year ago, I had very few fond memories that were not tainted ten minutes later by vicious verbal assault.

    To be honest, I have no specific fondest memory. I haven't enjoyed any one specific moment with her more than the others. The reason for this is that I enjoy simply talking to her more than I really enjoy doing stuff. I'm happiest when we just start up some random youtube video and talk. Whether it's about the video or about something completely different doesn't matter. I just enjoy talking to her.

    There is one specific memory I have of just talking that is decently interesting. Both of us are full time high school students who are also enrolled as part time college students, so we (that being I, because she doesn't have a driver's license yet) constantly have to drive back and forth between high school and college. On one of these drives, I took a wrong turn. This was swiftly followed by another wrong turn that was attempting to fix the previous wrong turn. One thing led to another and we became horribly lost on a long, winding highway.

    At this point, we stop trying to figure it out ourselves and Shiny whips out her cell phone to activate the GPS. We had hoped that the GPS would help us figure out where we were and how to get back to school. Unfortunately, it gave us incorrect directions. We ended up stuck on an extremely long highway that had no exits and no places to make a u-turn for miles upon miles.

    During this time, we talked. Our little talks turned a frustrating ordeal into one of the happiest moments of my life. As the winding highway took us up into Hawaii's mountains and across the valley hills, I got to appreciate some absolutely beautiful scenery. Throughout it all, we talked about what we saw and what we thought.

    If I could go back, I would have skipped that convenient u-turn location and pretended to have not seen it, and by doing so extended our route (and conversation) even further along.

    Well you certainly could, but I'd probably forget the new nickname relatively quickly. I have horrible memory for names. In fact, I only remember a few of the many many many nicknames that have been given to me. I have gone by Marcus (real name), James (also the nickname I gave my darker side), Stanley, Discord, Princess, and Cannon.

    I got Stanley as a nickname from Shiny shortly after playing The Stanley Parable. We went to a party afterwards that had those funny "Hello, I am___" name tags. I went as Stanley, she was my narrator.

    I got Discord for being able to analyze and describe the villain of the same name in incredible detail, as well as act exactly as he would on multiple occasions. I'm a pretty good actor sometimes, and Discord just comes naturally to me.

    I got Princess off a joke one of my friends made. They joked that I acted a lot like the character Twilight Sparkle, so I may as well become a princess myself. When asked what I would become a princess of, I calmly replied "sarcasm" and it stuck. I am the Princess of Sarcasm.

    I got Cannon on my own terms. I didn't just get this nickname; I earned it through blood, sweat, and tears. Literally all three of those were shed. I earned "Cannon" shortly after using a foam dodgeball to not only leave bruises on people on the other side of the building, but from also shattering a window, breaking an exit sign, shattering a lightbulb, and temporarily blinding someone who got hit in the face. All of these things were done with a foam ball. Hence, I was the cannon. Cannon is my favorite nickname.

    I am curious as to what it is about me that reminds you of one of your friends. Is it my humor? The beard? My magnificent face?
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  3. Xarn

    Xarn Sponsor

    Level 56
    Oct 30, 2014
    What does your name means? Why you chose it?
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  4. ShiroLugia

    ShiroLugia ✂ No Longer Human.

    Aug 7, 2014
    What made you decide to join LV?
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  5. Noctis

    Noctis *this message has been removed*

    Nov 13, 2014
    Why are you so awesome?
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  6. 8542Madness

    Apr 6, 2014
    My name meaning isn't too significant. Madness comes from my random ways of thinking that nobody, aside from Shinygiratinaz, understands. I usually come to the same conclusions on things that others do, but I find solutions in completely different ways. I've always been a bit crazy compared to normal people, so Madness just made sense to me. The 8542 was added on because Madness is a common username and I wanted some unique part of the name to be my own creation.

    Shinygiratinaz kept yelling at me to get on a website and create an account. I didn't listen. After a few months of this, I caved in and joined Lake Valor. It's pretty simple.

    I can't tell you that. It's a secret!
  7. TAPQI

    TAPQI Bird Keeper

    Dec 6, 2014
    What is your favorite non-legendary

    First generation Pokémon?

    Second generation Pokémon?

    Third generation Pokémon?

    Fourth generation Pokémon?

    Fifth generation Pokémon?

    Sixth generation Pokémon?
  8. 8542Madness

    Apr 6, 2014
    First gen: Gengar
    Second: Umbreon
    Third: Absol
    Fourth: Porygon-Z
    Fifth: Swoobat (purely for competitive reasons)
    Sixth: Goodra
  9. VolanteMirage

    VolanteMirage School Kid

    Jan 2, 2015
    when are you finally gonna get that surgery so that I'm compelled to get contacts? you gonna go off to college? Right after School ends? Or a little later?

    And do you think you'll be able to keep good tabs on what's goin on here in LV (and in Hawaii) when you get there?
    (Should everyone be preparing to miss a little Madness for a while is what I'm askin)
  10. 8542Madness

    Apr 6, 2014
    I don't know. Getting my arm fixed may or may not really do anything to help, simply because my body can't repair itself. Having the muscle repaired artificially means it will be weakened and more susceptible to damage in the future, putting me right back at square one. I'll give it a shot, but I'm not certain that getting the muscle repaired will make it last very long.

    When I go off to college depends mainly on where I get accepted to. If I get accepted to Denver University (my top choice) then I'll be leaving in late July. During the transition from here to there, I will probably not have much time for anything other than focusing on getting moved in and learning how things work at DU. That means I won't be in contact much for probably a week or so. Once I've moved in, however, I will absolutely be keeping up with all my friends both in real life and on Lake Valor. I've made too many great friendships to just not keep in contact with these wonderful people (yes, you are included in "wonderful people").

    I'm going to make sure that nobody has to miss out on the madness of Madness if it can be helped.
  11. ShiroLugia

    ShiroLugia ✂ No Longer Human.

    Aug 7, 2014
    Do you usually eat breakfast? If so, what?
  12. 8542Madness

    Apr 6, 2014
    I cannot survive without breakfast. I'm always hungry, so breakfast is an absolute must every single day. What I have for breakfast differs from day to day. Some days, I'll eat plain old cereal. Well, without normal milk. I have to use soy milk or almond milk since I get horribly sick when I drink milk. If I don't have cereal, I'll sometimes make myself some corned beef hash and eggs. Other days when I have less time result in me just popping a few frozen waffles into my toaster and buttering them up as I run out the door.
  13. ShiroLugia

    ShiroLugia ✂ No Longer Human.

    Aug 7, 2014
    Do you relate with the Pokémon mewtwo? How so?
  14. 8542Madness

    Apr 6, 2014
    Mewtwo has always been special to me for many reasons. One major reason is simply by how alike we are. You will see there in my signature a Mewtwo personality quiz result. For some reason, people like to manipulate the quiz to get legendary Pokémon that they think are cool. I got Mewtwo on the first try with no knowledge that he was a possible result. The reason for this is because that is really who I am most like. I'm often cold and calculating instead of friendly. I keep up a barrier of seriousness and resentment for others because I usually want to be left alone. I like certain individuals, but I just harbor a resentment for humanity in general.

    However, truth be told, I can't just pick out certain parts of that analysis to be truer than others. Like the rest of it says, I am very insecure. I'm harshly defensive to the point of being highly intimidating and outwardly aggressive to others. I am solitary by choice, but sometimes regret being so. I do like some people. I know that not all of humanity is awful. It's just hard to find those who aren't, and I often don't have the patience to try. Why bother? Most people are mean idiots anyways.

    I guess, in a way, I see myself as separate from "humanity" as a whole. Because of my problems, both physical, social, and mental, I am treated by humanity as broken and different, and am not accepted by most people. Why should I consider myself human when no human considers me to be so? It's pointless. Humanity sets me apart from them, so I sometimes don't try to be a part of humanity. Still, I know I am human. As much as I may sometimes wish I wasn't, the undeniable truth is that I am human. As frustrated as I get with people, I still deep down just want some friends. Sometimes I forget that.

    That was a bit rantish. Anyway, another reason I relate to Mewtwo is in genetics. My genetics are, for a lack of a better saying, horribly screwed up. My brain is literally missing essential parts due to a stunted development caused by some genetic problem I can't remember the name of. I've had all sorts of problems due to things caused by or affected by my genetics, like memory problems, speaking problems, facial paralysis, heart problems, language understanding problems, and a shortened lifespan by a few decades. Like Metwo, the circumstances of my birth had a massive effect on how I lived my life. Years later, I've come to understand the same thing he did: The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you really are. I don't want to be bitter about how I was born. I can't change it, so complaining does nothing to help. I just have to bear the weight of living while I can and do my best to make sure life isn't so heavy for others. If I can keep hope then anyone can, and I can help them.

    This whole thing was a huge rant. Anyway, Mewtwo and I are very much alike. A lot of the things mewtwo says and does are things that are exactly what I would say and do.
    ShiroLugia likes this.
  15. Prosecutor

    Nov 19, 2014
    Have you played Fire Emblem: Awakening?

    How about Bravely Default?

    If you play Smash, which character is your favorite, least favorite?
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  16. 8542Madness

    Apr 6, 2014
    Nope, I haven't played any Fire Emblem games.

    Nope, I've never even heard of Bravely Default.

    IF I play smash!? Oh boy, Smash is one of my absolute favorites! I can't choose just one favorite character, but I'm told by people that I seem to play best as Ganondorf and Charizard. I play heavy characters the way that most people play light characters. Most people don't expect to see Ganondorf taking a risky jump off the stage to perform an "air wall" maneuver, but I do it! I've won countless games by throwing people's expectations of my tactics away and hitting them with a move they would have never seen coming. While I do have tons of love for Ganondorf, I can't really say he is more of my favorite than about ten other characters because I really like the majority of the characters. In fact, the only characters I don't like are Pac-Man, Duck Hunt, Dr. Mario, and Dark Pit. Nobody wanted them. Nobody asked for them. They take up space in the roster that should have gone to other more deserving Nintendo characters. Heck, Dark Pit and Dr. Mario are almost exact copies of characters already in smash. They should have been just a skin option. The differences between the characters and their counterparts are not nearly enough to justify taking a spot that another more unique fighter could have held.
  17. LostSpirit

    (Oddish (J))
    Level 21
    Aug 5, 2014
    What was one of the best things you've ever eaten? Worst?
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  18. Xarn

    Xarn Sponsor

    Level 56
    Oct 30, 2014
    Mmm, Madness How was your day?

    Do you think that we will face in Showdown?

    Are you planning to travel or did you travel in holidays?
  19. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    If you had to be stuck in a tv/movie/book for a month, what would it be and why?

    Would you rather be able to bathe and not change your clothes for a week, or be able to change your clothes but unable to bathe for a week?
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  20. 8542Madness

    Apr 6, 2014
    The best thing I've ever eaten would have to be my neighbor's spicy wings. I don't know what his secret recipe is (he guards it with his life), but the wings he makes are the spiciest and most flavor-packed wings I've ever tasted. Even thinking about them now is making my mouth water. Damn, now I really want hot wings.

    Well, I just woke up. My day so far has been pretty good, I guess.

    We might face in showdown someday. I'm not normally on the showdown server due to my usually being too busy in real world things to participate in too much battling. During breaks or over the summer in the future, you will probably see me on the showdown server much more often.

    Nope, I didn't travel at all, nor do I plan to. I'm not a big fan of traveling, mostly because my parents are almost always forcing us to go on vacation over every break we have. I hardly ever have a chance to just relax and do absolutely nothing, so I have come to resent traveling over breaks.

    If I had to be stuck in a world, I would choose the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I also would stay there permanently, not just for a month. To be blunt, I really don't like humanity as a whole, nor do I get along with the majority of people I meet. I'd be happier in a world where humanity did not exist, and instead the creatures there valued their relationships and happiness above all else. I'd live happily in a world where friendship is magic.

    I'd definitely rather be able to change my clothes but not bathe. Jeans don't stink up easily and I have a bunch of plain, solid color shirts of dull shades. I doubt anyone would notice if I continually wore them over and over again. Also, I can just put on deodorant and spray some air freshener around myself. Problem solved!
    Xarn likes this.

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