Yeah, Acerola trial was great, spooky ghost hunting with camera and that "back room" full of Pikachu stalker drawings and posters made Mimikyu's concept significant. Straightforward but without being boring and every Pokémon game needs some spoops.
I really liked the Fire Trial. The 'Guess the Difference' shots gave me a good laugh that I needed that day.
My favorite was the water trial, it was a tough battle since I didn't have a good type match-up and that alolmamola was a pain in the neck.
The fire one was hilarious but Lana's might have been my favourite because it was actually really difficult for me. It had been a while since a Pokémon game had really challenged me.
Hm... That's a tough one... I'm going to have to go with Mina's trial. ...What do you mean she doesn't have a trail? Fine, I'll go with Mallow then. If I didn't enjoy the Trial itself, I enjoyed the little scene with the Mallow Special.
My favorite Trial was probably the Fire one. Not only was the Totem battle simple for me... Hiker David. That's what made this Trial special.
Either Acerola's or Kiawe's trials. I had a lot of trouble with Lana's trial, and I couldn't help but laugh at seeing the differences in the Fire Trail. Acerola's trail was fun with the photograph the ghosts.
I liked the Mimikyu one too, it was a little creepy but that's what made it fun. And Mimikyu walking behind Acerola at the end was cool!
MinEggs-ecute was the dragon trial just because of the air it had to it. It felt so... mysterious and sacred. It just felt more important than the others.
The fire trial because it was hilarious especially the first time I did the trial it gave me a really good laugh totally caught me off guard with the Hiker showing up.
I'm in between Kiawe and Acerola because Kiawe you had to laugh at how obvious they were. Then Acerola because the Pokefinder usage was great
i really liked the mimikyu one. it was really spooky the first time i played it, bc i was doing a blind playthrough with basically no idea of what happens in sun/moon lol. so the first time i did it, it really spooked me. plus mimikyu is an adorable lil ghostie.
And that's what he said. Stuck between Acerola and Kiawe as well! 'Come, my fine Hiker!' 'Alola!' And the whole 'find the difference' thing had me ROFL. Acerola? Mimikyu is a bulky badass beastly dragon-slayer with an adorable design. And that shot of Ash and Pikachu made my creepypasta day. #MissingNo