Alright, its time to get the ball rolling on this project again, so we're going to be choosing what we want to base the starter Pokémon off of. I'm going to be posting three polls, each with a poll for the ideas that have been proposed for the corresponding elemental starter in the starter suggestion thread. We aren't necessarily limited to just those options, though, and you are free to post new suggestions either in that thread or (preferably) in whichever one of these threads is relevant to your idea. I will then add those to the polls as soon as I can, and votes can be changed if you prefer a new idea over one you already chose. I'm not sure how long these polls will be left open, but probably not more than a week from this post. Fire Type Suggestions: Football Goat, possibly Fire/Steel type Snake Horse or Sleipnir (eight-legged horse from Norse mythology, son of Loki and ridden by Odin) Bull or Minotaur (bull/man hybrid from Greek mythology)
FOOTBALL GOOOOOOAT!!!! I love the idea too much to vote anything else. Also I still kind of think sports could be a good starter theme but idk we'll have to see what the bases are first.
I'm going with the horse of sleipnir. I mean, that thing looks sickk and it being a fire starter would be just wow.
I had a cool idea, atleast its cool to me. What about a Pepper Dragon? Its final evolution could be Fire/Ghost, as in a ghost pepper.
With Fuecoco being a thing, itd be interesting how we make this fire/ghost reptilian starter end up different from teh canon fire/ghost reptilian starter
Could go for a Fire/Ghost horse since it won the majority of the vote. Easiest would be something akin to a Nightmare from mythos.