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Looking for a 1x1 Partner Thread

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by Pari, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. Absolute Zero

    Absolute Zero The second seal

    Level 19
    Mar 17, 2015
    Zero's 1x1 Profile! Also valid in non-1x1 if you have a situation that necessitates it.

    A Little About Me
    You can call me Zero, ZS, or really whatever nickname you feel like as long as I know you're talking about me. I've been pokemonning since Blue Version, been on forums in general since maybe 2009 or so, and have been considered myself an above average writer for a while now.

    I tend to write in third person narrative, going at least one large or two medium paragraphs at a time, not just dialogue with no external detail wrapped around it. I feel most at ease with content that's Rated T (barring salty language of the unnecessary variety), but medium-low M or high E are cool too.

    I prefer to use original characters, because I almost always find that when characters from a separate source material (like a TV show or a book) are adopted by new authors (us), it doesn't often fit quite right. Plus, it's fun to give birth to a completely new person for a story. References to canon events happening or to canon people being elsewhere or in another time are perfectly cool though, or even using them as side characters is great.

    As for my mood: if I had to assign my writing a color, I would say it's a combination of foggy gray and piney green, not very dazzling or outrageous, but calm and classy. I'm not very goofy (unless you include my Statler and Waldorf side) or silly, but I can handle a little bit of that stuff.

    What I Expect
    I want to see effort put into writing. Hastily-thought, unplanned, discontinuous writing is a pain to me; but thoughtful, reasonable, and caringly-constructed reading makes me a happy person. If you like to write with care and effort, rest assured you will get the same from me too.

    One more thing that makes me happy: cleverness and unexpected (but reasonable) events. I read once that Matt Stone and Trey Parker (the makers of South Park, a wildly successful TV series, AKA famous and highly-regarded professional storytellers) gave this piece of advice when they guest-lectured a creative writing class at some college: If the scenes in your storyboard have placed between them "And then, and then, and then," it's boring. But if it's "And so, but then, but actually, and because of that" then you're telling a story that has development. It may seem obvious, but it makes a huge difference.

    As for posting frequency: I'm a busy man, I understand if you're busy too. I try to get out at least one post out per day, but sometimes it might take me three days if I'm really busy. I won't get angry at you if you can't keep up, we're all human and we have some amount of a life.

    What I Will RP
    Let's see, Pokémon is the obvious one, but I'd really like to do something on the lines of an alternate universe within the Pokémon world. Medieval, Feudal, Post-Apocalyptic, Present-day Dystopia. Some other setting variety that can be added as a spice other than squeaky-clean 4-Kids. Contrarily, I don't see much purpose in ultra-gritty stuff, but if you feel like you can convince me otherwise, let me read a sample of your material.

    Outside of that, I've been playing a lot of Fallout and Elder Scrolls, so those I'm most excited for. I can also run with Zelda (I kinda have a thing for Gerudos, if that helps), Avatar (pre- or post- technological revolution), Mega Man (I'm hatching an idea for something happening after X-series, during the Elf Wars), the Gaiman mythos, and DC Comics (especially Justice League, Batman (and most of its spinoffs like Beyond and Red Hood), Earth-Three/Injustice). Feel free to ask if I know about something, I'm sure there's topics I totally dig that I haven't thought of to list here.

    What I Won't RP
    Sanic Da Hedgehorg and My Little Pony, because of reasons. Also things I'm unfamiliar with, since getting into character and setting is so necessary.

    Honestly, slice-of-life can bore me, but I understand it really has its own purpose in RP. I'd just like to cap slice-of-life at maximum 50% of total content. I'm sorry, but it's easier and more comfortable for me to write with a specific anti-antagonistic goal in mind. I have enough slices of my own life, I don't want more.

    Also, regarding romance-centric plots. I agree, it's a nice component to any story, including one we may write together, but I probably don't want to just be your dating sim. Anything in moderation. Except moderation itself. Moderation must be taken in excess.

    Oh, and totally implausible crossovers. I mean like "what if Solid Snake traveled to a new land with Luigi and it turns out that land is Kalos!". Huh? I mean there are things like "What if the Dragonborn did her Call of Valor shout and it summoned Marth and Link!" It's hard to quantify. Pitch me an idea if you want, we can talk.

    (Updated December 2015)
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  2. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    About me:
    Hello! My name is [member=LunarRabbitPikachu]! I have been roleplaying for about 7 years. :sweat: I can roleplay different versions. I can do a play-like-script (ex: Luna: *goes to the wall* now what?), and story like sentence roleplays (ex: Pikachu starts walking down the stairs and discovers a play like theater.). I do mostly, action/adventure, friendship, hurt/comfort, mystery, angst, tragedy, comedy, supernatural, horror, and sometimes romance. I mostly play with OCs, but I can sometimes do canon if I know who they are and understand their personality. I know mostly Pokémon, and Sonic. I sometimes do Kingdom Hearts, Inuyasha, and Yu-Gi-Oh! (only gens 1-3).I can sometimes do them crossovers too. :3

    What I expect:
    I expect my partner to write at least 2 sentences in their posts. If they're doing a play script, I expect them to at least explain what their character is doing. No god-moding please! I'd like to have control of my own character. I do not mind mary sue characters, but make sure that they do have at least one weakness.

    What I will RP:
    Mostly the stuff I mentioned in the about me section especially Sonic and Pokémon (even Pokémon Mystery Dungeon settings x3). :sweat:

    What I will not RP:
    Anything that I am not familiar with, for romance no rated M concepts, high school... stuff, HumanxNon-human, religion, god-mod, and just canon characters (I want some ocs involved in the rp).
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  3. Ritzy

    Ritzy Swimmer

    Apr 16, 2015
    About me
    I'm a fairly active member. So I would be able to post at least a minimum of 7 times a week. If not more. But if I'm busy not as much. But I will try to post as much as I could. I am a avid Roleplayer and can adapt quickly to most topics, as I have been doing so for about 4 years. I can do as told and pick certain rules or writing styles fairly quickly, and am I big fan of nice story-based Rp

    What I expect
    Proper spelling and pronunciation. Also a nice post (between 2-5 lines) and at least a decent description of what their character(s) or doing at that time.

    What I will Rp
    Almost anything. As I have done at least one in each genres. And if it is new and unique and peaks my interests or curiosity. I wouldmost likly join.

    What I will NOT Rp
    Anything extremly over a Pg-13 rating. Or Rp's that breech into a single topic I am not familiar with. (Exp: Certain animes, games, tv shows, or stories)
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  4. Shayminlover123

    Level 27
    Dec 30, 2012
    Hello everyone!

    About Me:
    The name is Shayminlover123, but you can just call me Shaymin! I've been role playing for quite a while (About 6 years now).

    I can do regular sized roleplays (1-2 sentences) or I can do literate ones (4-10 sentences? Could be longer...). I'm fairly active, most of the time I will be looking around at my profile.

    I don't have many spelling mistakes, but my grammar isn't the best either. What I mean by this is putting commas and semi colons in the appropriate spots. Other than that I have no real problems with grammar.

    What I expect:
    Decent grammar, no god-modding, Mary-sue characters. Pretty much the stuff that was said already.

    What I will do:
    I'll roleplay anything i'm familiar with, but you might want to ask me what I am familiar with first since I roleplay a lot of things.

    I do a lot of Pokémon roleplays (With OC's or Not), but again I'm not just limited to Pokémon.

    For Genres I do pretty much all of them, but here's what I have done in the past: Romance, Action, Adventure, Fantasy.

    What I will not do:
    Extreme Gore. It's ok to have a little bit of Gore, but sometimes other people go overboard...

    Other than that there isn't anything else...
    LunarRabbitPikachu likes this.
  5. FallenVanguard

    FallenVanguard School Kid

    May 16, 2015
    Hey everyone! I'm FallenVanguard, and I am looking for an rp partner or two.

    About Me:

    As stated before I'm FallenVanguard, though you can call me Fallen, Vanguard, or FV if you want. I've participated in a few rps across a few sites but I mostly rp with good friend of mine, and we've been doing so for about...7 years now. So I'm pretty well versed in 1 on 1s and in groups.

    While I still rp with that friend and it's been going well, I am interested in trying some different rps with different people just for fun.

    What I Expect:

    My grammar and English are pretty solid if I do say so myself, and I hardly expect perfection, but I'd at least like someone who comes close to me in those areas, if not matching or surpassing myself.

    I'm rather active though I am less likely to be active on days that I work, but I'll likely notify you when these days are or let you know before hand. If you're ever busy don't sweat it, I understand, but a heads up of some sort would be appreciated.

    And since I'm assuming these rps would take place on the forum, I'd appreciate at least a paragraph per post if possible (3-5 lines would do). Of course replies are sort of situational, so I don't actually expect that all the time, but it'd be great if you were capable of it.


    I decided to put this category as a bonus to make sure I didn't overfill the next one. This is to talk about themes I am very interested in rp wise, but not fandoms.

    Mainly Post-Apocalyptic, Medieval, or even School. I've never really rp'd in either environment and plenty of fandoms could go well with either theme, but Steampunk and Futuristic are also of interest to me. Just throwing that out there.

    What I Will Do:

    I am very, VERY well versed in what I call "Pokecentric" rps, where the rps are focused on Pokémon but not trainers. I still like these very much and would love to do some more with new people, but I've been doing them with my friend for all these years so it isn't a priority, it's just my best.

    I would be all right with using Trainers in an rp, which I've done a bit, too. It should be noted that I'd really like to do some sort of Medieval Pokémon thing, or a Post-apocalyptic Pokémon thing, or a combination of the three. Even School with trainers would be pretty neat :).

    Aside from Pokémon another fandom I adore is Fire Emblem. I'm very well versed in Fire Emblem, as it's my second favourite video game series, and have only rarely gotten the chance to do any sort of Fire Emblem rp.

    Elder Scrolls, Code Geass, Bleach, Fate/stay night or Fate/Zero, and Dragonball Z are also pretty big interests of mine that I know quite a bit about, but feel free to ask if I'm familiar with other fandoms. There a few I can't list off the top of my head and some I may be coaxed into taking an interest in, so you never know.

    What I Will Not Do:

    Hmm, this is tricky. I can't think of anything all that common that I wouldn't do. I'd just say if you're going to do something different or you prefer things a certain way that you run it by me. I can't really list what I won't do, but I can definitely tell you if you let me know ahead of time what you want to do.

    Again, I'm looking for one to two people. Feel free to PM me if you're interested.
  6. Ferrospike

    Feb 17, 2015
    Hello, I'm Ferrospike and I'm looking a rp partner <3

    About Me:
    I consider myself moderately active. While I won't post a lot or at all during the day, I still check everyday in the rp section if I need to reply to something. So if you post to our potential rp, I will reply if I see it.

    My literacy is a tricky question. I'm semi-advanced literate but I won't belch out super large post every day. This is mostly due that English, even though I'm Canadian is my second language. I'm from Québec so I learned French first. Unless you're willing to rp in French, my post will have a moderate size. If you are willing to rp in French, expect large detailed posts. ;) Sometimes I do slip up and format my sentence if it would be in French, just call it to my attention and I'll fix it.

    What I expect:
    I don't expect that much honestly. Just that you're post are literate and understandable. The post don't need to be terribly long too. If they get the point across and further the story, I'm fine with if they are only a few sentences long.

    I do expect post regularly. I don't want to wait a week or more between post. That's just annoying.

    What I'll do:
    -Pokémon with trainers or Mystery Dungeon
    -High School like settings
    -War like settings
    -Steam Punk
    -Post Apocalyptic
    -AUs of books and such
    -Soft romance kind of things

    What I won't do:
    -Cannon characters(I just don't do them well)
    -Animal related things (Wolves, Cats, etc)
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  7. Pikamon790

    Pikamon790 The Legendary Heropon

    Jun 23, 2015
    Hey there! My name is Pikamon790 and welcome to the Price is-- I mean, my 1x1 partner form!

    I'm pretty experienced at Roleplay, and I have a few characters that I use very often, so charries won't be a problem. I'm also on very often unless I forget, so there won't be many pauses. I'm very familiar with Skype RP, and I actually very much prefer it. I don't RP on Forums much, however.

    I expect you to have at least decent grammar, Especially in RP. I'll also expect you to be fairly active, since I'm on almost every day hoping for RP.

    I can do a lot of things, and I will list them below.
    ~Pokémon (Duh)
    I can do it with trainers or without, It doesn't matter.
    I haven't done a Kirby RP yet, but I'm open!
    ~Anything else, just explain. I'll decide then.

    Romance, it just makes me uncomfortable. Small romance is okay though.

    Gore, I'm fine with a little bit, but too much I don't like.

    Anything Vulgar. This was obvious.

    I'd actually really like it if we could get a small group of 3 or 4 to do an RP on Skype together, or something like that. If you're interested, just let me know!
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  8. ShiroLugia

    ShiroLugia ✂ No Longer Human.

    Aug 7, 2014
    Hi! I've been itching to RP!

    About me:
    I'm Shiro (Aqua) and I'm an avid RPer who knows all the ropes to rping in any community, verse, or style. My replies can be paragraph style or Novella, so if you dislike length I'm probably not for you... ;x; I can RP on LV, Deviantart notes or Skype! I enjoy roleplaying with both OCs and Canon characters, and crossovers are fine too! I may take at most a week to reply if muse is gone. If not, my replies can be rather quick!

    What I expect:
    Good grammar, spelling and grasp of the English language, I'm very OCD about it and can't take the roleplay as it is if it looks rushed. I expect my RP partner to be mature, and know the basic rules of RPing (no godmodding, no mary sue character, etc etc) I can tolerate my RP partner having to take a while to reply as long as I am notified of a hiatus from the rp. (Please PM me if you go a week or two without replying and won't be able to for a while) As long as the RP is something we both agreed upon, I am fine with it!

    What I will RP:
    Any series we both know about and mutually take interest in. I enjoy K Project, Pokémon (OCs only for this one), Disgaea, D.Gray-man, Devil Survivor, Madoka Magica, etc etc. Give me a series or media and I'll let you know how I feel about it! I love to roleplay both canon characters and OCs, and if you'd like us to be a mix of OC and canon I can do that too. I can RP very mature themes such as gore and graphic violence, language or themes, but no smut.

    What I will not RP:
    Animals (Sorry!) Unless Gijinkas. ;_; I can roleplay actual Pokémon, but I prefer Gijinkas. No OCxCanon stuff or weird fetishes, you know that kind of stuff. I don't roleplay any liveaction series' or anything with sensitive themes that could cause arguments. i.e. Religion, stereotyping. I'm very flexible yet selective. A lot of my doors are open! Please feel free to PM me if you want to RP. Thank you! ;7;/
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  9. Goldy

    Goldy Bug Catcher

    Aug 21, 2015
    Hello! I'm looking for a 1x1 roleplay!

    About me
    As much as I'm new here, I'm not new at roleplaying. I am pretty average at roleplaying, but not SUPER advanced. I'm also kind and I try not to bite... aha. I can't RP OC's. Nope nip nap. I just can't create a OC without screwing up badly... Sorry! I will gladly do crossovers and canon characters though! As for grammar, I know I do not have the best, and that is because I was cursed in a horrible school that did not teach me grammar VERY WELL. It's not much of a excuse but it's the truth. I try to be a-ok with spelling, punctuation and detail.
    As for my roleplaying itself here is a bit of a example from a role play I was roleplaying in:

    (This roleplay was on another website mind you ;))

    What I expect from you
    Well... I do expect you to at least roleplay somewhere close to how I roleplay. I do not want to roleplay with someone who can't roleplay less then a paragraph ish. I also don't wanna roleplay with someone rude, I know many people are kind here but, once upon a time I roleplayed with someone on a different site and kept bugging me to reply them, when I had no muse for reply. Yeah, that's why.

    What I will roleplay
    From a scale of 1-10 is how much muse I have for said roleplay.
    -Pokémon (3/10) (Trainers in general)
    -Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (6/10)
    -Tales of series (9/10)
    -Super Smash Bros (8/10)
    -Kirby (6/10)
    -Sonic (5/10) (I haven't roleplayed this in a loonngg time.)
    -Legend of Zelda (5/10) (same case as above)

    I also have the ability to get any character drunk on candy, looking for a roleplay to just have fun and well.. Humor and stuff? I'm your gal.

    Here are some canon characters I am willing to play if you're looking for a romance RP, like canonxcanon or canonxOC. But mind you that I don't prefer to RP romance without a good plot.
    -Pokémon- Gold (game)// Red (game) // Any Pokémon.
    -Tales of series: Yuri Lowell // Emil/Ratatosk // I'm willing to try a few main characters, but these two are the only ones that I have the personality NAILED.
    -Sonic: Uhm, sonic the hedgehog. (I haven't roleplayed this in a LONG while so it's rusty rusty)
    -Kirby: Kirby // Meta Knight
    -Super Smash Bros: Link // Meta Knight // Kirby // Pit // Pikachu // Pokémon Trainer // Toon Link
    -Legend of zelda: ... Link.

    I can roleplay gore and bloodshed. I tend to have a twisted mind for that >:)

    I can NOT make a OC for any of these fandoms! If you want to do canonxOC or anything that includes a OC, YOU HAVE TO PLAY THE OC. NOT ME!

    *sneezes* I think that's all. As for some crossovers I'm currently itching for a Tales series and Super smash bros crossover, but I am also free for a certain fandom and Pokémon mystery dungeon crossover :)

    What I will NOT do
    -IRL human's and animals (It bores me. Sorry!)
    -Oc's only, I already said I can not make a OC. I just can't ok? I suck at it.

    There could be more. :/

    Please Message me if interested! ^_^
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  10. Thunder

    Thunder The Alolan Archer

    Apr 19, 2015
    Hey, hey, I've really been looking forward to this :)

    About Me
    -I try to post as soon as possible
    -I always try to match my partner's post I length
    -I always try to give as much detail as possible
    -I am always active, usually all the time in the afternoon and evening
    -I have a good imagination

    What I expect from you
    -I expect detailed posts
    -Fairly long replies
    -Quite a lot of activity
    -Warnings for when you aren't going to be able to post

    What I will roleplay
    Pokémon Trainers
    Inazuma Eleven
    Pokémon Rangers

    What I will NOT roleplay
    Absolutely no made up stories and characters, I simply don't have so much time
    Animal roleplays, they're to boring for me, I don't get the point of them

    PM me if I sound like a suitable partner :D :D :D
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  11. Shada

    Shada netflix binging

    Level 7
    Mar 12, 2015
    Repel ★Charizardite X ★★★★Gardevoirite ★★★★Galladite ★★★★Bottle Cap ★★★★★
    Hello, name's Azure and I'm looking for a good Role Play to do in my spare time!
    A little about myself:
    I'm a rusty RP'er, but I've decided to get back into Role Playing again after a long while of me not role-playing. I take time and effort into Role Plays, as it's kinda fun, especially if one involves my favorite characters.

    What I expect:
    An active RP'er, who's happy with their posts, and won't quit half way. I also need a patient Role Player as well, as I take long with my replies. Oops.
    I expect semi-long replies, as if it's too long, I need to read it and post too!

    What I will do:
    I love to do tons of different RP's! I can do Pokémon, Tales of series RP's, Most Anime RP's if I'm interested in the anime. You'll have to ask me which anime's I've watched, although I probably have watched it.
    I'm not a big fan of details, but if I must provide it, I will if necessary. I try not to write too long replies, and I try not to write a sentence reply either. Here's an example of something I wrote for a RP here.

    What I will not do:
    I honestly hate making role plays full of OC's, so unless the plot's beautiful, I probably won't part-ake in it.
    I'm really not one to start up topics, as my mind only focuses on my character, and sometimes there's little to no leg room for your character. I suggest if we're doing a RP together, you should be the one starting up. XD I'm not the biggest fan of romance, but hey, I can try.

    Spam me up if interested!
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  12. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    I figured my first action back should be to make my post here. Hopefully i'm not too demanding with my requirements.

    A little about me:
    So I'm not very important. I'm usually pretty friendly, if not a bit down. IF you message me with an idea, i will give you my honest opinion. I'm a busy person, but i make time for this.

    What I expect:
    I expect respect. I expect people to communicate with me. i'll give you both in return.

    What I WILL RP:
    Now for the fun stuff. I love a few settings, Mainly modern fantasy and medieval fantasy. Then there are fandoms. I love homestuck, durara, Pokémon, Persona, Kingdom hearts, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, and finally Air gear. I also Like Kampher, Okami, and Tokyo Ghoul.

    What I will NOT RP:
    Anything with suicide. Baised characters. I am a number of things, and accepting is the only one that let's me actually survive. any ways, i'm open to most ideas in general.

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  13. CloudTheWhite

    CloudTheWhite The Rular Of Time

    Oct 4, 2015
    About me;
    Hi Im Cloudthewhite, call me Topaz for short. I have been role playing for about 6 years in real life, but haven't done it virtually. I usually roleplay video games such as minecraft, Five nights at freddys, and Pokémon. The genre is usually mystery, adventure, scary, and comedy. Theres some things I do in each role play: Minecraft; usually makes up skins, what biome, what materials, etc Five Nights At Freddy's; which type of fnaf, design our own animatronics, in day or night, etc Pokémon; custom trainer, which pokemons, what adventures, etc. Have fun! X3

    What I expect:
    Just be yourself

    What I will RP:
    Minecraft, Five Nights At Freddy's, Pokémon

    What I will not RP:
    anything I don't know, anything rated M
  14. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    Well shit since everyone else is doing it

    About me: I have some experience in roleplay, but tabletop not so much on the internet. I'm an asshole, therefore I (most of the time) play that or something similar. I love the funny types. I'm alright with swearing, and dark humor.

    What I will RP: Avatar especially, but lots of stuff so long as I know it.
    Feel free to have me do your own world. I don't mind non fan fic rp at all

    What I won't: overly dark and gritty, too much edge (I'll make fun of the character in game if I see edge), and sonic. No sonic. Overly complicated challenges and an entire story that has no unique stuff. Give your stuff some personality and your own flair
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  15. Megarai111

    Megarai111 Elizabeth 3rd

    Dec 23, 2014
    Hi there, everyone!
    About me:
    I've been on this website for almost a year now. I've been roleplaying for a pretty short while (the amount of roleplays I'm doing can be counted on one hand - two at this moment, to be precise. I really like it, so I want to see if I can do more! ^^
    I don't have much experience, but I do like to write. Since I have no idea what rules are out there for roleplays, feel free to critisize me if I do anything wrong... hehehe.
    I am a bit of a control freak and I'm not very good at talking to people across the internet (you can thank my parents for that), so the chances of me making the first contact will be small, hehehe...

    What I expect:
    Honestly, I'm really new to all this, so what do I expect? Well, since English is not my first language, I can be a bit unsure about my grammar and I can also make stupid grammatical errors, so I'm not really looking for someone who will kill me over every little mistake I make (but I don't think those kind of people exist on this web site). I'm also looking for someone who's patient: school keeps me pretty busy, so be prepared to wait at least a week before I reply (hey, there's a reason as to why you guys haven't experienced my true coolness yet - I lack time and the right stuff to get online often!). Oh, and another thing: please refrain from using overly complicated language. I am able to understand 90% of all the texts that are given to me, but just in case, if you prefer to use many posh words, please don't in our rp. I don't want to google everything XD

    What I WILL rp:
    Well, I'm a fan of shounen anime with game thingies and monster thingies (Pokémon, Bakugan, Yu-Gi-Oh! (only the first season), Beyblade). I also like sports anime and comedy anime.
    Let's see... A list of what I am willing to do:
    - Pokémon (of course!) - I'll do pretty much anything within this genre. This will be my first time roleplaying a Pokémon thing, though
    - Bakugan - although it's pretty unknown, I love it (except for the fourth and last season - that sucked!)! Right now, I'm rewatching the first season and it's still as great as ever. I have a couple of self-made-up Bakugan I could use.
    - Ace Attorney - Can you even roleplay this? Oh well, screw that. I love the series and it would be pretty awesome to make up a case together :D
    - Inazuma Eleven - I would prefer the original series. I did watch IE GO, but that was mostly because I really like the hissatsus and I wanted to see what else they had come up with. I personally really don't like Avatars, Avatar Armed and Souls, but the Mixi-Trans was pretty fun.
    - Hunter x Hunter - I think this one needs little explanation

    Anything else? Well, self-made worlds are fine too. I am mostly into comedy, adventure, sci-fi (as long as it's not too abstract - I have never watched Star Wars or Star Trek or anything like that - just Doctor Who), mystery and fantasy.

    What I will NOT roleplay:
    Romance of any form. I literally have no experience and, to be honest, it makes me a bit uneasy (read: VERY uneasy). And - sorry to break it to you - I don't really do already existing characters (like Ash Ketchum in Pokémon or Phoenix Wright in Ace Attorney). Sorry, but apparently, I suck at getting inside their heads. I fail to see the big picture behind their characteristics. I can see if someone is happy or more calm, but no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get into those kind of characters. Therefore, I prefer to make up my own to make that a bit more accessible. Sorry...
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  16. Noa

    Noa Camper

    Nov 13, 2015
    About me:

    Just a gal looking for a casual, fun, long-lasting Mystery Dungeon RP.

    What I Expect:

    I expect you to post at least once every other day. I've had lots of partners just disappear on me and it's really frustrating. :( I work and I'm sure others do as well so I know real life comes up but I'd like to have this be semi-constant. On my days off I'm usually always online, when I work I'll be on at night my time (PST) I'm not super huge on grammar but at least try, and write more than just two sentences.

    What I will RP:

    Right now I just want to RP Mystery Dungeon, but really it's more an issue of what I WON'T RP.

    What I will not RP:

    No romance, not a smidge. Deep friendships are a-ok but if I sense you trying to go in that direction I'll be uncomfortable. No sexual content either, or lewd stuff in general. This is a PMD RP after all, so let's keep it light-hearted!
  17. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013
    Eh, what the hey, I'll bite!

    About me:
    Yoo. I'm Nicole, or Leviathan if you prefer. I've been RP'ing on and off for about a decade, and have decided to get back into it in the last few months. I've got a preference for Novella, but can adjust my style if need be.
    What I expect:
    Not perfect grammar, mind, but that you have a good enough grasp of English to allow me to understand what points you are trying to convey. Please don't one-shot any character I use, or be a mary-sue. I'd also like to ask that you would be patient with me when waiting for replies, as my writing muse can be a very fickle creature.
    What I will RP:
    Anything from shows or fandoms that I am familiar with, especially video games, films and comics. I've started to lean heavily towards mature themes ranging from violence to angst and horror, but I will be willing to keep things light and such if need be. I love to test myself by writing for different genres, so go ahead and propose a thingy you wanna try and let's try and see what we can do with it! I'm fine with rp'ing with OCs, but I will solely use canon chars. If you are willing to do crossovers between fandoms (*cough* DC/Marvel. Jak & Daxter/Ratchet & Clank *hack COUGH*) I'll buy you a box of cookies straight away.

    What I will not RP:
    I'm not overtly keen on romance or le 'kinky' stuff. Nor am I a fan of exploring topical themes (such as recent trends making headlines in the news), so let's keep things civil and polite, 'kay?
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  18. Almiraj

    Almiraj Black Belt

    Oct 8, 2014
    A little about my preferences.

    About Me:
    I tend to like whimsical RPs the most. I tend to RP as a
    lot of fat characters with a whimsical feel to them, who
    are also the kind that can take hits very well. I do tend to switch
    it up with cute characters or big, strong characters, but chubby
    ones are my personal favorite. No, they're not fetish characters.
    I always try to be tasteful. Also, I generally play as anthro
    characters, but will play as Pokémon or other monsters too
    as well as other things. I do NOT like playing as humans, however,
    but I hope that doesn't scare people off.

    What I expect:
    Not too much, just semi-literacy. I don't really ask for much.

    What I will do:
    I like action RPs the most. I don't mind the setting, I just like action.
    I will also do comedy RPs, as well as a few other things I don't
    do as often as action RPs.

    What I WON'T do:
    Anything involving humans, for starters. I do not like RPing as
    humans, but anything else, including anthros and monsters, is
    perfectly fine. I also will not do fetish RPs. Characters who are
    fat or big-footed are one thing, but RPs revolving around their
    belly or feet are gross. Also, I am not big on romance RPs.
  19. ID Zeta

    ID Zeta Resident Physicist

    Level 18
    Jan 11, 2013
    Screw it, why not? I need a reason to post more often.
    About Me:
    I prefer to be called Zeta or IDZ, but as long as I know you'r referring to me, you may call me whatever you like. I consider myself to be a decent writer, though that's entirely subjective. I almost always write third-person narratives, as it offers greater insight into multiple characters at the same time. I usually write two or three moderate paragraphs, usually with more description than dialogue. My writing is often quite serious, almost analytical in some ways. I also prefer to use original characters (unless I understand a canon character well enough to use that character).

    What I Expect:
    Logical, literate writing is a must, obviously. I can't write an adequate response if I can't understand yours. I expect thought-out responses, not ones hastily written up just for the sake of continuing. Put time and effort into your writing, and I will reciprocate.

    As for post frequency, I check the forum multiple times a day, but usually only have time to write once every couple days. The college life is a busy one. I don't expect daily responses, but I do expect at least 1 week. Let me know if you're going on a break or if something comes up.

    What I'm Willing to RP:
    Pokémon is an obvious subject, be it with Trainers, Mystery Dungeon style, whatever. I currently have an idea for a Mystery Dunegon-esque story in the works. Borderlands, Skyrim and Star Wars (to some extent) are reasonable universes as well. Something completely original is suitable, too. In general, shoot me an idea, and I'll tell you what I think. Light romance is acceptable, though I'm not too skilled with writing it (I'm willing to learn!). As for content, I'm comfortable with anything from upper-E to moderate-M. Language should be appropriate for the situation.

    What I Will NOT RP:
    I'm against using the obvious no-no's (Sonic, MLP, etc), anything overly grotesque, fetishes, and unrealistic things. Heavy romance is also out of the question, as my experience with it is limited, not to mention that I find it... dull. Romance compliments the plot, it doesn't overtake the plot. Additionally, unfamiliar universes are out because, well, I'm not familiar with them.
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  20. The Royal Aegis

    Dec 30, 2014
    About me

    I am The Royal Aegis. I am a semi-avid RPer, preferring to do large group RPs over 1x1's but I do like doing both. For replies, I tend to base what I do on what information I am given by my partner, IE if they only give me a few basic lines I'll match that.

    What I expect

    I expect a decent standard of grammar and an average of 2-4 sentences per a reply but I can deal with more. I can post several times a week and I expect roughly the same from my partner but I can wait for longer if needed. I do expect advance warning of inactivity

    What I will do

    Almost everything bar smut, extreme violence and gore, abuse of any kind.
    I am fine with both OCS and Canon characters

    Series I am comfortable with

    - Pokémon
    - Dark Souls
    - Attack on Titan
    - Supernatural
    I am willing to do other series if I am given basic info on them

    What I will not do

    - Abuse of any kind
    - Major age differences in relationships
    - Extreme violence or gore
    - Racism, sexism or homophobia
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