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The Tarots RP

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by Aiko, Sep 11, 2016.

  1. Cadbberry

    Cadbberry Dad: 76.... Or Cad: 76

    (Eevee (KS))
    Level 12
    May 25, 2014
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    Aurora sat there watching, floating above the ground since it wasn't natural and bothered her and because she didn't fully agree with what these people wanted to do with all the kidnapping. She took a peep around the corner at through the opening, a few curious soldiers looking at it. "We really need to move guys, people are looking at us funny like, they are bound to catch on to us conversing and not fighting." She was getting antsy at the idea of getting caught and murdered for treason for even talking to these tarots.
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  2. Morgaine

    Morgaine Goddess of Shinies

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 3
    May 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorSoothe Bell ★Heart Scale ★★Ice Stone ★★★★
    (@[member="Lunar-Peacle"], the mere suggestion is offensive to her. To Enya it equals as agreeing with it.)

    "I... I have my reasons." Enya spoke softly. "I might be portrayed as the Ice or Cold Witch as you call me, but even I have boundaries I do not cross. This war is has affected me, but not in the way you think. I haven't done much more than to function as a shield for the lordlings." She fell silent, before adressing the more immediate point or concern.

    "I could have the outer walls explode outwards to keep them of our backs for a short while, but it could result in more casualties on both sides." She warned.
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  3. Getus

    Getus The Senate

    (Kyogre Egg)
    Level 18
    Apr 4, 2016
    Philosopher's CowlReaper Cloth ★★★Psychium Z ★★★★Great Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Pondering on their method of escape, Nerus glanced towards the walls with a questioning glance. "There isn't any other way that won't put one or all of us under scrutiny for defection, at least with this it can be considered a result of a possible fight." Inspecting each tarot, Nerus gave a grin whilst his body tensed, ready to explode into action the moment it was needed, "So ladies and gents, who's ready to break some rules?"
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  4. Cadbberry

    Cadbberry Dad: 76.... Or Cad: 76

    (Eevee (KS))
    Level 12
    May 25, 2014
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    Aurora giggles a little, "I'm Aurora, Aurora Miu, the Hanged Man Tarot by the way!" She floated her way over to Nerus and offered a hand to shake, "And I would love to break some rules." Her normal pep coming back over her, the more she was around some of them the more relaxed she felt, though some people rubbed her the wrong way, a few, like Nersus, seemed pretty approachable.
  5. Getus

    Getus The Senate

    (Kyogre Egg)
    Level 18
    Apr 4, 2016
    Philosopher's CowlReaper Cloth ★★★Psychium Z ★★★★Great Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Giving an amused smile in response, Nerus bowed his head in greeting along with returning the handshake, "And I am Nerus Noxious, the Hermit." Turning to the walls surrounding them, he glanced at Ryllis before asking, "So in which direction should we be headed if we're to reach the place you mentioned?"
  6. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    Roy finished up doing his deep breathing at this time. "Alright I got a summon ready. This should keep them busy and us obscured. Let me know when and where we are running off to soon please. I'd rather not kidnap anyone at this time. We need to move soon or now for this to be most effective" And then he sat and waited for the go ahead
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  7. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    "We head north. There are many forests surrounding this area. The area I might suggest lies precisely at the border of the two kingdoms." Looking at the group in earnest, she did not fancy her current situation, but she was perfectly resigned somehow.

    "I don't know if you will trust me, but I've done jobs for the royal household, one of which includes navigation, the other...well...need I say more?" The faltering in her tone prompted her to gesture to her battle axe.
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  8. Aiko

    Aiko Anti-Shadow Weapon

    SS Egg #2
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 36
    Mar 7, 2016
    Lure Ball ★★★★Friend Ball ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Ultra Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Selan was scared to put up another suggestion in case they rejected it again, so she quietly listened. "Oh! I know my way around the forests! I used to play there a lot as a kid with the animals." She was happy that she could offer something to the group.

    "I know of an abandoned house thats there, we could maybe use that as a base or hideout for the time being."
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  9. ShireHime

    (Meowstic ♀)
    Level 54
    May 16, 2016
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Tapunium Z ★★★★★Crown of Valor
    "Great, then we just need to get there as fast as possible. With the base plan, maybe I could help. I used to play around with my powers of being able to turn whatever I touch into metal, and sometimes I'd use it to make a miniature house for me. I could help build a wall around the house to keep us safe" Arisha said, trying to smile, but the sadness in her face could be clearly seen.

    "Also, about the plan, I think I'll leave it to you guys. You guys seem more... let's just say 'intellectual' than I am" Arisha added.
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  10. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 27
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    "The wall is a good idea for protection, but they might find our location easier if you do that." Drake said. "How about we keep that in mind for when they've found out where we are and are coming to gt us?"
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  11. Morgaine

    Morgaine Goddess of Shinies

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 3
    May 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorSoothe Bell ★Heart Scale ★★Ice Stone ★★★★
    "There are actually two more layers of walls, each one getting thinner with nothing in the middle of the wall and with more gaps." Enya explained briefly to the fire user. "When I make static constructs like walls, domes, and spikes, the energy cost is fairly low. Meaning I can make big constructs without getting too tired. Blowing up one wall while I and one tarot other make a brief appearance wouldn't really impact our safety."
  12. Cadbberry

    Cadbberry Dad: 76.... Or Cad: 76

    (Eevee (KS))
    Level 12
    May 25, 2014
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    "We could talk up in the clouds, if you trust me I can make us all float up into the sky, we can just talk i the clouds, where no one can bother us." Aurora spoke softly, looking at them all thinking very hard. She thought it was a good idea but forgets that people can't always control the power like her.
  13. Getus

    Getus The Senate

    (Kyogre Egg)
    Level 18
    Apr 4, 2016
    Philosopher's CowlReaper Cloth ★★★Psychium Z ★★★★Great Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    "While it would mean we might not be disturbed, I think people would notice us going up though." Stroking his chin in thought, Nerus considered the different options they had at their disposal. Aurora's would be possible, but risks being exposed. The summon is the more likely method to succeed, but would put the summoner under suspicion eventually. Glancing towards Roy, Nerus asked "What would be the likelihood of your summon lasting long enough for us to escape? If it's low or it puts too much suspicion on you then we should consider another option." Narrowing his eyes at the ground, Nerus mumbled out loud to himself "Perhaps faking our deaths could work? Although it might be a bit too complicated for an on-the-fly plan..."
  14. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    "Well I'm the only one here that can summon a swarm of locust, so yeah they'll probably be suspicious of me. Though if we go with an ice wall plan as well, or someone decides to look up in sure they'll still be suspicious. Don't think it's much of a concern at this point," Roy stated plainly. "Now as for time, that's not a concern. Locust swarms are pretty low energy compared to the bugs since they're more of a nuisance than lethal. Especially if I'm not too focused on controlling where they fly. I can get us a large swarm for a good while pretty easily. Especially since I've been charging them up for this long." And he went back to focusing
  15. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 27
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    "I was talking to Arisha, Ice Queen." Drake said. "So then I guess we're goi wih the locus swarm? Unless anyone has anymore more suggestions."

    Drake looked around at everybody, waiting for an answer.
  16. Heavenly

    Heavenly Just Smile!

    Apr 17, 2015
    Taliyah listened to them all calmly, letting them settle their debates themselves. It seem they had come to the agreement of going to this house and using it as a temporary base, which could work. Since it was on the border of Sefal, there was a chance that it may be near her home where her and her father lived alone, but that chance may be a bit too good, seeing as how the king may visit her place after her disappearance.

    "Well, it seems we're settled on heading to that house then. Roy, we'll go with your plan and send a giant swarm of locust towards them. Most of those left may have supplies on them, so I'm sure the locust can muck that up for us too. Send it towards the largest clump of soldiers, and let's get a move on. We can figure out a better plan for later, hopefully one that won't involve breaking fingers or faking deaths." Taliyah said, before standing up and stretching a little bit. She straightened out her jacket and started heading north towards their next destination.
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  17. Fantasma

    Fantasma ♃☿♄

    (Cubone (Alolan))
    Level 1
    Sep 19, 2014
    Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    "I guess it got settle" he then startef to walk towards the others, he still didnt completely trust in the Nuhan Tarots, but he knew that it was his only chance to escape from the kings influence
    "Taliya I hope you are not wrong about this whole thing" he then stopped for a moment and looked towards the north "I guess we are ready to go then"
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  18. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Listening to the entire conversation in earnest, Ryllis had found little to project ill will towards their Sefalian counterparts. If they could get into agreement like this, the needs for survival is paramount at present. She was in full agreement with their plans, nodding here and there as they spoke.

    Noticing a disturbance outside, Ryllis out her hood back on to investigate. Some soldiers were peering into the opening and trying to get in. In alarm, she quickly whipped her head towards the group. Not wanting to alarm the soldiers that they had been found, she decided to spread the message mentally to all nine of them. Such a technique would be tiring, but not enough to cripple her, she hoped fervently. Her eyes glowed white for a moment as she transmitted her message across to the rest of her now allies.

    'Hurry! The soldiers! They're coming!'

    As the glow in her eyes faded, she gripped her axe harder, waiting for what would seem like a dangerous distraction on the summoner's part.
  19. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 27
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Drake made his way to the northern part of their ice-enclosed space. He got ready to sprint as soon as the walls came down.

    'I am going to be so screwed later of I can't actually trust these people.' he thought to himself.

    (Hey, I'm not going to be on Discord for a while. Laptop charger stopped working and I can' get it on the iPad I'm currently using as it is school-owned and I'm not allowed to actually put anything on it.)
  20. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    Roy gave a wry grin when he heard the message in his head, "Guess that's my cue huh?" And he started the process. He brought his hands up to his face again in a cone shape. In, out. In, out. In, out. In, out. In... and he took a giant breath in on the last one. In a long hard motion, he opened the flood gates. From the blue light in his hand a furious swarm emerged, roughly 3 times as large as the last one, and dispersed on to the battle field. The thick cloud of locusts blocked the soldiers visions on every side as they bit and ate their way through everything. Around the tarots, a bubble in the sea of insects formed to protect them. Roy was in the center as he worked on keeping their path clear enough. He coughed up a little bit of blood when he finished letting them out. "Mind the mess. Swarms have a bit of a mind of their own at times. Especially ones of this size. We should be good to go for a while, but let's move quickly." He began to walk south before realizing something, "Uhhh, anyone mind leading the blind man? Kind of hear to navigate with all this noise"

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