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The Tarots RP

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by Aiko, Sep 11, 2016.

  1. Cadbberry

    Cadbberry Dad: 76.... Or Cad: 76

    (Eevee (KS))
    Level 12
    May 25, 2014
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    Aurora laughed nervously, "Roy, I dont think this is time to sleep, right now we are on a battle field and all." She looked at him desperately and then at the monkey on his chest, she sighed knowing there was nothing she could do to make him get up. She was slowly getting frustrated with everything, no one working together, everyone just wanting to kill each other so much, and she was in pain. She was trying her best to keep a smile on her face but it was breaking with every single word of hate that poured from peoples mouths.
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  2. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    Roy cocked his eyebrow up at Aurora. "You got any better ideas? Actually," he turned his attention to Taliya, "What is your plan in this? We're all here now. Why?"
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  3. ShireHime

    (Meowstic ♀)
    Level 54
    May 16, 2016
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Tapunium Z ★★★★★Crown of Valor
    The guy said that the bullets the girl uses aren't made of metal. What a coincidence universe, like, really? Now? Then she quickly thought of something.

    "I'm sorry, but do you speak for this woman? How rude of you not to let her speak for herself afterwards" Arisha said, glaring at the guy, feeling successful. True, she may not have been able to destroy this man, but she has brutally destroyed him by burning him. "Also, based on your powers, I believe that you have the 'Death' Tarot card. It's powers are legendary, and it would seem like you're very formidable in frightening people.

    Looking around, everyone was here. Nerus, Drake, Selan, Ryllis, Arisha plus five more people. She could feel a concentrated energy of power, like power that she hasn't felt before. Tarots. The other five people were also Tarots. She had already discovered the cards of Nerus, Drake, Selan and Ryllis, as they have 'The Hermit', 'The Magician', 'The High Priestress' and 'The Moon'. She only knew the card of the guy who summoned beasts, and it was called 'Death'. She could only guess the abilities of the silver haired girl. Every Sefalian was relying on her to make ice packs, so she could have the Tarot card 'The Fool'. But it was only a guess. Arisha knew the abilities and the names of the cards since she was interested if there was anyone else like her, mysterious and magical.

    "Yeah, why did you fire that signal flare anyway? I don't believe that this is not a trap at all" Arisha said. "So, just allow me to do something" She added. Arisha then touched the ground, muttering a few words. A few moments after that, metal sprouted out of where she was holding the ground. It expanded, transforming the ground into a cold, solid metal. A few moments later, the ground where everyone was standing at is now solid as metal.

    "Don't try to get any funny ideas, Sefalians. One quick attack to any of my allies would cause your doom. As your friend just said, The Empress card allows me to control metal and turn whatever I touch into metal. This means that if you get any funny ideas, I won't hesitate to make the ground sink beneath you or choke you to death. This also applies to us, to be fair." Arisha said with a serious voice. "Now, we all need to talk" She added.
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  4. Heavenly

    Heavenly Just Smile!

    Apr 17, 2015
    After the others talked to her, the girl let go of her whip from her wrist, in which Tali cusped her hand around it. She rubbed it a little bit, before looking at her.

    "Ya could have at least gone a bit softer with the grip, yeesh." She said, before turning to the rest of her group and everyone else that had appeared. It now appeared that all 10 of the Tarots. Well, at least her plan worked the way she wanted it to. She looked around to take notice of all them. There was the group that she had left over by the ice dome that Enya created, this girl who grabbed her with the metal whip, and the ball of fire that her group had beaten down to get him to stop. It had been a rough bit of time, but that wasn't her main focus now.

    As they were getting situated, it seemed the pink-haired girl had other ideas for this time. After questioning her, she decided to surround them all with the metal of her rod, basically threatening to murder them all for even the slightest of attacks. Tali wasn't really concerned as she probably didn't know that they had someone who could also change metal on their side, but it was best to go along with the concept so that she could explain without ending up with dead bodies around them.

    "Listen, if you really think we'd attack you, that's your problem. But, lemme get onto what I called all of you here for and why I used the flare gun. We needed a quick way to get all of the Tarots on the field together. I'd hate to say it, but we're gonna have to take off soon and find some neutral territory to lay low till we can figure out something. As you may have known so far from seeing what we have seen the last few days, this war is a full-on attack by Sefal onto Nuhan for absolutely no reason at all. Now, don't you find that a little suspicious?" Tali stated, before walking over to the center of the area. She noticed Roy was trying to sleep, so she lightly kicked him in the shin to get him to stay awake.

    "Although we come from Sefal, we all know this isn't right. There is no glory in execution of masses of people that have done nothing to us. The kingdoms have been allies for over hundreds of years, and to suddenly attack out of the blue on what is our best friend is outright wrong. There has to be something behind all this, and I know for a fact that I can't with a good heart stick by and let this go on, whether it means turning on my home country. We may have been created as weapons, but we're still here to keep peace in the lands. We aren't meant to slaughter those that are going to be unable to defend themselves from our powers. Don't you believe that?"

    "So, as it goes, I feel we should take off and start making a plan. We need to regroup somewhere the kings can't find us temporarily, and see if we can get some information in the meantime so that we can start figuring out what's really going on here. And if you don't want to believe me, well," She said, before sitting down and getting herself in a good posture. "Might as well bring an axe or something down on me now. There's no point to going on if all I'm going to be spending a good week doing is murdering hundreds in cold blood."

    She gave a small glance over at the pink haired girl. "Also, he is right, they aren't made from actual metal. And he's welcome to answer for me if he feels the need. If you're wondering what my card is, I'm The World, nice to meet you."
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    Lunar-Peacle likes this.
  5. Cadbberry

    Cadbberry Dad: 76.... Or Cad: 76

    (Eevee (KS))
    Level 12
    May 25, 2014
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    Aurora squeals and watches the medal spread, she jumped up and floated above the ground to avoid it. "That's why I said what I did earlier.... we wanted to get together and ask some questions about the war that our king wont mention" She looks over the tarots, feeling more intimidated to speak up, a day ago she was very loud and happy to talk but the more powers that got mixed in this close proximity just had her so nervous and anxious.
  6. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 27
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Drake closed his eyes briefly, thinkign it over. When he opened them, he glanced at Aurora again, then spoke up.

    "We should try to take a sort of prisoner from Sefal's army. Preferable one of the higher-ups. They might have an idea as to what's really going on. It's be easy to interrogate them since their probably already afraid of us."

    'I can't believe I'm doing this.' he thought.
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  7. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    Roy flinched when he felt the ground turn to metal. After a moment of grumbling, he flinched once more after being kicked. "Oui!" he exclaimed towards Taliya. With that he decided to stand back up. He could here Aurora try to speak up, but stop herself from it. "Hey if we're going to do something, then let's wait before making a brash decision. It's a war, we'll have other chances at this. Besides, I don't think we have much time left to sit out here and chat. Taliya's flare is going to attract other people over here, and I'm pretty sure they'll have a lot of questions." He looked over at Taliya once more, "Let me know when y'all are ready to roll out. I got something to keep them busy." After a brief pause he swallowed his pride, "Also my name is Roy Flynt, and I bear the mark of Death. Hello"
  8. ShireHime

    (Meowstic ♀)
    Level 54
    May 16, 2016
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Tapunium Z ★★★★★Crown of Valor
    "Well then, I guess we have an agreement then. I suppose that you guys could be trusted, after all. It's just hard to be betrayed by a friend that you've been close to for a long time, kinda like Sefal and Nuhan. It is kinda suspicious on why Sefal would attack Nuhan without any reason." Arisha said calmly. "But, I don't think it's fine to just call each and everyone by their Tarot cards. Why don't we introduce ourselves first? If we want to have trust, then we have to loosen up a bit. I'm Arisha Kaguyomi, and I have 'The Empress' Tarot card. Nice to meet you" Arisha added. Roy, the guy who could summon beasts, finally introduced himself. "Oh, and, sorry about that Roy, I tend to try and intimidate someone by talking. Also, sorry 'bout the chain"

    Everyone then started to think of a plan. Drake suggested that they should try to kidnap a person from Sefal's army, who is high in position. "Afraid? No offense, but I doubt he'll speak easily. We could get him to fear us, or we could blackmail him. But yeah, Sefalian Tarots know people in their Kingdom well, so you get the chance to pick" Arisha said "Oh, and also, we need to have a stealthy approach. I could tell a lie to the personnel without them detecting I'm lying" Arisha added.

    Arisha can't believe that they're gonna try to kidnap and blackmail this person, but if it's this important... Then why not?
  9. Fantasma

    Fantasma ♃☿♄

    (Cubone (Alolan))
    Level 1
    Sep 19, 2014
    Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    Jose saw the floor transforming into metal, he then listened to what the others had to say, he was confuse with all of this situation and he didnt agree with it, he then got close to Taliyah. "Are you sure of what you are doing? they tried to kill us before" he wispered on Taliyah's ear. "I dont agree with this, if the high command find out we all are going to be executed and if they betray us we'll end up as prisoners of war, you are putting us all at risk just because you think theres some conspiracy in all of this" he continued.
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  10. Aiko

    Aiko Anti-Shadow Weapon

    SS Egg #2
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 36
    Mar 7, 2016
    Lure Ball ★★★★Friend Ball ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Ultra Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Selan was staying quiet throughout the discussion, as she didn't want to interrupt. She finally decided to put her 2 cents in.

    "U-um excuse me, I-i would just like to say that I don't think we should blackmail someone. Wouldn't that make u-us as bad as them?"

    Selan was very nervous, as she hadn't talked to such a large group in a long time.
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  11. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 27
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    "Well, no." Drake replied to Selan. "We're not killing anyone, and it isn't for no reason. We need information. This is the best way to get it right now without getting caught as traitors."
  12. ShireHime

    (Meowstic ♀)
    Level 54
    May 16, 2016
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Tapunium Z ★★★★★Crown of Valor
    "I agree, but if only he won't talk. We won't blackmail him unless he doesn't talk. Even I don't like the idea, but I don't think just intimidating this person would work" Arisha said.
  13. Morgaine

    Morgaine Goddess of Shinies

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 3
    May 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorSoothe Bell ★Heart Scale ★★Ice Stone ★★★★
    "I refuse to go through with your plan. Not only have you threatened us while we have made no more moves to hurt you, you insult us by suggesting torture and blackmail. Kidnapping someone in the chain of command would make us a target and that is something we can ill afford if we want to lay low. The higher ups are no longer on the battlefield anyway." Enya spoke up. The woman had been slowly walking until she was in front of Aurora to give her a brief respite. She had listened carefully to the Empress and Enya had to say, she didn't like it one bit. That woman was too high and mighty for her liking, trying to intimidate everyone. She shot a small smile at the girl with the glasses on the Nuhan side.

    "Before you ask how I know, I was on protection duty for the "young lords" earlier. They were called back earlier to the command center, I was then ordered to start fighting in earnest." The blue eyed woman shot a look of disgust at the Nuhan Tarots that were talking about kidnapping someone. Even she had never gone that far.

    "I might be the Fool Tarot. But even I am not that big of a fool to paint a target on our backs." She hissed.
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  14. ShireHime

    (Meowstic ♀)
    Level 54
    May 16, 2016
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Tapunium Z ★★★★★Crown of Valor
    "Wow, I can't believe someone won't go with the plan. This isn't about being a traitor to your people. We all want peace, and that is why we are gonna infiltrate their insides. How do you expect to defeat a giant beast, in this case, a mystery of why Sefal attacked Nuhan and how to stop this war without breaking the inside of this beast? We aren't gonna torture him if you don't want to, intimidating him would be enough if you don't want blackmail. Or we could just start fighting here again, right here, right now. Instead of throwing insults at us as well, why don't we just think of another way we could solve this riddle? Isn't that what we wanted in the first place, peace? So before we resolve it, we study it." Arisha said, almost glaring at the girl's eyes.

    This girl doesn't understand the pain Nuhan is going through. Arisha knows that Sefal is suffering too, but Nuhan is suffering even more. She could almost imagine sinking this girl into the ground, but Arisha is true to her word. Unless no one attacks, she will not provoke an unannounced fight.

    "This case requires a lot of untangling. If we don't figure out a plan before the Sefalian and the Nuhanese soldiers come here due to the flare, they'll have us executed for treason, seeing us being together without fighting each other" Arisha said. "That's just basically what you were saying, you don't want to be targeted for kidnapping someone, but then, if we don't think of a plan, we'll be executed as well. What a head scratcher, huh?" Arisha added.
  15. Getus

    Getus The Senate

    (Kyogre Egg)
    Level 18
    Apr 4, 2016
    Philosopher's CowlReaper Cloth ★★★Psychium Z ★★★★Great Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Groaning in annoyance, Nerus glanced up to the clouds with a wary expression as if the very kingdoms they were planning on betraying would arrive at any moment. Listening to the suggestions and responses, that at this point seemed more like a pride measuring contest, Nerus gave a slight glare towards Arisha, "Surely it's a simple plan for now, as much as it pains me I have to agree with the Ice Witch over there. Painting a target on our backs this early, when it's still unknown about our defection, is unwise. We need to use this chance to escape and find somewhere to setup base." Releasing his glare, he stared pointedly at the rest of the tarots, "Only then should we discuss a plan, but if we are to end this war we won't be able to do it nicely. We will need to do things we won't agree with."

    Settling his gaze on the aforementioned 'Ice Witch' Nerus finished, "So if you're not ready, or willing to do that, then this war will go on longer that it needs to."
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  16. Morgaine

    Morgaine Goddess of Shinies

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 3
    May 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorSoothe Bell ★Heart Scale ★★Ice Stone ★★★★
    "You didn't listen to my point. The higher ups have left the battlefield. Only a few lower level commanders are left to sort out the mess. Everyone that is someone and would know more, is in a safe place by now. You would be hard pressed to get good information at this point." Enya tried to reason. She knew she would be a traitor the moment she listened to Tali the day before. It didn't matter anymore at this point. The silver haired woman didn't glare back at the pink haired girl. It wouldn't solve anything.

    "Blue-stripe here has a point. It is better to retreat and lure them in a false sense of security or have them go spare at the thought they don't control us anymore. Chaos in itself would be a good weapon." She sighed and shook her head as she thought about the situation. Things didn't add up, weren't the Nuhan Tarots being a little too bloodthirsty? Nuhan was always considered to be the nicer country of the two, yet here they were. Two of them condemning kidnap, three Sefalian Tarots hurt to one Nuhan Tarot, the Sefelian Tarots being threatened by the Empress. And Enya couldn't do a damn thing about it.

    "This is a situation I cannot condemn. I... cannot takeaway someone's freedom like that. I will not take part in it. But I guess I won't be able to stop you either." She rubbed her forehead trying to surpress painful memories. "It seems so weird to be standing here arguing on whether we should kidnap someone for information, there are other ways to get that."
  17. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    (@[member="AzurAurora"] Pardon me, but by "condemning kidnap" do you mean suggesting kidnap? Or criticising the idea of kidnapping? Just wanted to understand your referring to "Two Tarots condemning kidnap")

    Ryllis had been drifting in and out of sleep, when she had placed herself against the wall near the opening the ice user had provided them. Her hood had been up to provide some shade over her eyes so no one could read her expression. She did catch some details of the discussion.

    She only found herself fully awake after a while. Too many people for her liking, even though she had been used to carrying out public executions every now and then. She supposed her silence was not going to last if she was not okay with the plans at hand. Shaking off the remains of her sleep from her dull eyes, she stood up straight and removed her hood.

    "If I may speak, ladies and gentlemen. I believe I agree with Nerus and Lady Frost here. If we should get going, I think we should be quick, for I know of somewhere good enough distance from this place. As we speak, the soldiers had been giving strange looks to this structure for a while now..."
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  18. ShireHime

    (Meowstic ♀)
    Level 54
    May 16, 2016
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Tapunium Z ★★★★★Crown of Valor
    "I-i see... You g-guys must be really.. nice, huh?" Arisha said, shaking slightly. Then let's just leave the place and think of a better idea. Detailing my past wouldn't exactly help either way. You guys just tell us the plan, and then we'll follow the plan. For now, we need to get out of here, Ryllis, if you'd please?" Arisha said, seemingly calming down. As much as she wanted to calm down, she herself couldn't. How things ended for her, it was too painful for her. The war.. This war.. This war ended her future.

    Arisha then gestured Ryllis to lead them to the place that she was talking about.
  19. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    Roy began to mumble to himself "Oh no that's fine. All of their ideas, don't listen to Roy. He's just the silly blind man." He grumbled to himself for a bit and went back to concentrating on the summon. After a few minutes of this he shouted out to the rest of the group "Hey guys! Anytime now! They're looking awfully suspicious at us right now. My summon just about ready to get us out of here, but it works better if they don't see it coming"
  20. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 27
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    "For the record, I never said anything about torturing him." Drake said. "But fine. You guys are right. Just know that my plan is probably the easiest way to get info. What, do you want to try and go to the kings themselves?" He turned to Roy. "We might have a distraction already. I doubt the two sides wouldn't be fighting if they met up here."

    He decided to sit down on the now metal ground. "And Ice Witch, let me just say I'm surprised that you aren't at the point yet where you don't care who you have to mess with to get what you want. This war should've shown you that already, if you were influenced by it as much as I think you were."

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