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Group RP Iris-shi High School Talent (Idol) Club! (IC)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by 122 Generation, Jul 14, 2022.

  1. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 20
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Having already lent his laptop to Robyn, Kai had a good look at her (and Robin's) posters, and so did Nora. "Sharing a poster like that..." the latter mused. "...do you really wanna get more gossip your way? Like, both of you?" I mean, sure, sharing a poster and a stage name is one thing, but if both parties had already established themselves as "totally not related people", wouldn't that invite more random rumors between the two?

    And then Kai's eyes became as wide as dinner plates at Nora's comment. "Nora!" he scolded her. Not loud enough for a yell yet stern enough to snap his sister back to her senses.
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  2. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    @SAF @Pirate Captain @WavePearl

    (‘Robyins’ :P)

    But for Kai, it was too late. Nora’s opinion had drilled into Robyn’s head as if she had been struck by lightning. “G-gossip? What gossip?” Robyn said nervously. Clearly, Robyn was failing at trying to act like she didn't know what Nora meant. “I mean, we don't have to be in the same poster. We could just share the same stage name. How hard could it be? I can be Reflet, he can be Reflet, we're both Reflet..." Oh gosh, now Robyn was very flustered and cornered. There was no way she would ever tell the inconceivable truth about herself that she and Robin were not related but were the same person. She was so flustered that she had forgotten to address Alexa's thoughts.


    Thankfully, Robin’s thoughts were on replying to Alex. Despite the very inquisitive look on the Tamal’s eyes, or that potentially-knowing grin, Robin replied, “Ah… there’s no way I'll be the leader. That’s only for Robyn, since this club was her idea.” He looked at his posters one more time, and trying to ignore Robyn (even though it was hard not to ignore her). "I thought about adding fire and flames in the shoot, but that might have overdone it. Something simple and clean should do the trick." Looking at the posters again, they weren't anything flashy, but very 'cool', so to speak.

    But when it came to Nora, Robin - like Robyn - was also trying his best to keep cool. "Um... Like, we don't have to release the duo poster first. We can just show her as Reflet and then me as Reflet. Totally different posters!" he said. "I hope the possibilities of gossip will be zero."

    Robyn, meanwhile, tried not to make eye contact with anyone. Her thoughts were on the possible gossip that might come about as a result of these posters. Why, even Tamal was looking suspiciously at her with that blasted smile on his face. She had practically forgotten about discussing when to publish these posters.

    (Haha I can imagine new polls being set up because of these posters >:D)
  3. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 39
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    (Haha, I think that's the second time I've used that term as a plural for the two LMAO)

    I mean, if they had a similar setup as the Hansens and I didn't know better, I would think they were siblings too, Alex reasoned in her head. Maybe one of them should dye their hair...

    For now, she just nodded at Robin's comment about being the leader. "Yeah, I think fire would have overdone it. It wouldn't quite mesh with the setting."

    Tamal, on the other hand, noticed how nervous Robyn had become. Well, if she didn't want to admit to anything between herself and Robin.... Was she the type that needed a push, or wanted someone to cover her? The latter got him thinking again. If we need to unbalance the duo stage names so that people don't think they only represent siblings... Maybe there's something I could do about that...?
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  4. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    "Look, maybe one of them comes from a different universe, or timeline. "Tala said as she shook her shoulders. "I had heard in class that is possible" saying that with a serious face.
    after that she laughed. "Just joking. Sorry I just had to do that"

    (Tala doesnt know, no worries. And I wonder will the club ever find out about there past)
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  5. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 20
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    (Not really. It's more like the "sharing" part that surprised him. Also, poor Robyins. :sweat:)

    Between Nora's "O-oh..." and Kai's sigh of exasperation, it sure was a little hard to believe that Robyn could be quite easily flustered by a freakin' first-year. However, it was (mostly) the second-years who got the situation a little out of hand for the Robyins. From Tala's joke to Tamal's potentially-knowing grin (and Naga knew whatever random thoughts currently whirring in his head), even Alex looked like she's trying oh-so-hard to keep her braincells from going too wild. And Maya? Like Tamal, Naga knew whatever's going on inside her head during all this messed-up convo.

    Sighing again, Kai gave his fellow third-years an apologetic look. "Sorry about that, guys," he said. It was then followed by a question to try getting the meeting back on track: "When do you want us to finish these, by the way?" And by "these", he meant the poster designs.
    122 Generation and WavePearl like this.
  6. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012

    (If you're wondering what Maya's doing--yes, she is not paying attention because she is gathering up her poster concepts, with the second one in front)
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  7. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    @ChocoChicken @Pirate Captain @SAF @WavePearl
    (Now I wonder what Tamal plans to do 'about that'...)

    Now Robyn really felt like curling up and hiding in a corner. Not only were her clubmates getting dangerously close to deducing her crush on Robin, but Tala had guessed the truth about Robyn (even if it was a joke - to which Robyn shot Tala a surprised glance). For what it was worth, that might complicate her secret. To Nora’s credit, Robyn had been flustered by a freakin’ then-first-year before, which was namely Lissa. Perhaps Robyn was too easily flustered or that she was bad at hiding secrets or that she was too honest. Why, it was painfully obvious to the Shepherds last year that she had feelings for a certain someone!

    Meanwhile, Robin had remained quiet and tried his best to stay cool. His state of mind was the same as Robyn’s but at least he wasn’t the focus (as he wasn’t club leader). “I’ll have ours - I mean - I’ll have mine done soon.” Like Robyn, he began to question if his appearance with Robyn on the same poster might be too conspicuous - let alone implying they were a couple. Best case scenario: people might perceive them to be 'one of those couples that wanted to be matching or something like that'. Even so, the stage name 'Reflet' wasn't too bad, right?

    For a moment, he wondered about dying his hair, but knowing Robyn, she would pick a colour to match his.

    Robyn finally caught her breath and munched on another lemon puff like she was stress-eating. “Uh… right. Now about these posters, you can finish these by the end of the week and send the final products to me. I’ll have them uploaded and published around the school.”
  8. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 39
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    "All right, noted. I should show you mine and Tamal's designs now, right? We talked to the same artist, and the initial thumbnails got emailed over a while back." Alex pulled her laptop onto her knees, preparing to flip it open and show the group once she got permission. "Mine just has me and my name, but Tamal also added a title to his. Not quite a stage name, though."

    "I mean, it could be," the boy in question shrugged. "But I was thinking 'Capella' for my stage name, actually. You know, after the star, and because I'm a singer? Get it? Please laugh?"

    Alexa pointedly gave him a look. Tamal only smiled wider.
  9. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    "Oh! Let's see it!" Robyn clapped her hands, glad that her torment was over. "So it's 'Capella' eh...? I'm still wondering whether to keep the title on mine or not." That said, she could only grin at the slight banter Tamal was trying to give to Alex (it seemed that Tamal's sense of humour was on a different level than Alexa's). She leaned in to see what designs they had in store.
  10. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 39
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    "All right, I'll show Tamal's first. You want to explain yours?" Alex flipped her laptop screen open, and after a quick moment of navigating her emails, she opened the file and turned the screen around.

    Tamal waved a hand in front of it in a "ta da" motion - revealing a back shot of him onstage, on his knees, guitar in hand, and pointing one finger to the night sky. A shooting star underscored his name, the words "Rising Star" printed in its wake - although rather than falling, the meteor seemed to be going upwards at the end. On either side of Tamal, just in front of the crowd, a pair of bright stagelights framed the picture.

    tamal poster thumbnail.png

    "Right, so I was going for sort of a rock star vibe? I also originally wanted to put flames on the side, but we - that is, Alex, me, and the artist we got - thought it might be too much, so they added lights instead. I also don't have my stage name there, but I might put it along my title. Of course, I know this doesn't have my face in it, but I could ask for another perspective - this one from the audience, still with the rising star in the back, you know. The artist just couldn't quite get the perspective to work the first time." Tamal gestured to each section, speaking with an occasional pause or stumble as he tried to collect his thoughts.

    "All right, Alex, your turn!" At his closing remark, Alex turned the screen back, pulling up her own poster. Though she'd tried her best to hide any nervousness at the results of her composition attempt, her expression must've showed something, because Tamal also added "Don't worry about it, it's gonna be awesome!" in a low hiss.

    "Right. This is the first sketch of what I commissioned," she said as she flipped the computer over again, this time revealing a sketch of herself in her first performance outfit, half turned away from the screen with a maybe-smile-maybe-serious expression on her face. Beams of light and lasers in shades from lilac to green overlapped on a navy blue background reminiscent of the night sky, while her name in a futuristic font capped off the design.

    alex poster thumbnail.png

    "I originally wanted to have something like myself stepping out from a curtain, but the artist ended up going a bit of a different direction - now the lasers and lights just kind of imply the stage and curtain, while keeping the futuristic theme I was hoping for. Right now it just shows a sketch of me, but I'm planning to do a quick photoshoot for the final thing, and overlay that image with cyan just to keep the aesthetic going. I... also didn't put my stage name, because I'm still coming up with it, but we can save that for a later discussion. Thoughts?" Alex's gestured to the digital image. "On both of our posters, that is."
    #830 Dec 3, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2022
    122 Generation likes this.
  11. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    Tala looked at them. "I love them both. Its so lets see artistic look" smiling at them. "Nice work both of you"

    She nodded at Robyn, about it to send it wt the end of week.
  12. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012

    "Both of those are very nice!" Maya smiled. "I like the futuristic look." she told Alex. "It'll look cool when it's done."

    She next addressed Tamal. "I like the rockstar vibe you have going.
    Pirate Captain likes this.
  13. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014

    Robyn clearly looked excited. “That’s looking pretty good already!" Seemed Alex and Tamal were going for similar directions in having their backs turned. It looked flashy. "You have the rest of the week until the point that we get these printed, whether you want to edit them or put in a stage name. That should be enough, I hope!"

    In the back of Robyn's mind, she was screaming at herself. She needed to follow her own advice because she wasn't sure whether to put herself and Robin in the same poster. Nora did have a point after all...

    "Right, uh..." Robyn cleared her throat. "Is there anything else we should clarify about the posters? Or stage names?"
    WavePearl likes this.
  14. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    "Based on you guys' feedback, I'm going with the second of my concepts." Maya explained. "I plan to get back with the art club in a day or two."
  15. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    "Well, the deadline is in two days, technically, so that should give us time," Robyn replied. "Make sure to send it to me by the weekend."

    @SAF @Pirate Captain @ChocoChicken

    That said, Robyn hadn't forgotten about Kai's texts from earlier. If there was something he needed to say, Robyn would have to follow up with him.
    WavePearl likes this.
  16. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 39
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    At Robyn's closing remarks, Tamal gave Alex a pointed grin. After a moment where the duo exchanged eye contact in a short-lived battle of wills, Alexa sighed and sat back. "Actually, I do have a few stage name concepts, but I'd like your opinions on them. I was thinking of going with Harmony, but that seemed to lack an edge, so I thought about Harmonyx - but is that too similar to Phoenix, Maya? If not, that's okay - I have some other backup stage names, and I'll pick one eventually and maybe put it under my name."

    "Oh, and to ask - would it be possible to have a duo stage name alongside our original ones?"

    Tamal's sudden interjection caused Alex to turn to him in mild surprise. "Wait, what?"

    "Since, you know, the Hansens are siblings, but Robyn and Robin look like siblings but aren't, so there was that whole dilemma, if Alex and I had a duo stage name and we obviously look quite different, that could get rid of some of the confusion surrounding you two!" He gestured to the Robiyn duo again. "I was thinking 'Polygonal'. You know the 'al' refers to us. Tam-al and Al-ex."

    Alexa paused, mulling the idea over in her head for a moment. While she wasn't opposed to teaming up with her old friend, the fact remained that they had a fandom. A fandom that could be quite unholy too much. "Not that I'm against it, but... you are aware of how much worse that could make life for the both of us?"


    Right. He had never seen the Poll That Crawled Out Of The Depths. And Alex didn't particularly feel in the mood to ruin his day or their friendship. She just held her tongue and hoped the other members wouldn't clarify too much.
  17. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 20
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    (Oh dear, my braincells were stuck again. Apologies. :()

    So now everything happened too quickly since Kai's attempt to steer the meeting back on track. Both siblings nodded to Robyn's directive of sending the posters by the weekend and lightly chuckled at Tamal's little banter with Alex. Kai then put his laptop aside to make room for Alexa's as she and Tamal showed their designs. Sure, her futuristic and his rock star vibes matched their respective energies, but Maya had already voiced that before either siblings could.

    And then there's Tamal's idea about him and Alex sharing a stage name. While the idea itself was alright, Nora jolted at the other girl's remark on the "Not that I'm against it, but..." part. I mean, Robyins' rumors aside, there's also a certain forbidden ship trying to sail in the fanbase. It also spurred a very concerned Kai to intervene at this point. "Alex," he shot a glare at the girl he called out to. "Let's not talk about it now, okay?"

    As for whatever Kai wanted to talk with Robyn about, that had to wait until the latter officially dismissed the club and everyone else going their ways. The former just had to do this before meeting up with Kalino, Nora's classmate from the photography club.

    (In this RP, Kalino Miller is about Nora's age. His hair is now kept naturally auburn instead of painted blue like in another RP and has two pet cats instead of Ninetales: Mako the ginger tabby and Mio the white munchkin.)
    WavePearl likes this.
  18. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    "I love that stage name. Its so good" Tala said entusiastic. (Sorry for misspelling)

    "Anyway. So next week poster done right?" She asked to extra confirm. "Do we need too discuss something else?" Gazing around the other members if they need it to say or ask something
  19. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    (The 'Poll That Crawled Out Of The Depths' sounds sinister :D; and ooh, another OC, SAF?)


    Robyn sweatdropped. She was reminded that Tamal had not seen the freakin' poll that was created by the fandom, along with its repercussions that it had on the club.

    "Eh... I'm sure the OTP thing will pass with time..." she said in a small voice (albeit to be honest Robyn kept her OTPs in her support log, as did Robin), then she raised her voice to normal volume. "Still, 'Polygonal' does sound like an interesting play-on with your names! If you're going to perform together, go for it! To answer your question, Mallik-san, there's no problem with having your own stage name and a duo name. It's just that Robin and I will have the same stage name - so you could call us a solo or a duo in our own right.

    "Other than that, if you would like to go with Harmonyx or some other name, let me know by the end of the week," Robyn added. "Just so long it doesn't sound too similar to an existing idol or something!"

    @SAF @Pirate Captain @WavePearl

    To Tala, Robyn said, "Nope, that's about it! Unless you would like to help Robin finish off these lemon puffs." She grabbed one of the lemon puffs as she went to take down her Summer Scramble posters.

    Then Robyn dismissed the club with a reminder to send her the final poster products to her by the end of the week, plus any final stage names if applicable.
    ChocoChicken likes this.
  20. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    "Thanks for the feedback, everyone!" Maya smiled before gathering up her concepts and departing. She made a note to meet back with the art club the next day, then send in the fine tuned version of the second poster by Friday.

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