I know there's a bunch of different 'Favorite Pokémon' threads and all that, but this is more of a 'If you had to choose ONE Pokémon, and ONLY one, which would it be?' thread! For me... I would go with (shiny) Ditto, because it can be all the Pokémon! And if we're saying that's cheating (which it kind of is) then I'll go with (shiny) Aegislash! Aegislash is by far my most favorite Pokémon, and it's shiny is so cool! So... which one would you choose?
Probably Greninja, or Ribombee! Those are my all-time favorites. But if I start naming all the other ones I like, it's gonna take forever lol.
I would go with a shiny Lucario, cause not only do I like the shiny and it can help me do some heavy lifting work, but it would understand my feelings without me having to say anything to explain myself.
I would go with a Ditto, since it could be anything I want. If that doesn't count, then I would go with Gardevior because it would make a good companion/bodyguard.
Poipole. Definitely Poipole. It's the most adorable little thing as a child and grows up to be a powerhouse of an alien space bee. 10/10 partner.
Sneasel, most definitely. I like its typing, its design, its personality, and its size. Sneasel's not too big, not too small, he's just the right size for a companion.
If I was actually my Ultra Sun character, people would associate me with my Shiny Mega Lopunny (who is male), who's always with me when I challenge the Battle Tree. It's the closes thing I have to a mascot, as far as my player-character is concerned. However, if it was truly me, I would like to have a partner either as a Metagross or Umbreon, optionally shiny. Metagross if I'm a battling trainer, Umbreon if I'm not. I identify pretty strongly with both of them, and I think I could make friends with either pretty easily.
@Fchicken77 That conure literally just took a dump in the picture. You could’ve at least got a better one instead of a bird that just pooped.
don't want to pick my favorite Diancie since she's a legendary and it would be strange, so probably Cinccino or Flareon. Both are absolutely adorable and one of my top Pokémon. The choice is though...which one? I'll leave it at that </3
For a partner Pokémon I'd go with Metagross. I identify a lot with the Pokémon, its a strong battler, can technically read minds, its a mobile supercomputer, it can fly/hover, and I love how it looks. Just hope its not dealing with multi-personality disorder.(it has four brains from four different Pokémon) If I had to pick a shoulder Pokémon though, I'd go with Glaceon. Even though it kinda sucks at battling, I love this Eeveelution to bit.
That's a though one since there's a lot of pokémon I'd like to pick but if is just one right now it would probably be Houndoom.
Call me wierd but I would want a green and gold charizard if that could even be possible. If not, a shiny one would do just fine.