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Sign Up/Discussion Luminous: An RP With A Convoluted DM-Ran Magic System

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by ChocoChicken, Dec 23, 2022.

  1. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    I think a short dash would be appropriate for Level 1, then once you hit a bit later, you can upgrade it to a longer speed boost.

    Fair enough! Well it'll all come down to the spells at the end of the day, so let me know of your choices there when you're ready.
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  2. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 32
    Nov 22, 2012

    Which elementals would make sense for Lv. 1? I'm trying to figure out a balanced setup to start Kanaru as the Mario--not particularly good at anything, but not terrible at anything, either-So a good blend of offense, defense, and support.
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  3. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    "Anything is capable of being a Level 1 if you power it down enough" - ChocoChicken after forgetting I can't sleep with caffeine

    It all depends on the effect you want. You can even take some inspiration from the Mario+Rabbids series for "effects" (like water being a splash that sends people backwards) since there's no elemental-type-effectiveness here, it's Luminous all the way down. Having a fire attack is fine since setting stuff on fire is a clear other use, but if you have a light attack and electricity attack too, those other two spells are really not going to do anything different at all.

    If you want to have an "elemental-based" character I would suggest to stick to a small group of "elements", like a balanced 3-4 (fire-ice-water, fire-ice-lightning, water-earth-fire-air-longagothefournations) so you have points to go into aspects to round them out.

    (I don't consider plants an element, by the way. That would go into Summoning because plants are things, not blasts.)

    To build on that suggestion, if it helps, you can even assign your offense-defense-support-utility into elements - for example have Kanaru use fire-based spells to attack, water-based spells to defend, and wind-based spells to do more utility things (illusions of fake noises, summoning mists to hide in, etc).

    Since @122 Generation is (planning on) putting Robin into some earth-based Terraforming and @ID Zeta was thinking of a wind theming for Ando (IIRC for both), you can talk with them and narrow down your options from there. Having unique spells helps everyone get their own niche, and also you guys get to build crazy team attacks with different spells which is a win for everyone.

    Oh, and in case I haven't made it clear: for "alternative casters" aka using something else as a focus to affect usage, that's a Level 2 spell requirement. Like if you have a hovering spell, and you want to make your weapon float, you'll need a Level 2 spell for "cast spell through melee weapon". I hope that's not too restrictive, but the schools aren't just flavor text.
    #223 Jun 20, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2023
  4. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 19
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    With such a spellcasting system, I'd imagine it would be easier to work on the skillsets backwards, so here's my target for Elio's skillsets at his highest level:
    1. Stamina healing (HP recovery)
    2. Luminous healing (MP recovery if you will)
    3. Status ailment recovery (Esuna?)
    4. Speed/dexterity boost
    5. Paws with retractable claws
    6. Full-body "fur coat" that heightens resistance to cold
    7. Shrinking spell
    8. Fall damage reduction
    9. Full-body cat transformation
    10. Put the spells above in tinctures
    (Actual spells by the time my 40 spell points run out may vary btw.)

    And for the learning steps, here's what I have in mind:
    The number of each ideas listed here corresponds with the spells above.
    1. The good ol' Cure - Cura - Curaga or the like.
    2. Same as above but for Luminous.
    3. Highly depends on how many status ailments we have here -- higher level of spell #3 heals more kinds of ailments.
    4. What Choco said here (a short dash first, then eventually upgrade to a longer speed boost) should be enough imo. Not sure about dexterity, though.
    5. More or less like "one hand claws" - "two hand claws" - "paws with retractable claws".
    6. Start from the torso, then add the limbs, and eventually covers the head too.
    7. Not sure about this one tbh. Duration of the spell maybe?
    8. The higher level of spell #8 reduces more damage.
    9. Start from a house cat first, then eventually do the big cats (lion, tiger, cheetah, etc.). Or just do the house cat if that's too OP.
      • Elio will want to master spells #4 - #8 first, though.
    10. This, honestly, depends on which spell to be bottled.
    A bit messy, I know. Still need help to refine it tbh.
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  5. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Well, I'm here to help with that!

    3 - That can probably be put with the first spell as a general healing thing. I don't have a huge "status ailment" problem going on, you'll just be either in physical pain or your Luminous will be in danger. BTW, Luminous healing is known as Energy Restoration.

    9 - can probably be the Level 5 version/combination of the earlier spells, so I'll allow those to be considered one "cat spell", with each level just being "you can add these more". The paws and fur can be considered one combo, or you can go for the speed+fall damage/dexterity in one go.

    4 - I can combine speed and dexterity once the spell is high enough. However, if speed is a later priority, you can start with learning the other spells, then branch into speed from a higher-level Vitality spell.

    10 - That only takes two points, so you can just pick that skill up whenever it makes sense/is the right time in-universe.

    It looks like a good list so far. Just figure out your priorities for now, and then you'll have your first set.
    SAF likes this.
  6. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 19
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    In that case, should I replace spell #3 with an enlarging spell just to balance out the shrinking one? Or should I split spell #4 up so the speed and dexterity boosts can be done separately? Or should I do cat ears?

    In that case, I'll probably have Elio do these plus some outtakes on other schools of magic for now:
    • Basic healing spell
    • Basic energy restoration
    • Fall damage reduction
    • Either dexterity boost or torso fur coat
    #226 Jun 20, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2023
  7. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 32
    Nov 22, 2012

    I think that of those, I can think up a nice blend of offense, defense, and support from fire, ice, and lightning...

    --a basic elemental blast for each (that can evolve as Kanaru grows stronger)
    --attack boost fire spell
    --speed down ice spell that also does damage
    --healing flame spell
    --paralysis spell

    How does that look so far?
  8. Jupjami

    Jupjami Thy friendly neighbourhood birb shaman

    Level 66
    May 31, 2018
    Leaf Stone ★★★Dragon Scale ★★★Darkinum Z ★★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★Reaper Cloth ★★★
    So my idea for Wakeng is gonna lean heavily towards a sub-DPS/supporter role that mostly controls enemy movement with his summons (I think I've finally decided on that) while dealing decent enough damage. Though I'm also tempted to theme him around the daily struggles of a part-timing college student…

    That aside, here's what's on my starter list for now:
    -a weak dash
    -a weak hook (maybe a chain of light from the Luminous?)
    -the small shield suggestion
    -something to enhance his throwing ability

    Also "wakeng" is basically crow + a common Filipino diminutive, so I'm definitely givin' him a flock of 'em in the future. Perhaps they give different kinds of debuffs depending on which crow he summons.
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  9. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    SAF, for the first bit, I think the cat ears spell would be good - that would be enhanced hearing, yes? Though do keep in mind - while your spell limit is 10 spells, you do not need to have 10 spells. You can have 8 level 5 spells as well. It's just my hard limit so nobody shows up with "HEY CHOCO I MADE 40 LEVEL 1 SPELLS" and I break my screen.

    On an unrelated note, just for reference - this is how Transmutationist spells will be handled btw.
    Individual buffs can be learned starting from level 2, and leveled up on their own. Then at level 3, the spell will be "Elio can cast multiple buffs at once". At level 4, cat. And at level 5, multiple cat, or one strong cat. Level 6 is your super cat, idk, turn the whole team into cats? Least that's the one that kinda makes sense to me for a Transmutationist spell leveling.
    BTW if you have the points, yes you can skip to level 6 immediately. I'm just gonna say you will need at least 3 spells related to corresponding animal at least known.

    All right, what's the level distribution on those? To remind you, you have seven points. You can go 1-2-2-2, 1-2-3-1, or you can save points for later (1-2-3) or whatever.


    Okay, I did just mention a couple things about status effects not really being a thing, so here's a few more clarifications for you to help narrow down some of the spells. Main reason being that fights are more sandbox-y so you can go "I throw sand at the opponent's face" or "I throw an inkwell at them" or "I punch them in the eyes" and I will go "yeah sure I'll force them to need higher rolls to hit you now".

    - The "speed down" spell might be more of a "physically freeze a thing" spell, though I can bend a bit and say the "basic attack" can physically freeze and environment, but the second spell would be the one needed to freeze a living being (freeze their arm, their leg, etc).

    - "Paralysis" would have the same sort of deal. For balance reasons (aka there's 5 of you and 1 of them) I'm not allowing total freezing of someone unless they're already out of commission enough. You might want to consider somethin else for that one, or you can repurpose the "freeze something" to be the paralysis spell and run something else with the ice idea.

    - This is just me thinking, but for the "attack" spell, I'm imagining a sort of Torchwood from Plants vs Zombies sort of thing going on, where it coats an attack in a fiery aura before it hits an opponent.

    - Healing flame - There's the major distinction between "physical healing" and "energy restoration/Luminous healing". So I'll need you to differentiate which type of spell this is, or break it into two (is Kanaru more focused on what will always be used or preparing for the extreme?)

    To explain, let me say this. In most fights, it is more practical to bring energy restoration, as that's what keeps you in the fight (remember, a destroyed Luminous is basically a free KO). But if you get physically stabbed or something, energy restoration will not help you. It's a what-risk sort of thing, because in most fights you're against opponents who aren't going to try and stab you, or accidentally stab you. Also, there's Elio.

    You'll also need the two level 2 spells in order to cast through Kanaru's bow or flute. If that's a huge load on your spell list at the moment, I'm willing to negotiate turning it into one spell, but it does just mean your regular spells get more powerful.

    Oh, by the way, you're all free to name your spells cool things. Like, uh, actually I don't have examples.

    Anyway while I was writing this, I took so long, Jupjami responded. Hello, Jup! You get the same question as SAF (your proposed numbers distribution for now with your 7 points.)

    - You asked about teleportation, so I assume the dash is for teleportation in the future. Well I'll accept your dash but teleportation is pretty late level. Depends on what you want out of the ability and how much you negotiate, scaling yeah wahoo yay.

    - By hook you mean like... grappling hook? Lassoing? Cough cough vine whip? But thinking as to your last spell, I can say you can do something like that and use it to yeet things like a magical slingshot. It would, however, be a Duelist spell.

    - Small shield is fair enough but are we saying it's like a shield that can be moved? Or does it somewhat work of its own volition. Depending on the wording here I can try and twist it into a Summoning spell, which will let you build on that for your birbs.

    - Birb. I realized I haven't put that many birbs in Luminous thus far. Mistake is too late to be rectified, sorry. I rely on you to bring the birb now

    - Not a lot of Alchemist at the moment, but nothing wrong with that. At the end of the day the schools are for the spells, not the other way round. Don't force it unless you really want it.

    HOO BOY long post. Rewarding myself for that by putting something completely stupid down here that is not useful to anyone or required for any spells but I think it is funny and someone needs to keep the Lassus energy on the site.

    If you have healing and weapon infusion spells. Yes. You can heal using your sword. Yes you will stab the guy receiving healing and it will heal them without hurting.

    122 Generation, SAF and Jupjami like this.
  10. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 32
    Nov 22, 2012

    Thanks for the tips--I'll see what else I can fine tune or come up with.
  11. Jupjami

    Jupjami Thy friendly neighbourhood birb shaman

    Level 66
    May 31, 2018
    Leaf Stone ★★★Dragon Scale ★★★Darkinum Z ★★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★Reaper Cloth ★★★
    Astute ideas as always~ wait, why did i sound so british there-

    I was thinking the 'hook' would be more like 'binding' the enemy/object to Wakeng's Luminous with a chain or sth, then Wakeng can pull the chain around to bring 'em closer, keep them from escaping, carry them along... huh, that really sounds like a lasso, doesn't it.

    Yeah that's gonna be an instant Level 2, along with the dash-that's-basically-just-any-generic-MOBA-dash-skill.

    The shield suggestion gave me a fun idea though - maybe Wakeng summons a bulky raven or sth as a meat shield later on! For now though it's just gonna be a Lv 2 floating shield barrier, maybe.

    Therefore the throwing ability remains at Lv 1; perhaps just a slight physical boost to the arms.
    ChocoChicken likes this.
  12. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    "Crow"?! Cue Minerva for Robin @SAF ;) (for context, Minerva is a wyvern in Robin's world who disguises herself as a much smaller crow)


    So in Robin's context for skills, I think I'll have him primarily be a Summoner but with emphasis on thunder magic on his Battlemage school and - as you put it - earth-based emphasis on Terraforming. I imagine that he'll be using his sword like a Fire Emblem Levin Sword and just cast thunder magic with it. I've written what I might have in mind for Robin here, along with his start skills in each first line. Like SAF, it needs to be refined.

    But to be honest, I'm not sure how the levelling with Summoning would work. When summoning, is Robin just limited to summoning one creature or many? (e.g. one creature per spell) Or is he summoning comparable creatures for each spell? I imagine he'll run out of skill points before he could upgrade fully. Also, is it one level per skill point or...?

    Also, drawing a blank on Terraforming.
    1. Thundershock
    2. Charge Beam
    3. Shock Wave
    4. Thunderbolt
    5. Thunder
    6. Thoron
    1. Baby Crow
    2. +1 Crow
    3. +1 Crow
    4. Wyvern
    5. +1 Wyvern
    6. Minerva
    Ooh, now I'm imagining Robin summoning Minerva to join the flock of crows.
    I would guess Robin will suffer from trauma if he sees his allies stabbing each other with swords to heal >:D because he had seen Robyn almost fatally injure his friends before Whoa, watching this company 'heal' each other will do him dirty.
    Jupjami and SAF like this.
  13. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Okay, so let me scale these:

    - Level 2 telekinesis hook lasso is fair enough, I'll call it a Duelist-type. For that level I'll make it able to grab up to like 2.5 meters for now, nothing extreme, but more difficult to break than normal rope with most means. Also, while visually I can make the chain bind to the Luminous, whatever's grabbed goes towards Wakeng rather than the Luminous. So you know, it doesn't get point-blank shot.
    - Level 2 dash would get you a decent distance, but for its level, I'll limit it to the ground - no Celeste Madeline Up-dash. Duelist-type again by technicality.
    - Right, so for the floating shield, to make it a Summoning spell (since you'll need one of those before learning any level 3s) I can make it so the shield remains where it is after summoning, rather than following the body like a weapon. That aight? It's movable, too.
    - And to finish, the slight arm boost will be there. Since you want it for throwing speed, should I specialize it in that? Will give it a bit of range as well. Vitality/transmutation type spell.

    So your possible Level 3 and above from this set are Vitality, Transmutation, Duelist, and Summoning. Sound good?

    If that's final, I'll put them in my doc, and you can put them wherever you wanna put them, and that'll be good?

    All right, I think you have a start there, but let me help explain some stuff here for ya.

    Firstly, yes, one point is one level, and to level up your spell from 3-5 later will have two points, and so on. And the rules from before are fine.

    Second, the way I'll treat Summoning - you'll get one spell per construct. You can have one summon create multiple weaker constructs, or one big construct.

    The construct group must all focus on the same type of thing - like if you summon a swarm of bees, that's one spell, and if your high level spell summons three birds that do the same thing with slightly different flavor (say they sing songs where one draws fire and the other annoys enemies etc), that's one spell. But if you have a wyvern for a mounted summon, and a cuttlefish that shoots lava, those are very different and therefore two separate spells that level separately.

    On the battlefield, you guys will probably have one Construct spell active at a time, just because this is a big party as is. So that's possibly one small group of birds or one big borb for Wakeng, and one Fake Minerva for Robin, maybe.

    Any Construct takes Luminous damage, and therefore defeating a construct will take energy from your Luminous directly. Depending on its strength and yours that can dissipiate it. It also means Constructs heal from energy restoration, rather than health. Remember, it's not alive, it's just a Luminous extension.

    For your current spells, it looks like you have three spells - a basic electricity one (which I guess is your basic attack)? You'll also want your sword infusion spell for Battlemage, just so you can cast through it, so that's a fourth spell.

    Other Battlemage spells will probably enhance the sword further, like having it teleport/boomerang back to user when thrown, or fire slashes like X-Scissor style in the anime. Or you can have him blink to his sword after throwing it, something like that. It can still be lightning flavored teleports.

    On your crow to Minerva summoning thing, you'll probably want to think about what you want Minerva to do specifically. Does she attack opponents? Meat shield? Rally the party? Transport people? You get the idea. Then consider what abilities you want to build on, and her skillset will "level" with her.
    (I say "she" here, but a construct doesn't really have gender. Consider it more of a "sea-captain's-beloved-boat" she, or a more apt guess, "Robin really misses Minerva and is trying to pretend she is there with him" she.)

    For example let's take Wakeng, say he has a Level 3 crow that can pick up items and drop them. When it levels up, he can make it possibly move faster, or blink to him with an item, or maybe he will let it use the item it picks up - and it will gain more abilities or power the more points he puts in the spell.

    Finally, Terraforming. You mentioned earth raising, sand yeeting, walls, and some other stuff from earlier. You can consider some of those. A Terraforming spell for Level 2 would be as simple as possibly like a sand blast or throwing a rock the size of someone's head, or something about that scale.

    I hope that helps you with some stuff. Also, not every spell needs to go to level 6, just do it for the stuff that really hits your fancy or your major skills. But for now I really just need your 7 points.
    122 Generation and Jupjami like this.
  14. Jupjami

    Jupjami Thy friendly neighbourhood birb shaman

    Level 66
    May 31, 2018
    Leaf Stone ★★★Dragon Scale ★★★Darkinum Z ★★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★Reaper Cloth ★★★

    Yeah they're all good; quite within my expectations, actually! (A consequence of playing games where characters have very limited skillsets, I guess)

    On another note, that means that our summon's abilities aren't necessarily added to the spell count/quota, no?
  15. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Okay, good. Limitations breed creativity, and the creativity what I like about DnD that's going into Luminous. The wackier your method is the more likely I'm going to lower the RNG needed for it to work.

    And yes, your construct's abilities are not part of the spell quota. However, to make up for that, a construct's abilities themselves are also somewhat limited, in the same way Elio's transmutations are. A construct is really gonna specialize in one or two things at most - well, one construct is comparable to one spell, to be completely clear.
    Jupjami likes this.
  16. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 19
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Whelp. Quite tempting stuff. Too bad Elio's not that kind of guy. :sweat:

    M-hm. So now Elio's final skillset looks like this:
    1. Stamina healing (HP recovery)
    2. Energy restoration
    3. Cat ears for enhanced hearing
    4. Speed/dexterity boost
    5. Paws with retractable claws
    6. Full-body "fur coat" that heightens resistance to cold
    7. Shrinking spell
    8. Fall damage reduction
    9. Full-body cat transformation
    10. Put the spells above in tinctures

    Before that, might as well let you know that I'm adding the cat ears spell in the starter set and save the fur coat for later. So now it should look like this:
    • Basic healing spell (2 points)
    • Basic energy restoration (2 points)
    • Fall damage reduction (1 point)
    • Dexterity boost (1 point)
    • Cat ears spell (1 point)
  17. Jupjami

    Jupjami Thy friendly neighbourhood birb shaman

    Level 66
    May 31, 2018
    Leaf Stone ★★★Dragon Scale ★★★Darkinum Z ★★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★Reaper Cloth ★★★
    Another quick question - the Level 2 spells leading into Alchemy. What would those look like?
    (Me realising making debuffer crows actually does need some alchemist stuff too)
  18. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Level 2 spell would just be "imbue spell in glyph/potion" as you like. Then you can assign your spells glyphs and stuff and then you can start making them once you get the materials. As this spell upgrades you can have more glyphs/potions at the same time.
    Jupjami likes this.
  19. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Oops. I did not see SAF. Whatever. Double post go I give up

    Basic healing and energy restoration are fine. At their levels, you'll be able to heal a good amount of bruises and cuts with healing, and energy restoration... is at level two. It's not easy to explain, but it'll save you a few hits on your Luminous when you need it, that's what I can say.

    On the other hand, the Transmutation spells being Level 1 will definitely nerf them or shut em entirely.
    Level 1 is the most basic spell level, so:

    - Fall damage reduction may not be great at Level 1. I would liken it to almost like shields showing up just before they hit the ground, but at Level 1 where it matters it won't really take off much an edge. I would highly suggest changin this one for something else.
    - The cat ears might be too high-level to begin with Level 1 there as well. In fact I would say that would have to be Level 3 at least. That one's entirely out the question.
    - Dexterity boost is fine for level 1. I'll let it be more of a reaction time thing, but at level 1 it will be more defensive than preventative against harm, if you get what I mean?

    Remember when I mentioned Level 1 spells aren't very evocative of their schools? Yeah, if your spell can definitely be a way to show off your school, it probably isn't Level 1. So I might suggest a little rework there.
    Jupjami likes this.
  20. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 19
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    In that case, it would be...
    • Basic healing spell (2 points)
    • Basic energy restoration (2 points)
    • Fall damage reduction (2 points)
    • Dexterity boost (1 point)
    Jupjami likes this.

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