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Group RP Luminous (The Actual Campaign Featuring Convoluted Magic)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by ChocoChicken, Jan 8, 2023.

  1. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 19
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    @ID Zeta @Jupjami @122 Generation @ChocoChicken @WavePearl

    Like everyone else, Elio redirected his attention to the balcony a moment after his new friends were lumped together nearby. His grip on Trav loosened and one of his hands was now clenched in front of his chest instead. No particular meaning by that gesture -- the little dude was just... filled with anticipation now that Lady Olympia was up there.
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  2. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    @SAF @WavePearl @ID Zeta @122 Generation @Jupjami

    Elio and Kanaru were not alone in their anticipation. The same nervous energy resonated throughout the quiet crowd. Trav's eyes looked like they were going to explode out his head, if he widened them any further.

    Despite all the attention, Lady Olympia barely reacted - well, if she had, it was impossible to tell under the veil or the draping beads around it.

    "Welcome. Welcome, one and all members of the Jinguang Guild." she began. "Whether you have joined days ago or have been serving for years, we welcome you with open arms."

    She cast a hand into the air. If the crowd could've gone quieter, it would have. "As you know, the services we provide to all of Juayang with the Luminous are valuable. Irreplaceable. Each one of you, with every job you take, is helping to better our world."

    "With this in mind, this year, I believe the time has come once again for us to truly remember - we are here to shape the world. So, let us begin to do so. Let us push our work to its limits, for all of Juayang. And let the 25th Jinguang Competition begin."

    It was just as the rumors floating about the past week had said. The competition wasn't annual, although it did have some sort of schedule that roughly evened out to a little less than once per a Guild Master's term. If anyone were to look, Jared had a grin owed to having known at least some of the announcement in advance.

    "The terms of the competition are unchanged from past iterations. Every job you take will be added to a points tally depending on the level and skill of the job. You may form a party of up to five members, but your score will only count the base amount of jobs completed, and individual scores will not be considered. Every job you take will be done with your party. Commissions are only tallied once they are completed, and incomplete commissions will not be added to your score."

    "Jinguang is an organization of honor. If the Masters discover any suspicious activity, they are allowed to investigate you as required, and you will be disqualified for falsified reports and any illegal methods used to complete any jobs you pick up."
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  3. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 32
    Nov 22, 2012

    A competition?
    Kanaru thought. Judging from the sound of it, doesn't sound too much different from all those school fundraisers through the years...
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  4. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    Robin scratched his head. What kind of world had Naga warped him into? This guild gave him the impression that they were public servants yet were acting like a private company (what with commissions and all). He was also curious as to what the competition was about - and it sound like doing a lot of jobs was the way to go about it. He looked at the people around him and wondered if they did this for a living.

    Then he was reminded that Luminous was active in this world too. Perhaps, then, the jobs were an opportunity to grow his own Luminous. After all, the guild relied on it to perform their duties, right?
  5. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    @ID Zeta @122 Generation @Jupjami @SAF @WavePearl

    "At the end of the competition, every party or individual's scores will be compared. The party or individual with the sole highest score will be considered the champion, and will be the only ones entitled to the reward. As for what this reward will be..."

    A brilliant orb of golden light, bright as a second sun, appeared in her palms as she stretched them outwards. The Luminous, barely wavering, released a dazzling shine, projecting swirls of light into a sky that seemed to dim before her sheer authority.

    "It will be anything you desire, so long as I have the power to grant it. Anyone you wish to see, I will seek out. Anything you wish to know, I will answer. Anywhere you wish to go, I will take you. Power, wealth, stability - whatever you name, it shall be yours, provided you can prove that you are most worthy of the privilege."

    As Olympia continued speaking, the light followed her every word, forming simple images to accentuate her speech - but really more of a display of power. Power that could be put to use by a winner's request.

    To bring someone home. To secure a new life. For some members of the party, possibly even learn what brought them here.

    If being the top of the most important organization in Juayang wasn't enough a motivation, the stakes had practically octupled, given the newfound competitive sparks in the eyes of fellow Gilded in the crowd.
    #365 Dec 8, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2023
    WavePearl likes this.
  6. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 32
    Nov 22, 2012

    Kanaru's eyes widened at the notion of practically anything she ever wanted. But my main goal for now is to find out how we got to this world, and why. Could it be...this is why we were called here?
  7. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 19
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    A competition of who's taking the most job. That's what Lady Olympia's announcement was about in a nutshell. And as with any other competitions, the reward of basically anything you could wish for was the most enticing part. In fact, Elio could imagine using that gift to reunite with his family and friends back home -- assuming they were alive by then -- for that was what he'd been wishing for since his first day away from Namu Village.
  8. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    Now that was a strong incentive for reward. To have the power to be anything he desired - which was nothing more than returning home to see Robyn again - was something Robin couldn't fathom at the moment. Never mind power, wealth, or stability - which Robin doubted would be of little value to him in this world. What was more important was fulfilling whatever task Naga had assigned him here, and maybe return home once it was done. Gosh, now he really understood what Robyn felt when she appeared in his world.
    SAF likes this.
  9. Jupjami

    Jupjami Thy friendly neighbourhood birb shaman

    Level 66
    May 31, 2018
    Leaf Stone ★★★Dragon Scale ★★★Darkinum Z ★★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★Reaper Cloth ★★★
    Wakeng stared at the heavily clothed woman, pondering her previous words. A big (and possibly countrywide) contest, with the prize being the ability to wish for anything, sponsored by a mysterious but powerful leader with a commandeering aura; and happening coincidentally within days of their arrival…

    "Yeah, this is an isekai, alright," Wakeng muttered.
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  10. ID Zeta

    ID Zeta Resident Physicist

    Level 18
    Jan 11, 2013
    At first, Ando thought the reward for winning this competition seemed disproportionate to the scale of the competition itself. The longer he gazed into the images conjured by Olympia's Luminous, however, the more he realized it didn't matter. Such a prize was invaluable, and if all he apparently had to do was complete a number of jobs for the Guild, then so be it.

    Ando immediately knew what he would ask for: freedom from his previous life, peace of mind that he could finally settle down somewhere and start anew. A darker possibility then crept into his thoughts: vengeance against his tormentor. He pushed that thought away with haste; he would not fall to that level, catharsis be damned.
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  11. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    "The competition will begin officially at two in the afternoon. For now, all new Guild initiates who do not have an active Luminous, please report to Marlen Cho and Sirenne Yun by the front gates of the Guild building for your Luminous awakening. The rest of you are free to go, after a closing statement."

    She did not clear her throat, voice barely rising, but her words still rang out louder. "The mission of the Jinguang Guild, to guide, sustain, and grow all of Juayang, may seem like an impossible task. But I believe, if we all band together, and we put forth everything we can, no matter how big or small, we will find ourselves closer each new day."

    Olympia bowed. As she straightened again, the veils on her head shifted a little, giving the party a sudden glimpse of her face.

    She was beautiful, in the way an aurora was - with an otherworldly presence. Her skin was strikingly dark in contrast to her pale cloak - the night sky behind her eyes, actively glowing gold.

    There was no smile. If anything, her brow seemed a little furrowed, but with what?

    Then the veils fell back into place.

    Lady Olympia turned and slipped back into the tower, the slight movement of the curtains the only proof she was ever there. The crowd began to look alive again, the sound of the square slowly returning from where it had been practically frozen in time. The massive body of people began to split into newbies headed for the gate, where the Terraforming and Summoning Masters stood guard, and everyone else moving away from it.
  12. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 32
    Nov 22, 2012

    Kanaru was snapped back to reality by the crowds beginning to move again. She found the crowd of newbies, and got in line, intrigued to discover her power...
  13. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    In a matter of minutes, the group found themselves with similar recent initiates. Many of them whispered back and forth, comforting each other for what might lie ahead, wondering what their Luminous could be like, talking about what schools they wanted to enter.

    Then the line began moving - into a hidden chamber on the side of the building, unlocked with what seemed to be a runic spell Marlen activated. As the group got further in, the light of day slowly gave way into a dark room.

    Despite not being able to see well, they could tell they were being spread into standing in a circle, with a figure at the center - a veiled hat and long robes giving away her identity. Even then, her clothing was only barely visible, thanks to its pale color.

    "Please close your eyes," Olympia said, in a voice far more gentle than her commanding announcement earlier. "Your connection will be forged one by one. You will know when it is over and may open your eyes again. If you feel any discomfort, please voice your pain, and I will ease the transfer. The rite will begin once everyone is ready."

    @SAF @Jupjami @122 Generation @ID Zeta @WavePearl
    WavePearl likes this.
  14. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 19
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    As soon as the announcement was over, Elio chased Kanaru and the others to where newbies were gathering. They soon got in line and Elio could overhear a pair of random newbies in front of him talking about newbie stuff while waiting. He just stood there, listening... until one of these newbies turned around and asked him, "Ah, you're new too?"

    "Uh... yeah?" Elio stammered in response.

    "Any schools you wanna enter?" the other newbie of the pair asked. This, in turn, made the boy fidget as he had not expected someone outside his little group to make a small talk with him. "I- uh... Transmutation, I think?" he quietly replied. "I wanna be a cat."

    And then the duo giggled. Did the notion of turning into a cat sound too... outlandish even for a Transmutationist? Or was it just the way Elio worded it? Who knows.

    Soon enough, the line started moving. The closer the group was to the hidden chamber, the wilder Elio's heart beat. The anticipation that was filling the air earlier only could amplify at this point.

    Once everyone was inside the chamber, the Guild Master's voice soothed Elio a little in a way he couldn't explain. The boy obediently closed his eyes, filled with even more anticipation for what was about to happen...
    ChocoChicken likes this.
  15. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    @SAF @122 Generation @ID Zeta @Jupjami @WavePearl


    There was a speck in the darkness, somehow. Behind the party's closed eyes, a single mote of light appeared.

    They were all in their own realms now, as far as they could tell - only themselves, on their own, with the light around them. No sound, no scent, nothing at all - just the darkness, and now some brightness.

    The distant light became clearer. It looked like there was some kind of limbs trailing behind it, tentacle-like limbs floating like they were underwater. And then the tentacles shot past them, long glowing strings rushing past soundlessly. Starlike particles swirled past, size and color and shape all varying - Luminous of eons past, if anyone had to guess.

    Then, one by one, (in clockwise order, as they were standing in the circle,) a light of their own grew bigger - a bright ginger for Elio, a pale forest green for Kanaru, and so on. Each glowing spark came closer, and closer, whirling through the ethereal realm towards them, brought over by one of the giant light's endless limbs.

    Then suddenly, as their own Luminous made contact, they heard a cry in the void - a wail of agony. It was hard to tell who or what even made it - no, it barely sounded like an animal, almost more like a synthesized, haunting chord. Pained, and pleading. The long lines of light begin to grow again-

    Darkness once more. Olympia's voice was low as she spoke. "Be careful with the Luminous. And whatever you do, do not rely solely on it, ever."

    Before anyone could react, her voice rang out again, this time the clear, calm command that seemed more usual to her. "You may all open your eyes."
    122 Generation likes this.
  16. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 32
    Nov 22, 2012

    Kanaru opened her eyes to see what looked like a green ball. But when she looked again, she noticed it looked like a music note--specifically middle C. Is this...is this my Luminous?
  17. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    It was not long before Robin had also followed the crowd into the guild gates to receive his Luminous. Immediately, he recognised the elegant Sirènne assisting the many people gathered here. Robin gave this some thought: how was it that everyone gathered here automatically wanted to be here? This sort of service puzzled him. Plus, there were several paths he could follow with regards to his Luminous. He would have to give that more thought too. That said, he wondered what sort of form his Luminous would take. Robin remembered his past dealings with spells and magic in his world (even though magic seemed a farfetched idea until he met Robyn).

    When he arrived at the room that was a dark chamber, Robin was then given the impression that he was participating in some kind of ritual. He was reminded of similar rituals that his friend Tharja would try to drag him in, of which he refused after. But this was different. Wait a moment. Did Olympia really just call this a 'rite'?! What sort of madness was this? It felt like he was being dragged into something that was beyond his comprehension. Despite that, he closed his eyes anyway, seeing that he wasn't able to see much.

    Then behind his closed eyes, as if he were seeing it in his mind (and this not from his own projection!), a distant light appeared before Robin. It was oddly rectangular in shape, but otherwise it was just a square of light. It was about as pale yellow as a morning sunrise. Then as it made contact with him, he could hear a wailing cry of agony, its noise piercing his ears. But for a moment Robin's mind went back to Robyn and the sort of cry she made during her episode of intense pain. Somehow, this cry from the void made him feel homesick. Where did this cry come from? Robin would have yet to know, and yet he wondered how it was related to this Luminous.

    He opened his eyes afterward.
    SAF likes this.
  18. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Kanaru's orb did have a little ring around it, similar to the bar of the middle C from the side - not unlike a planet's rings, though they were connected. About as physically as light could be. Its pale green glow illuminated the room dimly, intermingling with a few others who had also summoned their Luminous - consciously or unconsciously, as their expressions showed. Among them, Trav beamed the brightest behind the violet glow of his own orb of light.

    While Robin was still reeling from the mysterious cry of despair, the doors back out opened, letting sunlight illuminate the way out the ritual room. The other initiates began to leave the room, in a much less orderly fashion than they had entered. Their chatters masking her steps, Olympia turned away from the light, then left the room in the deeper shadows through a route only she could possibly know.

    @SAF @Jupjami @ID Zeta
    WavePearl likes this.
  19. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    Robin welcomed the sunlight illuminating the room now that he didn’t have to stay in this darkness for longer. He did have to shield his eyes from the sunlight as he stepped out though, as his eyes had to adjust from the sudden change from dark light.

    That was an experience for sure. Supernatural was the word to describe it, wasn’t it? Now that he had a Luminous, he wondered when would be an opportunity to ever use it, let alone how it would appear when in use.

    As he left the room, it occurred to him that Olympia did not leave together with the others. Instead she was nowhere to be seen. In that case, what could he do next?
  20. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    The general square had quieted down from everything earlier, a much more quiet welcome back into the light for the party. The convention was still going, but a lot of the crowd had thinned out, now that they'd gotten what they were here for: information, and for some, also a Luminous.

    One thing did seem to have changed, though - the Bard table of water seemed to be unmanned. It wasn't hard to tell where the Master was based on the yelling.

    Turning to that direction would reveal Cira standing on the Vitality stand's desk. If she were any taller, she would be strangling the Vitality Master who was definitely not there earlier. For now, Alfred simply sat there at the desk, barely reacting to her wrath.

    @SAF @ID Zeta @Jupjami
    WavePearl likes this.

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