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Pokémon: International Police Operations

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by 122 Generation, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. ShireHime

    (Meowstic ♀)
    Level 54
    May 16, 2016
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Tapunium Z ★★★★★Crown of Valor
    (Welp, my exams are already finished.. But it's just too hard QAQ)

    Elodie had then rushed out of the trees, after being dropped off the shuttle. She then found herself near the lighthouse that the message was saying. Elodie explored the place even more, until seeing a bunch of people gathered at the lighthouse. Her Lampent and Sylveon both quickly came out of their Pokeballs, as it had seemed like the two of them feel harmed. The Lampent and Sylveon were good friends of Elodie, and they would risk their lives for her. Sylveon was a gift to her by her parents as an Eevee, and later on, it evolved. Lampent was found near the place where her parent's failure happened, scared. Elodie befriended it, and it became close to her.
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  2. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    (I notice that no one has answered the premise I posted. No matter! That was just a test, but I'll make it clear in the discussion thread. I also recognise Mist will be busy, however, as wil I.)

    Shady Pirate, CattyNeko, Pokémist

    Mars still hadn't removed her sunglasses when Kira had asked her this. "No, they don't need to be in their balls," Mars replied. "However, it is really up to you whenever you're doing work." While saying this, Mars held up her own Poké Balls to show Kira. But before Mars could say any more, she looked to see two other girls approaching the area. There was Ashley, who Mars noticed earlier, and then there was a third person who was rather further away. Nevertheless, Mars gave her a moment to approach her.

    Eventually, once they had all gathered, Mars put her Poké Balls back in her her pockets. After, she made her way to the solar bridge. "Let's get out of sight before I talk you through it. It's better if our location was more secure." It just so happened that where Mars had led the group was on the lower ground directly below the lighthouse - albeit the group had to walk a huge curve around to get there. Soon enough, Mars pressed her hand on one of the vents to reveal an elevator with sliding doors, and it wasn't before long before Mars had gestured the three girls into the elevator. Nor was it long before the elevator had gotten to the bottom where she was in an underground bunker with plenty of people walking around and others at desks or computers.

    (As a rule of thumb, you haven't really gotten your Heartbeat Detector yet since its technically a 'gadget'. You have to see Mars to get it.)
  3. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    Followibg Mars. Kira looked around. Whos" she gasped. While entering the elevator. "Amazing"
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  4. ShireHime

    (Meowstic ♀)
    Level 54
    May 16, 2016
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Tapunium Z ★★★★★Crown of Valor
    (Oh god. Sorry ><)

    As they were going down the stairs, Elodie was fascinated, she didn't know who this person is, but it's already intriguing her. As the elevator went down, it had seemed like Elodie got reminded of something.... Like when she was going down to the place where her parents died.

    "Mom, dad! Where are you?" She asked herself. She didn't think that her parents were dead. She knew that they may be somewhere in this world, but she has given up any hopes of seeing them.

    Snapping out of her thoughts, she directed herself to the cramped space in the elevator, seeing as beside her there was a Magmortar, added with the space occupied by her Lampent.
  5. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    Mars eventually directed the group through the secretive area with International Police workers either walking all over the place or sitting at their desks with their computers. It wasn't before long that the group was settled in a meeting room a level above. There was a table with a pitcher of water and some glasses, and a square panel in the ceiling proving light to the room. As soon as they were settled in, Mars walked out.

    "I'll be right back," Mars said, removing her sunglasses to show what she really looked like, in which she couldn neither confirm nor deny if any of them recognised her. "Oh, and if you think this is a trap set by me, you'll be sorely mistaken."
  6. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    Kira didnt understood anything . Surely she heard of team galactice. She once thought a coulle of them. But never met Mars at all. Thw trap part was pretty funny so she slightly giggled at it. While checked her surroundings
  7. ShireHime

    (Meowstic ♀)
    Level 54
    May 16, 2016
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Tapunium Z ★★★★★Crown of Valor
    Elodie sat somewhere on the table. She then just realized that she was already parched. She decided to reach for the pitcher, and filled a glass with water. Offering water to her Sylveon and Lampent, both refused.
  8. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    While the meeting room had its door closed for now, Mars went over to an office to retrieve the appropriate files. Overall, it was an inch thick with documents including IP agent agreements, mission files, the International Police Code of Conduct, information from the IPI on recent events, and some pictures. The agents-to-be were waiting inside, but Mars still had to look over her documents to ensure the information was accounted for.
  9. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    Kira was still feelih weird that she was chosen as some kind of agent after her history
  10. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    It wasn't before long Mars had returned into the meeting room to find a very silent atmosphere. No one was talking, but perhaps that was no surprise either. After all, these were people who did not know each other in the first place, and maybe they couldn't trust each other. However, in the IP's case, trust was a luxury.
    She eventually set her stack of files onto the table and gestured the two girls to sit down. The third agent had yet to arrive.

    "Without further, my name is Mars," Mars introduced herself. "As you can tell, I'm an agent of the International Police, and - be it as it may - a former member of the infamous Team Galactic. I know you are Sinnoh locals, so you might understand, but I hope that will not be an impediment for today's case."
  11. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    "Ah now I rememver it. I once fought againdt your lackeys" Kira smiled
  12. ShireHime

    (Meowstic ♀)
    Level 54
    May 16, 2016
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Tapunium Z ★★★★★Crown of Valor
    Elodie was alarmed. A former commander of Team Galactic, right in front of her eyes? She has heard news reports in Kalos about their mischief and about the portals they opened to summon Palkia and Dialga. Their leader, Cyrus, has been stuck in the Distortion World forever, never to be seen. When she said that they were all Sinnoh locals, Elodie replied.

    "I guess everyone is a Sinnoh local.. Except me. I'm from Kalos" Elodie said.
  13. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    Mars smiled as she was met with different reactions upon her introduction as a former Team Galactic commander. On one hand, it seemed Kira had some experience with combat that included fighting Team Galactic grunts - and Mars had some mild surprise at Kira not interpreting her as hostile. Well, if Mars wasn't an International Police agent, could things have turned out differently? As well, Elodie wore that very expression that suggested there was some limited trust.

    "That's a secret I share with only a few," Mars admitted. "As for you, heh, I guess I didn't take into account you're from Kalos. Nevertheless, before I go give you the briefing, tell me about yourselves."
    Mars already received information about these two girls already, save for a third whose presence had already been detected by surveillance by IP agents in Sunyshore City, but she thought it best if they personally introduced themselves. The mission files were ready, as well as the appropriate documents, so Mars gave them a nod.

    "Plus, I may have been a Team Galactic commander, but I'll tell you that I've been through a lot to get away from that," she said. "That's another story."
  14. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    "Doesnt matter. Anyway My namr is Kira and this is my parnet Magmorter and Raichu. And im from Veilstonecity. And I have no clue why you send me a letter considering what I did to my pokrmon" she gave a slight grin.

    Raichu patted Kira head. Magmorter stull looked around
  15. ShireHime

    (Meowstic ♀)
    Level 54
    May 16, 2016
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Tapunium Z ★★★★★Crown of Valor
    "I'm Elodie Nova from Laverre City in Kalos. I have my Sylveon and Lampent with me, and they're pretty much my family now, if you know what happened to my parents. But still, I don't know why you still want me on this secret mission after what my parents have done to the scientific field" Elodie said. When she was nearing in finishing her introduction, her voice trailed off.
  16. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    kira looked at her. 'what did happen?'
  17. ShireHime

    (Meowstic ♀)
    Level 54
    May 16, 2016
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Tapunium Z ★★★★★Crown of Valor
    "Wow, I didn't think that anyone wouldn't know what happened to our family" Elodie said, in a slightly harsh voice.

    Was this question offensive to you? Why'd you get affected? She asked herself.

    "S-sorry. Those words came out wrong.." Elodie replied. As much as she hated describing her past; The past that had separated her from her parents, she has to let go. She's in the mission now, and a weak heart won't help with her job.

    "They both died when I was little.. Turns out they were trying to Mega Evolve a Lucario without it's Mega Stone, and... the lab... just.... disappeared in flames.. and I never saw my parents again" Elodie said, with each word becoming more nd more of a whisper.
  18. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    Kira merely looked at her. "I had other things to do. " she than sigher. 'Thats okay. Mega evolve uh. Sorrg that it happen'
  19. ShireHime

    (Meowstic ♀)
    Level 54
    May 16, 2016
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Tapunium Z ★★★★★Crown of Valor
    "Don't be sorry.. But thank you" Elodie replied. "Knowing that someone probably understands me makes me feel happy, somehow"
  20. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    Mars nearly intervened in light of these events, that she had not counted on the two potential agents sharing their background stories this bluntly. However, this also allowed Mars to consider if their background might interfere with International Police work. Hopefully, it wouldn't. Nevertheless, Mars could feel she had a similar background too: the memories of being a Team Galactic commander would haunt her once in a while, but Mars got used to it. Now here she was, helping out the intelligence division of the IP.
    "Well, I'm glad you have your stories sorted out," she said, stepping into the conversation. "We'll have to leave it there for now. As our third agent hasn't arrived yet, I'll get to the briefing right away."

    Mars gestured for the two girls to sit down. When they did, Mars turned her attention to the mission file.
    "So Kira, Elodie..." Mars motioned to each of them with a nod. "Without further, I want to ensure that you know what you're getting yourselves into. This is dangerous and potentially life-risking work that I'm asking you to take on, as we are dealing with a severely dangerous crime organisation of horrific scale. Considering they are made up of a number of assassins, it's suicidal in spite of the precautions we are taking. So what I'm asking you is, are you really up to the task?"

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