Alright! It's that time again guys, giveaway time! In honor of Summer Scramble, I have three awesome giveaways for everyone. Read up on 'em and I hope you all enjoy them! All Pokémon are CLONES**. -Battle Ready Weather Mons- So I will be running three giveaways! Alright guys, for my first giveaway, I’ll be giving everyone their choice of one battle ready Pokémon. These Pokémon were bred and raised by me and have all been hyper trained! Each Pokémon is based off of a set from smogon, to be specific, VGC18. Each Pokémon will have an item and are at level 100. All of these Pokémon are clones of Pokémon I personally bred and raised, so keep that in mind. And now, here are your choices. Spoiler: Pokémon Available -Pelipper- Set: Drizzle Moves: Hurricane/ Scald/ Tailwind/ Protect Held Iem: Damp Rock Suggested Item: Focus Sash/ Damp Rock Ability: Drizzle Nature: Modest EVs: 4HP/ 252 SpA/ 252 Spe Ball: Beast Ball -Tyranitar- Set: Trick Room Attacker Moves: Rock Slide/ Crunch/ Ice Punch/ Protect Item: Smooth Rock Suggested item: Darkinium Z/ Weakness Policy Ability: Sand Stream Nature: Brave EVs: 252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 Def Ball: Friend Ball -Ninetales- Set: Naty Plot Wallbreaker Moves: Nasty Plot/ Fire Blast/ Solar Beam/ Hidden Power (Ice) Item: Heat Rock Suggested Item: Firium Z Ability: Drought Nature: Timid EVs: 252 SpA/ 4 SpD/ 252 Spe Ball: Dream Ball -Alolan Ninetales- Set: Hail Setter Moves: Blizzard/ Freeze Dry/ Aurora Veil/ Protect Item: Light Clay Suggested Item: Focus Sash/ Light Clay Ability: Snow Warning Nature: Timid EVs: 4HP/ 252 SpA/ 252 Spe Ball: Moon Ball Special Information Spoiler: Special Information All of these Pokémon are ready to rumble and would do great on weather teams and in Tyranitar’s case a trick room team. I wanted to cover all of the bases on the weather angle but still offer something slightly different than usual. Also note that at least three of these mons can be transferred to sword and shield should anyone choose to get it. Not a bad tie in eh? Now there is a fifth Pokémon to this giveaway. During the process of breeding the Kantonian Vulpix for the ninetails, I accidentally bred a shiny with hidden power ice! I have trained it up to match the regular version and even hyper trained it! The winning team of the summer scramble will all receive a Shiny Ninetales during the month of August if the so desire, but only the winners. -Shinies For the Future- Now For the Second Giveaway! Despite all the bad news we have received about Sword And Shield, some of us are still excited for the new games and what they can still offer us. To celebrate Summer Scramble and to tie into the fun and excitement surrounding the new switch games, I am giving everyone on Lake Valor a choice of not one, but TWO shinies that can be transferred to sword and shield. Every shiny is one that I either got through an event, a trade, catching, or through accidental masuda method breeding. I have a choice between six Pokémon, each untrained and unevolved. Here are your choices. Spoiler: Pokémon Available -Noibat- Caught: Friend Safari, Y Version Gender: Male Level: 30 Attacks: Wing Attack/ Agility/ Air Cutter/ Roost Ability: Telepathy Nature: Naive (Boost Speed/Lower Special Defense) Ball: Net Ball (shop) -Growlithe- Caught: Friend Safari, Y Version Gender: Male Level: 30 Attacks: Fire Fang/ Take Down/ Flame Burst/ Agility Ability: Intimidate Nature: Hasty (Boost Speed/ Lower Defense) Ball: Heal Ball (shop) -Hoothoot- Bred: Accidental Masuda Method, Alpha Sapphire Gender: Male Level: 1 Attacks: Tackle/ Growl/ Foresight Ability: Insomnia Nature: Quirky (No stats raised or lowered) Ball: Level Ball (Apricorn) -Riolu- Bred: Accidental Masuda Method, Alpha Sapphire Gender: Male Level: 1 Attacks: Foresight/ Quick Attack/ Endure Ability: Steadfast Nature: Sassy (Boost Special Defense/ Lower Speed) Ball: Safari Ball (Transfer only, Heart Gold/ Soul Silver) -Beldum- Event: Event in Alpha Sapphire for the release of the games. Ran from November 21, 2014 until January 14, 2015. Verification: Gender: Genderless Level: 5 Attacks: Hold Back/ Iron Head/ Zen Headbutt/ Iron Defense Ability: Clear Body Nature: Quiet (Boost Special Attack/ Lower Speed) Ball: Cherish Ball (event only) Ribbon: Classic Ribbon (event only) (all events have some sort of ribbon) Magikarp Event: Japanese distribution in Gen 5. I obtained it as in exchange for breeding bank ball Pokémon on Serebii Forums. The User had a track record of reliable and honest trading. Here is a link to show that the event happened: Gender: Male Level: 99 (Oh my!) Attacks: Flail/ Hydro Pump/ Bounce/ Splash (watch out guys, he’s got some power here!) Ability: Swift Swim Nature: Modest (cause he’s a really good guy after all) (Boost Special Attack/ Lower Attack) Ball: Cherish Ball (Cause he deserves it!) (Event only) Ribbon: Classic Ribbon (Cause he has class for days!) (event only) (All events have some sort of ribbon) Region: Japanese Item: Rare Candy Special Information Spoiler: Special Information Just a note, all shinies with the exception of the Magikarp are English. All shinies on the list, with the exception of Magikarp, can have an item of your choice attached to it as long as it’s an item that comes from a shop or battle point shop and it can be traded between games. Also, all Pokémon are clones so please keep that in mind. -Release the Tapus! ALL THE TAPUS!!!- So, this is one of the giveaways I’ve REALLY been waiting to do and I did mention it a month or so ago as a possibility for a giveaway. This took some effort on my part because I had to compete in three online tournaments, get the codes, download the Pokémon, and soft reset until I got something worthwhile. The good news is I got some decent Pokémon! So now to get down to business. Everyone in the Summer Scramble gets a full set of four shiny tapus, everyone else gets two shiny tapus of their choice. Here are the Pokémon in question. Spoiler: Pokémon Available -Tapu Koko- Level: 60 Attacks: Nature’s Madness/ Discharge/ Agility/ Electro Ball Nature: Timid Hidden Power: Ice Ability: Electric Surge Item: Electric Seed -Tapu Lele- Level: 60 Attacks: Nature’s Madness/ Extrasensory/ Flatter/ Moonblast Nature: Timid / Hidden Power: Fire -OR- Nature: Modest / Hidden Power: Ground [ I have both of these, your choice which one you get ] Ability: Psychic Surge Item: Psychic Seed -Tapu Bulu- Level: 60 Attacks: Nature’s Madness/ Zen Headbutt/ Megahorn/ Skull Bash Nature: Adamant Hidden Power: Dragon (not that it matters) Ability: Grassy Surge Item: Grassy Seed -Tapu Fini- Level: 60 Attacks: Nature’s Madness/ Muddy Water/ Aqua Ring/ Hydro Pump Nature: Modest Hidden Power: Poison Ability: Misty Surge Item: Misty Seed Giveaway Information - All Pokémon are clones, please keep that in mind. - All giveaways end on August 8, 2019. This is the last date to request a Pokémon - Pickups must happen before August 16, 2019. - Deadlines are by 11:59 PM, CDT. I hope everyone enjoys the Summer Scramble and no matter who wins or loses, let’s all give it everything we’ve got! Let’s have a blast together and may the best team win!
Oh wow these are pretty amazing, are you doing the clones as you go or did you set some up in advance?
I have some up in advance but after that I'll have to do them as I go. If anybody wants anything, just post what you are wanted and I'll get them to you ASAP
So odd that no one is posting, I would love some Pokémon to add to my collection (I love battling but I am quite lazy). So does each person pick one pack or a specific mon?
Yet get to pick one battle ready mon, 2 shinies, and since you are in the scramble all four shiny tapus with you choice of hidden power fire or ground for tapu lele
Alright, here are my choices: 1) A-Ninetails as I lack an ice type in my good battlers. 2) Noibat and Beldum 3) Hidden Power Fire please. Oh and can we pick nicknames or do these have to be set as default?
Unfortunately, I'm unable to nickname them. you can't Legally change the name of a Pokémon that doesn't have your trainer ID. There are ways to do it, but I dare not tread those waters. I'll have them to you both ASAP. I'm free all day friday and thursday after 4pm CST.
I'm not really sure how this whole thing works, as I've never gotten a Pokémon in this way before, but it sounds pretty cool, so I guess there's no harm in saying what Pokémon I'd be interested in. 1: Tyranitar 2: Noibat and Beldum 3: Hidden power ground.
all of the shinies are availalbe in gen 6, it would just take an extra 10 minutes or so to clone them. The shiny tapus and the battle ready mons would not be available, however If your team wins the summer scramble I could possible special train one for you in gen 6 provided I was given enough time to do so.
Hey guys, sorry for not posting this. My 2ds friend code is 4699 6673 2575. I'll be available for a few more minutes, then I'll be available tomorrow evening and most of sunday.
*desperately checking the end-date* *super relieved after looking at my calendar* So much given away! I will happily give these clones a happy home! I'm a fan of your Trick Room Tyranitar, Growlithe and Magikarp (going old-school here), as well as Tapu Koko and the ground-enabled Tapu Lele. Thank you as always for your incredible generosity!
You are good man. Thank you. May I have Tyrannitar for the first one, Riolu and Beldum (been trying to get this one for a while now) for the second one, and HP Ground for the Tapus, please?
Hey guys, I got pulled for a huge project in Indianapolis until September 13. Due to how intermittent my activity will be, I'm extending the pickup period until September 30, 2019 10 pm CST. I apologize for the delays to everyone. Your Pokémon are ready, I just need to move my rump and get them to you. Also, if anyone else wants Pokémon, let me know and I will give you a selection based off of what clones I have left. I will keep that open until Friday, August 16, 2019 at 8pm CST. The giveaway rules apply to this extension. Thank you for participating and I hope everyone has an awesome summer!
Also, to all those in team prismatic, You all have shiny ninetales waiting for you. I may have to clone more of them, but it wouldn't take too long. Let me know if you want a shiny ninetales.