Are you a private person? Do you prefer to keep your work/home/internet life separate from one another, or are you an open book to anyone who asks? Are you comfortable talking about yourself, or are you a mystery to all and happy to keep it that way?
Depending on my environment, I let more slip about myself than other times. I've gotten pretty cautious about oversharing over the years... Not that it has totally stopped me. Generally, though, I'll answer just about any question somebody asks.
Internet wise, I tend to separate my alias' a little. I don't use the same name on wattpad as I do here. Life wise in general, I seem to be pretty open to anyone's questions, unless they dig too deep. There parts of my primary schooling I don't really tell anyone, unless I'm close. If people ask I just usually say "Bullied" or something like that. I talk a lot but when I do I try to steer the conversation towards positive things, or I try to find a problem someone else is going through if people start to suspect I'm hiding more than they think., then there's times like this when I go off on tangents so...yeah. I feel like I contributed nothing to this conversation but who cares?!
While I'm not a particularly private person, my personal life is separate from my Lake Valor life, and it will probably always be that way. It's not because I distrust the community (I love all of you), it's because I just like to keep certain things to myself. Besides, there will be a day and age when I move on from internet communities (not yet) and I don't want my info spread around everywhere
If anyone that I know/trust decently enough asks, I pretty much answer as long as they don't ask about family or where I live cause I don't want some random stranger coming on my doorstep. Anyone else will probably be given the death stare with silence or a 'that's none of your business.' That's what I do on the internet and irl.
I don't trust easily. I'm goofy, loud and I will talk your ear off. I will nonchalantly joke about my mental state but I will not share how I truly feel to anyone. In essence, my privacy really depends on the topic we're discussing and how my mental state is.
While I was paranoid about my nasty classmates finding me online and sharing things with each other, I realized they’ll eventually move on and find someone else to demonize and call an idiot. Ever since I’ve been more open about who I truly am. I’ll share just about anything as long as it isn’t related to my full name or location. That’s true on here and other sites.
This is exactly my perspective as well. While I am a consistent person with my personality (in that I'm not two-faced), I prefer to keep sectors of my life separate. Personal, work, online. I don't have a reason to bring them into contact, and so I don't do it. Even if/when in the future I become somewhat famous/known in entertainment media culture, I'm going to do so under a pseudonym and not blab about it in other parts of my life. I don't know how some people do it, being entirely open and just out there. Having your face, city, name, phone number, other presences and everything just be out there for anyone to take in. I'd be terrified of that, I would feel like I'm doxing myself. No thank you.
I keep every part of my life separate, be it work, private or internet life. I am very private if you consider it like that. I would only share my online personas with very close friends. Same goes with the other way around. There isn't a place for my private or internet life in my work environment, and my private life has no place on the internet. I can and will speak on things I'm fascinated about or just don't care about sharing but other than that, rarely do these different parts of my life intertwine.
I'm much more open about my personal self online than I probably should be. I mean, I don't go around sharing personal information, but my stories, my feelings, I'm always ready to get something off my long as I'm online. In person, when I actually know the person that I'm talking to, or I see them face to face, it's a lot harder for me to put my feelings into words, so I usually don't.
Maybe I was quite near to what you call an open book when I was younger, but now, I share my personal life with actually just my bestie. I've got two besties and I'm open with only one. And, lately, I've been keeping a few secrets from her as well. I mean, few things are better kept secret.
In rl, I'm a very private person. I only share private informations when I see a benefit doing it (like information in return). On the Internet, I'm a little less strict, because most don't even know me, and furthermore can't really use that information.