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Group RP Pokemon: Evolution Quest (IC thread)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by WavePearl, Aug 24, 2020.

  1. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    It was only after she'd gone through four chapters when Xuehua remembered to look up and rest her eyes - which soon fell on a blue Sylveon. She didn't seem that interested in the Pokémon at the moment, though - another shiny seemed to have joined her ranks. Xuehua rolled her eyes - shinies could be so uptight sometimes...
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  2. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 32
    Nov 22, 2012
    @Laserdragon14 @sanianisa @ChocoChicken @RadEmpoleon @122 Generation @Kecleon352

    Aine thought for a moment as to what her potential audience would like. An episode from the journeys of Ash the Hero was always popular, as were the folktales...

    ("The Legend of Ash the Hero is a fantasy-ized version of the show as we know it. Since no humans exist in this world, the Pokémon believe all humans have some kind of superpowers. The Alola and Galar arcs of the poem follow the game plots)
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  3. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 20
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Blacky noticed Aine getting into her train of thoughts. "What's wrong?" he asked out of concern.
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  4. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 32
    Nov 22, 2012

    "I wonder what to start with for this festival day..." Aine wondered. "Should I tell an episode from the journeys of Ash the Hero? Or a folktale?"
  5. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 20
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    "Hmm..." the Umbreon gave it a thought. He personally loves the journeys of Ash the Hero, so...
    "Ash the Hero sounds good," he suggested.
    #25 Aug 26, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020
  6. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    As Atelier made his way through the town, he started to have doubts on whether the Sylveon was even in this town. With a festival going on, though, he took a moment to glance at some merchandise. Maybe there was a good book he could pick up, even though he had plenty of books in his bag already. He didn't care if he was getting looks of curiosity from Pokémon around him, as he was wearing foreign robes.
  7. Kecleon

    Kecleon Mod Crew

    Ace Wings
    Level 54
    Sep 16, 2014
    Blue Orb ★★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★
    Kelvane glanced around him. He didn't really see any Eevees, nor their evolutions anywhere he looked, and he sniffed and breathed a sigh of relief. "Guess there's no way I can embarrass myself now."

    His daydreaming relief came to a sudden halt as the Flareon had bumped into another Pokémon, and he fell face-first into a bouquet of flowers. He backed up quickly and quickly said, "I'm so sah, ah, ah..." Unfortunately for Kelvane, by taking in a face full of pollen, there was no stopping what happened next. "AAH-CHOO!"

    A large burst of flame emerged from Kelvane's mouth, not only burning the flower bouquet in front of him to cinders, but the Rhydon holding the flowers got a face full of flames, leaving black scorch marks. And before Kelvane could even begin to stammer out an apology, the Rhydon said three words that froze the Fire type right to his core. "Kid, you're dead."
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  8. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    As Xuehua was just about to slide back into her novel - can they just get the stupid love triangle over with? - she noticed an Eevee in robes quite different from the kind of thing she'd usually seen. Perhaps they were another magic user? She thought about going over to talk, but debated inwardly if that would just be creepy, before noticing she had been staring and that was probably just as creepy.
  9. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 20
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Upon smelling something burnt out of nowhere, Blacky flinched. What the... fire??? he thought while looking for the burning source. And as soon as he found it, he hastily said, "Ah, excuse me for a moment," to Aine and ran to wherever the fire was.

    By the time Blacky got to the burnt place, he saw a trembling Flareon and an angered Rhydon holding an already-burnt bouquet of flowers. He went up to them, asking, "Are you guys okay? Anybody hurt?"
  10. Laserdragon14

    Laserdragon14 Dragon Maverick

    Level 22
    Jan 16, 2018
    Flame Orb ★★★★★Luxury Ball ★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★Poké Ball ★Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    Starlight watched as an Umbreon near the blue Sylveon ran off.
    There was a little smoke coming from the direction that the Umbreon had run off to and even a small crowd gathering as well.
    Instinctively, Starlight headed away from the crowd.
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  11. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    The disturbance also caught Atelier's ears and made him flinch the instant he hear a sneeze. Then came the smell of light smoke that told him something serious might have happened. And as it happened, there was some kind of dispute between a Flareon, an Umbreon, and a disheartened Rhydon. From the looks of things, the Rhydon was not taking things very kindly at the moment.

    At the same time, nearby he also saw an elegant Glaceon looking at his direction, which sent him some shivers (figuratively, of course). How long had that Glaceon been staring at him? "Um... Can I help you?" he asked. Atelier wasn't sure what to say next, but that novel caught his eyes.
  12. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 38
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Xuehua froze. Not only had the disturbance shortly away now caught her eye, the Eevee had also noticed her. "Uh, really sorry, I... all right, your robes were unfamiliar to me, and I got curious. Are you some kind of magic user?"
  13. Kecleon

    Kecleon Mod Crew

    Ace Wings
    Level 54
    Sep 16, 2014
    Blue Orb ★★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★
    Kelvane's whole body trembled under the large stance of the Rhydon, and he nearly jumped out of his fur when the voice of the Umbreon came out of the clamoring crowd. His eyes frantically flicked between the Umbreon and Rhydon, his mind going fully blank as to what to do.

    The Rhydon, however, was much more assertive in this instance, gave a sideways glance at Blacky and stated, "This ain't none o' yer business, furball. So, move along." He then walked over to Kelvane and grabbed him by his fluffy neck fur. "See, I don't think ya understand, but these flowers were meant to be a gift for my girlfriend. I had them hand-picked, with the highest quality assured, and it cost me a lotta dough." The Rhydon clenched his fist tighter, causing Kelvane to cry out in pain as his fur was getting pulled tighter and tighter. "Now, the way I see it, ya got two options. Either you pay me for the damages you caused, right now, in full, or I will take my compensation out of your hide." He drew the Flareon right to his face. "So, what'll it be?"

    Kelvane, unfortunately, was not in a good condition to be considering the deal offered by the Rhydon. Between the pain caused by the Rhydon yanking on his fur, the pollen beginning to cause Kelvane to suffer a mild asthma attack, and simply being too overwhelmed by the direction the situation has turned, he was gasping for breath like a Magikarp out of water and was on the verge of passing out. He gave a pitiful look to the Umbreon watching the situation play out who had approached with such concern, silently begging him to stay out of things, since it would likely only end up making things worse.
  14. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 20
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Well, this Rhydon guy wants poor Flareon to pay back the flowers he just burnt, right? Blacky mentally summed up whatever's going on. He then walked away, straight to the closest florist where the burnt flowers were.
    "Excuse me miss, how much are the flowers he just bought?" he asked the florist who happened to be a Steenee, pointing at the Rhydon. Having just recovered from the panic attack caused by the Flareon guy, the florist answered, "Ah, it's 400 crowns for a bouquet." Blacky had a quick look at his current allowance, then told the florist that he wanted to buy the very same bouquet as the one Flareon had burnt. "Okay. A moment, please," she proceeded to whip up a new bouquet of flowers with the same arrangement from before. Fortunately for Blacky, the florist actually remembered which flowers used for the first bouquet and their exact arrangement.

    As soon as the bouquet was finished and paid for, Blacky and the florist went up to the Rhydon.
    "Sir, can you please let him go?" Blacky implored.
    "Here's your new bouquet," the Steenee gave Rhydon the newly-made bouquet. "This young man paid for it," she said.

    (@Kecleon352 please correct me if I get the bouquet's price wrong. :sweat:)

    (Also edited the price to match Ardamorian currency system and the flowers' reasonably expensive price.)
    #34 Aug 27, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2020
  15. RadEmpoleon

    RadEmpoleon certified EPIC Gamer™ (they/them)

    Level 15
    Jun 4, 2018
    Comet Shard ★★★★Poké Doll ★★
    Aroma smelled fruits and cakes and... smoke? Her face scrunched up at the smell of smoke. She became aware of her surroundings and among the crowds, she saw a Flareon who accidentally burnt a bouquet of flowers in a Rhydon’s face. Should I go help that Flareon? she thought to herself. I’m not involved in that problem, and besides, I have a legendary hero to find. She ignored the ensuing scuffle and continued the search for Aine the Sylveon.
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  16. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 32
    Nov 22, 2012
    #36 Aug 27, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020
  17. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 20
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    (Aighty. Edited the currency in one of my previous posts.)
  18. Kecleon

    Kecleon Mod Crew

    Ace Wings
    Level 54
    Sep 16, 2014
    Blue Orb ★★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★
    The Rhydon looked between Blacky and Kelvane, wondering if the prospect of having a newly prepared bouquet outweighed the satisfaction of beating this crummy kid to a pulp. Luckily, the cheapskate side of him won out, and he dropped Kelvane onto the ground, leaving him collapsed in a heap while he coughed and gasped for air. "You're lucky I have a date later this afternoon, or I would've smashed you into the ground until you were part of the pavement." With a huff, the Rhydon grabbed the flowers quite rudely from the Steenee's hand and stomped off.

    The gasping breaths that Kelvane had been making became less and less frequent, his breathing finally returning to normal now that he was allowed the chance to calm down. However, he noticed that his vision had become quite blurry, and he wasn't entirely sure if it was being caused by just his allergies. With a strained voice, he mumbled to himself, "Why did they think I could do this? I'm so pathetic."

    (@sanianisa It's fine. However much you feel is a high enough price is okay by me.)
  19. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 32
    Nov 22, 2012
  20. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 20
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Just when Blacky was going to check on the Flareon kid, Aine had already beat him to it. He didn't even expect her to follow him all the way there, honestly. Nonetheless, he went up to them and picked up the exhausted Flareon.
    "Lady Aine, I think we should take him somewhere safe first," he said.

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