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Group RP Iris-shi High School Talent (Idol) Club! (IC)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by 122 Generation, Jul 14, 2022.

  1. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 21
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    (Too bad about that. I'll see if there's more video like that out there later.)

    While Kai was playing his piano to match Robin's guitar strums, Nora passed her bow to her left hand because she wouldn't play her violin anytime soon. That, and deep down she was thankful for the impromptu checkup earlier -- without it, that pesky E string of hers would've broken midway.

    Like Robin did to his, er, counterpart (?), Kai only could watch as his sister simply stepped rhythmically to match with her fellow clubmates. I mean, she would've danced if she could, but not with a violin in tow. And before she knew it, it was already Nora's turn to sing.

    "Since my first son, our family's grown
    We've made a band and got quite well known
    You could perhaps call us the Tudor Von Trapps"
    *chuckles* "I'm just kidding, we're called the Royalin' Stones"
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  2. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 39
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    The choreo remained simple- just side-to-side steps as the song was just beginning, launching into its first chorus.

    We're one of a kind, no category
    Too many years lost to his-story
    We're free to take our crowning glory
    For five more minutes
    We're SIX

    The lights continued to shift between the colors of the first three performers before drifting to a more neutral shade - then a bright blue one behind Kai, their next singer.
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  3. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 21
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    @WavePearl @122 Generation @ChocoChicken

    One brief instrumental later, the spotlight was now on Kai. He began to sing without missing a beat, never mind that it was sung an octave lower than it's supposed to be (except the "Gets Down" part which he somehow sung normally) and he still had to juggle it with his piano playing.

    "What a shame, yeah my face, it cost me the crown
    So I moved to the (Haus of Holbein!) in my hometown
    His mates were super arty but I showed em how to party
    Now on my tour of Prussia everybody Gets Down"

    Nora, meanwhile, took this chance to pass the bow back to her right hand.

    The next two parts
    Music man tried it on, and I was like bye
    So I thought, who needs him? I can give it a try
    I learned everything, now all I do is si-i-i-i-ng
    And I'll do that until I die
    Heard all about these rockin' chicks
    Loved every song and each remix
    So I went out and found em, and we laid down an album
    Now I don't need your love
    All I need is Six
    #1063 Jan 31, 2023
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2023
  4. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012
    Music man tried it on, and I was like bye
    So I thought, who needs him? I can give it a try
    I learned everything, now all I do is si-i-i-i-ng
    And I'll do that until I die
    Maya joined in, playing along on guitar all the while.
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  5. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    @ChocoChicken @SAF @WavePearl

    Robin soon joined in with his vocals, including his octave change (like Kai did) just to make sure his voice didn't sound like it would crack over the microphone. At this point, he stuck to single strums for his part.

    Heard all about these rockin' chicks
    Loved every song and each remix
    So I went out and found em, and we laid down an album
    Now I don't need your love
    All I need is Six
  6. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 39
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    There was another repeat of the chorus, this time slightly longer, and the dancing becoming more freestyle - at least for everyone except Kai, who would have to make do with just his upper body. None of the moves were too crazy, considering how many of them there were on the stage and all the instruments they had to take into account. As the chorus neared its end, Alex stepped forward, spreading her arms slightly as the energy came to a near standstill.

    It's the end of the show, of the historemix
    We switched up the flow, and we changed the prefix
    Everybody knows that we used to be six wives

    At this point, the beat began to settle back in - both in the music, and in the performers as they started to move again, joining in the bridge as seven voices. Alex stepped back into the line as well, the group forming almost a neat semicircular row aside from the piano.

    But we want to say before we drop the curtain
    Nothing is for sure, nothing is for certain
    All that we know is that we used to be six wi-i-ives

    But now we're one of a kind, no category
    Too many years lost to history
    We're free to take our crowning glory
    For five more minutes, we're SIX
    Whoa, whoa, we're SIX
    Whoa-a-a, we're SIX
    Whoa, whoa, for 5-4-3-2-1 more minute
    We're SIX!

    With a last combined chord of all the instrumentalists, meant to mimic the last trumpet, the song came to a close, poses triumphant and final (for real this time).
    122 Generation, WavePearl and SAF like this.
  7. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    It was as if the song ended on a bang with that last combined chord plus the dancers finishing on stylish poses. The audience roared with triumphant applause and their voices shot into the sky above Marth Stadium. Glowsticks waved furiously in the air while the screaming continued, followed by applause. Clearly, this was the kind of song that made a fitting ending.

    Robyn ended off with a polite bow whereas Robin waved, because he still had his guitar worn over his shoulder. They couldn't keep the smiles off their faces. What a way to conclude their second performance!

    (Cuing the end of the show...)
  8. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    Maya had an ecstatic grin as she too took a bow. This color...this energy...I never want it to end!
  9. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 21
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    (Whelp, was enjoying too much FFTA2 there. Apologies. :sweat:)

    Man, that was quite a way to end the show. Kai had to step away from the piano so he could bow to the audience properly. And Nora? Like any other performances, be it in a recital or as a school idol, she took a polite bow with her violin in tow. Oh well, at least she didn't wear it like Robin did his guitar.
    WavePearl likes this.
  10. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 39
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Alex and Tamal bowed to the crowd as well like the others.

    Tamal beamed like Maya did when he bowed - his debut had been everything he'd hoped for and more! Alex, on the other hand, had her usual polite smile and bow, although the expression vanished as soon as she turned from the crowd to head backstage with the others.
  11. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    (You're not alone! I've been a bit lazy too, writing the fic - and listening to a song that's been stuck in my head that I want Robyn to perform later)

    Afterwards, the members of the Ylisstol High School Talent/Idol Club had gathered backstage once more. Robin went to pack away his electric guitar after taking a long drink of water. Then he removed his headphones and began to pack that away. He could change out of his stage outfit later.

    Robyn was all smiles - a clear contrast to the girl she was before the show started. She hadn't changed out of her stage outfit yet and had instead decided to gather everyone near the gift basket.

    "That... was awesome!" she said cheerfully. "Well done, everyone! Especially you, Tamal-kun! You did great! It looks like we might make our names as school idols for sure." If anything, Robyn hoped this would get everyone one step closer to the Summer Scramble. That was another story.

    Outside, the monitors were flashing images of everyone's posters as people began to leave Marth Stadium in high spirits.
  12. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    After changing out of her coord, Maya next packed her guitar away. Deciding whether or not to get a bass to own--or learn to play something else entirely--was a discussion for another time. For now, she was riding the high of a successful performance.
  13. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    @WavePearl @SAF @ChocoChicken

    Robyn had also packed away her bags and her gift basket before turning to her clubmates once more. "Well, I hope everyone will have a great weekend. Let's meet up next Thursday to celebrate and maybe review. I'll keep you posted on the location, but it's likely going to be outside of school like last time."

    She was also wary that the end of term was coming up and so were finals. To think that she could have relaxed after a successful performance, but there was no chance of that happening. Not when school was still in session. Even then, she hoped that being a school idol would bring up everyone's mood, especially at school.
    WavePearl likes this.
  14. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 39
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Alex gave the other performers a nod as she packed up for the night as well. "Good job, everyone."
    In all honesty, the buildup to the performance had been stressful for her. Between managing the choreography and sheet music of two pieces, assigning parts and so on, and not to mention her finals just around the corner - she was honestly just glad it was over. She didn't bother changing out of her stage outfit - the convenience was another eason she'd chosen something more casual compared to her teammates, after all.

    Tamal on the other hand reflected his teammates' much more excited states, even offering a hand for a high-five (Alex didn't leave him hanging, either). "Thanks, Robyn! That was awesome, guys!"
    Though he didn't mark down the date like Alex did physically - or electronically - it could be assured that he wouldn't be forgetting it. In fact, he was probably about to spend every day in between thinking about it.
    122 Generation likes this.
  15. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 21
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    (Come ON, braincells. D:)

    As soon as the siblings were backstage, Kai gleefully stretched his arms with Nora following suit after packing her violin away. They both were so exhausted to the point of not bothering to change out from their stage outfits. Oh well, at least they had the weekends to perhaps relax a little.

    Meanwhile, in the sea of audience flowing out from the stadium, Meru could be seen happily chattering with a white-haired girl (who definitely was not Robyn) and a green-haired boy who happened to come all the way from Byakuya-shi. Her old friends, perhaps?

    (The white-haired girl and green-haired boy would be Kamui and Kaze (a.k.a. Suzukaze), respectively. They're currently attending Shirasagi High and about as close as Corrin and Silas in this universe. Plus, unlike Robyn, Kamui doesn't tie her hair.)
    122 Generation and WavePearl like this.
  16. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    @ChocoChicken @WavePearl

    Robyn took up the offer of a high-five from Tamal (she smiled to herself, remembering seeing Tamal high-fiving for the first time but ended up palming Alexa's face instead). Her mind was on thinking of the performance's success and what the feedback could be. Also... she did have a guilty temptation on checking out the blasted poll for shippings. Her mind was telling her not to approach it. Her body was telling her otherwise.

    "Um... Right! I hope you all have a good weekend!" Robyn said. Then, still clutching the gift basket, she added, "And thanks for this! I really appreciate it!'

    Robin had finished up with his packing and was good to go. Then, still backstage, he met up with Robyn to walk home together. Now that this was done, it was time to focus on school... and back to reality.


    As far as the conversation was going on between Meru and the visitors from Byakuya-shi, there was a festive mood in the air around them as the audience went about their separate ways. Some took the buses home, others walked, and those that lived outside Iris-shi further went to Iris-shi Station to catch the train home. The white-haired girl (who was clearly was not Robyn) and the green-haired boy were happily chatting away with Meru and even suggested that maybe another school would want to invite this school talent/idol club for an event. Naturally, it would be great if a music idol like Azura would tag along too.

    On Ebuto, the livestream had gotten quite a handful of viewers. Those that watched the livestream also took the time to view the promotion videos about the club members, and those views racked up too!
    WavePearl likes this.
  17. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 21
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    @WavePearl @ChocoChicken @122 Generation

    The day after the concert which so happened to be the weekend, both Hansens slept in for a little more time before actually waking up at, like, 8 a.m. or so (they normally wake up about 5 a.m., give or take a few minutes). The two then spent the weekend finishing any homework due on Monday. Not without breaks every now and then, of course.

    (Fun fact: The Hansens' wake-up time here more or less mirrors Blacky's the day after his solo scouting in the Moon DK lair.)
    #1077 Feb 11, 2023
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2023
    122 Generation likes this.
  18. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012
    @SAF @122 Generation @ChocoChicken

    In between doing any homework due Monday, sessions of Phoenix Quest IX, preparing to audition as Caeda for the school play, and a movie or three, Maya just role the high of another successful show. The applause of the audience in the stadium still echoed in her mind, giving her more motivation than ever to try out for the role of Caeda.
    122 Generation likes this.
  19. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 39
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Given how she feared her grades ever slipping, Alex practically disappeared back into her room over the weekend. After all, this was her shot to make a good first impression on the Iris-Shi academic environment, as well as secure her place on the high end of the exam lists - top five was her goal for her science courses, and at least top twelve for every other course.

    Tamal also contacted her a few times over the week, mostly for some study tips and for help with some of the reports he was struggling with. Of course, he'd dabbled a little in checking around on the Iris-Shi squad's reception online, as well as planning out some songs for the next few concerts.

    He did note, however, Alex's odd response at the end of the last concert. He hadn't noticed it the first time, since he hadn't joined the team by then, but wasn't she usually a lot cheerier when a concert was successful in her old club...?
    122 Generation and WavePearl like this.
  20. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    (Wonder how to build on this later?)
    (I saw!)
    @SAF @WavePearl @ChocoChicken

    For that weekend which so happened to be the day after the concert, Robyn and Robin went to grab lunch together at a popular burger restaurant in Aritia, near Aritia Station. They had gone to this restaurant last year during the summer anime convention and since then, they would occasionally go out of their way to eat here with their friends. While on the train, they studied and prepared for their finals.

    Then they also spent time reviewing the livestream and any media that might have reported on the performance at Marth Stadium. Unsurprisingly, local Iris-shi media reported on the performance, including the school magazine and newspaper. More surprising was that news outlets in Gartenstadt, Byakuya-shi, and Perezia also reported on the performance. After getting their fill of being distracted, they turned their attention to their studies. The end of term was coming up! As were final assignments the coming week.

    Secretly and hidden from each other, Robyn and Robin couldn't help sneak a glance at the online shipping poll. Now their reactions were quite different. While Robyn was amused at how many shippings were there, with Tamal's arrival, Robin couldn't tear his eyes away from how many ratings that Robyn was getting.

    Finally, Robyn emailed everyone about the club meeting in the coming Wednesday at the conference room. To mark the occasion of finishing the second performance, some snacks were in order. If there was more time (in light of finals), maybe they would have time to head to Goldenrod Square, or something.

    (Cuing the next meeting... and I'll have Kamui barge in at some point. Also, I've decided to poke some fun at Robyn, as per SAF's OOC post, with Something That Crawled From The Depths again on the internet... with a lot more votes >:D)
    • Robyn x Robin (18)
    • Robyn x Kai (17)
    • Robyn x Tamal (3)
    • Alexa x Robin (8)
    • Alexa x Kai (5)
    • Alexa x Tamal (8)
    • Nora x Robin (5)
    • Nora x Kai (12)
    • Nora x Tamal (3)
    • Maya x Robin (5)
    • Maya x Kai (4)
    • Maya x Tamal (2)
    "What if Nora-chan's E string snapped?"
    "I imagine Big Han-san could do a talk show. He's the type"
    "why stop there?? throw Reflet in there"
    "Meaning... Robyn-chan, right?"
    "oooh how about Robyn and Kai doing a talk show? that sounds fun"
    "I think I've found my new OTP"
    "Kai-kun will have the attention of all the girls!"

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