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Group RP Iris-shi High School Talent (Idol) Club! (IC)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by 122 Generation, Jul 14, 2022.

  1. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014

    To answer Maya's thoughts, it could possibly because Shirasagi High School had a higher budget which allowed them to obtain the electric violin.

    Never mind the violin! The sound equipment was just as impressive as Nora's intense strokes rang throughout the school courtyard and garnered lots of attention from just about everywhere in the school. Posts were already being shared on Bassbook, Memogram, and everyone on the internet - least of all the in-school magazine.

    "Ooh, I bet Kaden-kun must be fanboying over this..." Kamui snickered.

    Robyn stared blankly in amazement. So this was what it felt like to watch her fellow clubmate from the audience!
    WavePearl likes this.
  2. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    @SAF @ChocoChicken @WavePearl

    After Nora had finished performing her song, she was on the receiving end of squeals and cheers throughout Shirasagi High School. Schoolboys and schoolgirls were either pleased or surprised that a student of modest fame from Iris-shi would bother visiting their school.

    As for Robyn, it occurred to her that Nora's violin skills could be useful in a song that Robyn wanted to perform. Well! Seeing that Nora might be able to do it, Robyn might ask Nora for her help. This was probably the best time! Plus, the electric violin sounded really good. That left Robyn wondering if Nora would be borrowing one for the performance.

    When the performance was over, Robyn then caught wind that Nora might be a little nervous to have this many eyes on her in public - completely unplanned. It was at that point that Kamui frantically took out her phone to text her friends to pull Nora offstage.

    "Um... How about we grab lunch? Looks like you're all set to the upcoming festival," Kamui said.

    7/20 Saturday: Afternoon; Sokai Sushi

    Neither Robyn nor Robin expected Kamui to bring everyone to what appeared to be a high-class restaurant. The restaurant was located several blocks away from Byakuya-shi Station, and offered a view of Hoshido Castle outside. The food looked very fresh and positively gleaming when they were served. It even had the legendary conveyor belt with plates and plates of sushi served straight from the kitchen.

    "Whoa..." Robyn and Robin said together.

    "What are you waiting for? Have a seat!" Kamui said, hands clapped together.

    "You really are spoiling us, Kamui-chan. Are you sure this is okay?" Robyn said uncertainly.

    "I insist! This is one of the perks of being a school talent club with rising star status!" Kamui said.

    Wasn't it supposed to be an idol club? Robyn shook her head as she took her seat.
    ChocoChicken likes this.
  3. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 39
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Rising star status-?! A brief flicker of panic crossed Alex's eyes, but she squashed it down. She just had to last the year. On the moment, she quickly took a look over the menu. Though it was Kamui's treat, that girl couldn't possibly pay for everything, could she? She checked the cheaper items on the menu, just to be polite - Kamui would be paying for at least eight people.

    Tamal on the other hand seemed to be sorting through the ideas in his head as he followed the rest of the club. Perhaps they could talk about it over lunch. Would Nora want to do a repeat performance of the piece she had to improvise on the spot, perhaps? She could even borrow that electric violin again.
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  4. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    The sheer size of the menu amazed Maya. Each dish looked more amazing than the last, and there was a sushi-go-round to boot.

    "Um, what do you recommend?" she finally asked Kamui. "Everything looks delicious!
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  5. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    (For the record, the menu is actually not a paper menu but uses physical plates... As you'll soon see)

    The group's table, like all the other tables here in the restaurant, was positioned beside the conveyor belt where plate after plate of different colours passed by them. Kamui also looked up at the menu in which Sokai Sushi uses to display their pricing. Fixed on the wall was a row of five plates.

    A White plate costing 180
    A Red plate costing 240
    A Yellow plate costing 300
    A Green plate costing 360
    A Blue plate costing 420

    "You all haven't eaten here before, have you?" Kamui said to Maya, although her words extended to the rest of the table since Kamui was facing everyone. "Just pick out a plate from the belt and leave it on the table. Then I'll take care of the bill after. I do not recommend the white plates though! I recall a friend of mine getting a white plate which had nothing but fermented soy bean. He spit it out on the first bite."

    As the plates passed by them, Robyn and Robin couldn't help eyeing each plate. It looked as if each one was crafted to be a work of art. Was it because of the presentation that made it look so good? Maybe it was because the food itself was actually that good.

    "Um... Want to split some plates together?" Robyn muttered to Robin.

    "Sure," Robin whispered back.

    There were two pieces of barbecued eel served on squares of rice served on a green plate, as well as two helpings of salmon roe wrapped as a seaweed roll served on a red plate. This was only the start, but Robyn and Robin could always go for more...

    (Spoiler alert. The outcome of this sushi selection will have implications on the media >:D - and Kamui's pocket)
    #1265 Sep 2, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2023
    ChocoChicken and WavePearl like this.
  6. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 39
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Alex kept her picks very cautious - despite Kamui's words of warning, she did select out a white plate of four-piece pickled vegetable rolls. Her other picks also sat on the cheaper end - an egg and a squid nigiri.

    The most expensive platter she had was just a simple yellow-plated salmon nigiri - one she seemed to be saving for last. With the way she watched all the platters move by and calculated all her choices with an intense, brow-furrowed stare, one could swear she was taking it on like an exam question.

    Tamal on the other hand didn't seem to worry as much as she did. It was expensive, but Kamui wouldn't have footed the bill if she couldn't handle it, right? He picked up an egg, octopus, and salmon nigiri - two yellow, one red.

    He did have to admit, though, the edge of his appetite had already been taken - by watching the Robiyns. They really were a couple, huh. He wondered if they had confessed already? They probably did, given the whole matching hair and sharing food while not being related!

    The fermented beans caught his attention as they passed by. To be honest, he was sort of curious. His family's food was often considered intense to others, anyway - how bad could they be? Kamui was paying for this, yes, but she would understand if he could at least slide her the price of trying them...
    122 Generation likes this.
  7. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    Maya contemplated the sushi-go-round as its colorful plates rolled by. She had been warned not to eat the white plates, and the blue plates could rack up a hefty bill. So it was probably safest to stick with the yellow and red plates, with maybe a few green plates if she wanted to splurge.
    122 Generation likes this.
  8. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 20
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Shirasagi High School Yep, cheers ensued by the end of Nora's impromptu show. Her heart beat even wilder as she took in the sight of her fans. Honestly though, she really, really needed to thank Naga that she could remember the tune in the middle of her mental chaos as Kaden and a blunette (who was neither Lucina nor Azura) escorted her back to her clubmates.

    Sokai Sushi Fast forward to the restaurant, both Hansens were entranced by the plates of sushi on a conveyor belt (a.k.a. sushi-go-round as Maya would word it). This clearly was not a thing back at Iris-shi, so this had to be a new experience for everyone (sans Meru, maybe). Feeling adventurous, Kai picked up a white plate containing the fermented soy beans despite Kamui's warning and took a bite. This stuff was so gooey and tasted like salted cottage cheese with some nuttiness from the beans. "Hey, uh... do they have rice?" he whispered to Kamui in particular. It probably could help temper the strong taste.

    As for Nora and Meru, they ended up having four plates for each:
    • Three red and one yellow for Nora; and
    • One white, one red, one yellow, and one green for Meru.

    (I haven't decided how much Kai would end up eating btw.)
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    #1268 Sep 2, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2023
    122 Generation likes this.
  9. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014

    (There's more food to come to help with Kai's decision! That said, Lucina is about the same age as Morgan in this universe)

    @ChocoChicken @WavePearl

    Regardless of which plate was chosen, each dish was fresh to the extreme (well, maybe except for the fermented beans). The fish in particular was caught in the early morning, shipped to this restaurant by midmorning, and was cut and ready to serve by lunch.

    If Tamal had been watching extra carefully (and there was a high chance that he did), he would have noticed that not only Robyn and Robin had matching hair and were sharing food, but they also held their chopsticks in the exact same manner. Furthermore, they fidgeted with them at the same time while eyeing the same dishes that caught their eyes as they passed by. If Tamal had known better, he would have learned they had confessed to each other just five months ago.

    Because they were sharing, they needed to order about twice as much as the others to be fed. But they didn't want to take too much of Kamui's money either! So they simultaneously settled on adding one more yellow plate with flame-seared salmon on rice rectangles. Then they picked out another green dish serving two pieces of freshly cut tuna and a blue dish that had two pieces of a unique sushi made with fried chicken, shrimp, chicken stock, and apple butter. That blue dish really looked a star on its own! (Not unlike the members of the club)

    Kamui's eyes brightened. "Of course! Here, let me get you some. This one should be refreshing."

    Green and yellow plates were passing by, each with cakes of sushi rice infused with tomato jus and wrapped in select vegetables - with the lone exception of one of them topped with a piece of abalone. Kamui picked out a yellow plate with said tomato rice wrapped in a thin layer of pumpkin for Kai.

    In addition, Kamui could notice the hesitation in Alexa's eyes, as if Alexa was struggling to eat. "Come now, Alex-chan! Don't be shy. I'll pick out a green plate for you. I'd feel kind of bad if you didn't get to experience something here!"

    Blue plates serving rice wrapped aged bonito, seabream, or cured beef fillet were passing by on the belt. Just the sight of them was extremely tempting, never mind taking more than one!

    Robyn and Robin - 0.5 [1x Red, 1x Yellow, 2x Green, 1x Blue] = 840
    Alex - 3x White, 1x Yellow [+1x Green] = 840 [+360]
    Tamal - 1x Red, 2x Yellow = 840
    Maya - ? Red, ? Yellow, ? Green = ?
    Nora - 3x Red, 1x Yellow = 1020
    Kai - 1x White [+1x Yellow] = 180 [+300]
    Meru - 1x White, 1x Red, 1x Yellow, 1x Green = 1080
    (Final call to grab more dishes)
  10. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    (I'm not THAT well versed in sushi, so I have no idea what Maya would want...where would salmon rolls and tempura rolls be on the sushi go round?
  11. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 20
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    (Yeah, I know. That's why I specified that the blunette who accompanied Kaden earlier was not Lucina. :thumbsup:

    Neither am I actually, hence me sticking to the price tags. :sweat:)

    This... was not quite what Kai had expected. He was hoping to get a plate/bowl/whatever of plain rice, but the one Kamui got for him looked yummy too. That, and Nora looked like she couldn't finish the food on her last red plate, so he got to finish it for her as soon as she'd offered. Also, did I mention that Kai had added some soy sauce and mustard in his fermented beans?
  12. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014

    (Those rolls would be red plates. But how many plates in total did Maya get?)
    (You got it :thumbsup: But just in case if Wave or Choco didn't know)

    And just as it happened, a white dish with a bowl of rice with seasoning passed right by, so Kamui also took that and gave it to Kai. This made Robyn and Robin chuckle. Kamui was quite the spontaneous character. There was also a yellow plate with grilled shishamo too, so they added that to their meal.

    Robyn and Robin - 0.5 [1x Red, 1x Yellow, 2x Green, 1x Blue [+1x Yellow]] = 840 [+150]
    Alex - 3x White, 1x Yellow [+1x Green] = 840 [+360]
    Tamal - 1x Red, 2x Yellow = 840
    Maya - 2 Red, ? Yellow, ? Green = 540 + ?
    Nora - 3x Red, 1x Yellow = 1020
    Kai - 1x White [+1x Yellow + 1x White] = 180 [+300 +180]
    Meru - 1x White, 1x Red, 1x Yellow, 1x Green = 1080

    (Will wait for @ChocoChicken to have a go and then we can wrap up the sushi and move to club business)
  13. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    (two each of salmon rolls and tempura rolls, for the curious)

    Since Maya didn't know very much about sushi, she did keep an eye out for the two kinds of rolls she had tried and liked--salmon rolls and tempura rolls.

    These were clearly fresh made with love--Maya enjoyed every bite.
  14. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 39
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Seeing Kay enjoying the fermented natto beans, Tamal shrugged. Ah, why not? He picked one up and went for it with a quick "cheers" to Kai before downing them quickly. Well. It could've been a lot worse. Unlike Kai, he didn't add any rice to it, so he just had to make up with some of the hot tea served to get rid of any excessively strong flavor.

    Alex shook her head at Kamui - calculating all the colors, wasn't the price tag already high enough as is?! "It's fine, really. I've had enough to eat. Besides, now that I know this place, I could always come back in the future."

    She paused, glancing at the other girl again. Maybe lightening the mood would.... "Perhaps it'll even be my treat some day."
  15. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    (Choco gets a cookie for narrowing it down the natto)

    Kamui pouted at Alex. “Aw… Okay. I'll have your dish then. But still... if you will treat us..."

    "Someday, Kamui-chan. Someday," Robyn interjected. "But you know, I would love that! Okay! Alexa-chan treats us the next time!" There was an air of panic in Robyn's voice that suggested she feared Kamui would make Alexa pay the bill right now. No way was Robyn letting that happening today!

    And as Maya rightly put it, the food was absolutely delicious. There could never be another flavour, although it would be fair to say that a possible sushi restaurant in Aritia could rival this. Never before has a heavenly, super-special, incredible, miracle-combination flavour like this had been experienced. Right now, right here, the members of the Ylisstol High School Talent/Idol Club were experiencing a flavour that was out of this world!
    Meru - 1x White, 1x Red, 1x Yellow, 1x Green = 1080
    Tamal - 1x Red, 2x Yellow [+1x White] = 840 [+180] = 1020
    Nora - 3x Red, 1x Yellow = 1020
    Robyn and Robin - 0.5 [1x Red, 1x Yellow, 2x Green, 1x Blue [+1x Yellow]] = 840 [+150] = 990
    Alex - 3x White, 1x Yellow = 840
    Kai - 1x White [+1x Yellow + 1x White] = 180 [+300 +180] = 660
    Maya - 2x Red = 540
    Afterwards, when the food had been finished, Kamui then went to business. "Okay! So now that we've all had a good feel for the venue, you know what to expect now. All that's left is to prepare for the performance next week! You've got plenty of space to play songs, so really up to you to decide how to go about it. I'm having Azura-chan perform at least one song too, to add to the mood! Robyn-chan, if you will." Robyn was confused at first until she caught wind that Kamui wanted the notebook out.

    Kamui clapped her hands together. "Righto! You guys better plan out what you'll be performing! And in what order."

    Robyn looked at her clubmates. "Well? Who wants to do the opening performance?"
    What Kamui edited 1.
    Meanwhile, right outside Sokai Sushi, several fans of the club from Shirasagi High School were tried to take inconspicuous peeks at the club having lunch. Some noted what food the clubmates had ordered. Others noted the prices. And some others noted which foods matched with who. There was the odd murmur between them as to why Robyn and Robin were sharing food together...

    (Took the flavour description from PMD heheh)
    WavePearl likes this.
  16. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 39
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    "Question - will Azura's performance be one of the ten songs there?" said Alex with a quick raise of her hand as if she were in class. "As for the opening song, I think Tamal and Maya have already done openers, so I'd encourage someone else to try."
  17. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 20
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    @ChocoChicken @122 Generation @WavePearl

    Seeing Tamal nabbed another serving of natto from the conveyor belt, Kai only could smile as he returned Tamal's quick "cheers". Though unlike Kai who dumped his remaining natto on the rice, Tamal chose to just... nom it as is. Was the second-year dude here really a big fan of natto? Or was he just feeling adventurous with the dishes? Only Tamal and Naga knew.

    Now that everyone was done with the food, Nora contemplated on collaborating with someone other than her brother but not quite sure about the specifics. But that had to wait -- the opening song slot was still empty.

    "Say, Nora, wanna try the opening?"

    This made the first-year perk up. "Oh? Yeah, yeah," she eagerly nodded. "Can we do Chaos and Abyss?"

    Kai thought for a moment -- he'd briefly heard the song(s) when his sister played it on her phone. "I... don't think it's gonna work with that vibe," he shook his head. Should've made sense considering Nora's unplanned performance earlier and the way Shirasagi High students reacted to it.

    Cue a dejected "Aw..." with a slight pout on Nora's end. "Maybe Testify?"

    "Testify?" Kai raised an eyebrow, to which his sister responded by humming the first line of the song's lyrics ("Darkest night, I'll confront you here").

    (The songs in question:
    No first movement of Chaos and Abyss yet, unfortunately.)
    #1277 Sep 9, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2023
    122 Generation and WavePearl like this.
  18. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012
    @SAF @122 Generation

    Maya contemplated what to play for this show--what would this new audience like. Vivid Angel Squad probably wouldn't be as familiar in this school, so she had to know what was popular here--and how well that fit on acoustic guitar.
  19. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    Kamui smiled eagerly - and was amused at Alexa's classroom-style raise. “You got it! Azura-chan will be in the performance! We'll squeeze in her songs somewhere... let's say, right in the middle!" At that, Kamui scribbled onto Robyn's notebook. "I'm sure she'll like this! Need to represent her somehow, right?"


    Even Robyn was amused by the attitude Alex was giving. Alex really was the kind of student who tried hard at everything, didn't she? As if she was trying to be perfect. Even then, Robyn pushed the thought aside and turned to Nora - right after Nora and Kai discussed doing the opening song together. It appeared that Nora's versions of opening songs seemed... dramatic. Was this girl always this dramatic? As well as her brother?

    "Also, Nora-chan, I was wondering if you could help me with a song? I think your violin skills would really come in handy if you joined. I might as well add myself as the second song." That said, Robyn was pleased with how the planning was playing out.

    They still probably needed a group song to finish it off, of course. But she could worry about that until the rest of the list was filled.
    What Kamui edited 1. Han-san
    2. Reflet ft. Little Han-san?
    6. Azura

    Meanwhile, outside Sokai Sushi, there was chatter between the students outside over who was the bigger eater in the school talent/idol club. Moreover, some questioned why Tamal and Kai even dared to eat the natto! Naga knew what led them to even try the stuff. (Robyn herself couldn't stomach the thing)

    As well, some questioned why the other girl (Meru) could have a bigger appetite than the rest of the club. Nora was gaining some attention in that the smaller girl of the group would have a decent appetite too, as opposed to Maya who really kept her meal simple. Plus, how did Nora end up spending as much as Tamal? That led to speculation that they planned it that way. Then there was Alex who was receiving unexpected attention for picking out three white plates. In addition, the white plates became a talking point in comparing who ordered what - and drawing more comparisons on who was comparable to who.

    On top of that, there was no arguing that the fact Robyn and Robin (or Reflet, as the fans also liked to call them) shared food together led to speculation that something was going on. Why else could they have spent 990 on average?

    (Elsewhere, on the internet...>:D)
    • Robyn x Robin [+5] (25)
    • Robyn x Kai [+5} (24)
    • Robyn x Tamal (3)
    • Alexa x Robin (15)
    • Alexa x Kai [+5] (10)
    • Alexa x Tamal (11)
    • Nora x Robin (5)
    • Nora x Kai (15)
    • Nora x Tamal [+6] (9)
    • Maya x Robin [+2] (11)
    • Maya x Kai (14)
    • Maya x Tamal (5)
    (@WavePearl As it happens, I may have Azura perform a song that Vivid Bad Squad covered)
    WavePearl and ChocoChicken like this.
  20. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 20
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    (Never mind that Nora couldn't finish her food entirely, eh? :hello:)

    While Kai was busy searching the song Nora was talking about on Ebuto and Meru was going ahead to pay her share (or even split the bill with Kamui?), Nora herself was interested at Robyn's proposal. "Hm? Sure," she agreed right away. "What song?"

    That said, if Kai could actually collaborate with someone other than his sister on this particular stage, that would be nice.

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