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Group RP Iris-shi High School Talent (Idol) Club! (IC)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by 122 Generation, Jul 14, 2022.

  1. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    (Of course! Just look at her plates. Should have given her and Kai more points on the OTP poll actualy)

    Robyn quietly clapped her hands together, already delighted at Nora's swift response. "Ooh! Thanks! It's this one..." Robyn replied, while pulling out her phone to play the song from Ebuto. "If it's not too much to ask, want to sing with me too?" she asked as the song began to play.

    When Robin heard the song, he couldn't help recognising it immediately. "That's Tiny Stars, isn't it? I can help with the guitar. If you need vocals, I can help with that too, Robyn," he offered. Then he looked at the notebook again. "You know, I could do a solo performance if I wanted." While the song was still playing on Robyn's phone, Robyn debated whether to write Robin's name down, but knew that because of the capacity of songs, it was better to let everyone else have a go first. Robin could wait.

    Meanwhile, Kamui and Meru had gotten up together to settle the bill. Kamui didn't look at all intimidated by the final bill and was pleased that everyone got to come to Sokai Sushi. When would be the next time that they would get the chance?
    What Kamui edited 1. Han-san
    2. Reflet ft. Little Han-san
    6. Azura
    11. [Group]

    (Elsewhere, on the internet...>:D)
    • Robyn x Robin (25)
    • Robyn x Kai (24)
    • Robyn x Tamal (3)
    • Alexa x Robin (15)
    • Alexa x Kai (10)
    • Alexa x Tamal (11)
    • Nora x Robin (5)
    • Nora x Kai (17)
    • Nora x Tamal (9)
    • Maya x Robin (11)
    • Maya x Kai (14)
    • Maya x Tamal (5)
    (Six more spots to fill, plus the group song. Plus, Big Han-san needs a partner for something!

    Also: the off-vocal version of Tiny Stars for Nora's consideration, and it has more violin in it than I thought)
    #1281 Sep 10, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
  2. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 20
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    (That... would be one hell of a curse. D:

    Also, is it just me or why is the group song on the 10th slot out of 11?)

    While Nora was listening to Tiny Star on Robyn's phone (and trying to see where the violin and vocal parts overlapped -- she might want to avoid it), Kai was having a second thought right after listening to Testify on his own phone. "By the way, Chief," he raised a hand albeit not as quickly as Alex did earlier. "Do two songs in a row count as one session if sung by the same person?"
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  3. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    (Long story short, that was supposed to be a proposed idea for Alexa - but that has changed. Group song back to 11th)

    Robyn gave Kai's question some thought. "Well... the design of the schedule is supposed be that there is one song per session. If you have enough energy for two songs in a row, then I don't have a problem with that. Were you thinking of doing another improv drama act?" (to which Robyn said as a little stab at the previous performance).

    Robin was still looking over the schedule in Robyn's notebook while subconsciously moving his hands and fingers to the beat of Tiny Stars. He also wondered if he should do another performance with Robyn, or go solo, or collaborate with one of his clubmates.

    Meanwhile, on the internet, the promotional videos of the members of the Ylisstol School Talent/Idol Club were receiving lots of new views and comments. For the videos of Kai and Tamal, in particular, there was talk about them being similar in the sense of natto and wondered if they should do performances together with natto as part of their stage name.
    WavePearl likes this.
  4. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 39
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Tamal spoke up, interrupting the moment of silence. By the gleam in his eyes, he seemed to be quite excited to get his thoughts out. "I actually have an idea or two for a song, if you guys want to join in? One of them, I might want to borrow Kai for, just for vocals. Song's just a minute and a half, but it's fast and fun and about a fish. I mean, I guess someone else could go, but I mean, may as well balance the Han-san stagetime."

    "As for the other, I'll need a full band - a keyboardist, bassist, guitarist, and Nora, if you could get Shirasagi High's electric violin on it, I think it could sound real spicy. Oh, I could do the guitar part if nobody else wants to, especially if Shirasagi has a spare, since I haven't played one onstage yet!"
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  5. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 20
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    @122 Generation @ChocoChicken @WavePearl

    "Hmmm... maybe? The songs are Nora's ideas -- she might have a plan," Kai winked at Robyn. I mean, sure, Testify would've worked when the hype was already high, but as the first song? Way too intense, he thought.

    "Wait-- you're reconsidering?" Nora immediately perked up as soon as she overheard Kai's conversation with Robyn. "Yep," her brother simply nodded with a grin. "Because those guys look like they want spoilers," his smile only got wider as he turned to a nearby window where the fans were gathering.

    That said, as much as Kai wanted to respond to Tamal's proposal, he wished he could do so in a semi-private setting -- as in with minimum to no risk of fans overhearing. Same goes for Nora to Robyn's proposal on Tiny Stars, actually.
    #1285 Sep 19, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2023
    122 Generation likes this.
  6. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    Maya made a mental note to check the local music stores to get an idea of what was popular here. Once she knew which artists and bands were popular in this area (and she had found a song that would work on an acoustic guitar), she could get to work learning something that (hopefully) would go over well with a new audience.
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  7. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    Both Robyn and Robin evidently showed stars in their eyes for a moment at the mention of Tamal needing a band. That piqued their interest such that they had completely missed the detail that the initial song was about a fish. Even then, Robyn jotted down for Tamal to have a slot or two in the schedule. "You know, I could join in for the guitar too," Robyn offered.

    Kamui meanwhile clapped her hands. "Ooh! If Nora-chan needs the electric violin, I could pull whatever favours I could from my buddies in the school music club. They might lend the violin again. Or we could count on Nora-chan's popularity to get the violin too."
    Robyn and Robin then caught wind that there was quite the crowd of fans gathered in front of the window of Sokai Sushi. Wait, what?! Robyn was not expecting this school talent idol club to have gotten this popular! While Robyn wasn't hoping to attract attention, the reverse was that she needed enough attention to possibly get an entry into the Summer Scramble Festival.

    But at the same time, like Kai, she smiled at the sight of the fans trying to get a peek at them. Now that left Robyn wondering how they were ever going to get out unnoticed. "You would think fans would do anything for leaks! Who would have known that we would be performing at Shirasagi?"

    Kamui smiled to herself.

    Then Robyn had another thought. There was the issue of practicing together and finding the place to do so. The school was no longer an option (and would only be open to view exam results), so something had to be done later...
    What Kamui edited 1. Han-san (x2)
    2. Reflet ft. Little Han-san
    3. Rising Star Capella ft. Big Han-san(?)
    6. Azura
    8. Rising Star Capella
    11. [Group]

    (Alexa, Maya, and Robin have yet to fill in a slot. Also, still need a group song, but I can throw one in there)
  8. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 39
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Alex grimaced slightly at the crowd of students outside. "Do you guys not think we should... relocate? Kai does have a point in that leaks could be a concern."

    "I mean, we're still behind closed doors. It's not like they can hear us from here, right?" Tamal interjected. "If anyone has headphones or earphones we can share the songs among ourselves without anyone hearing."
    SAF likes this.
  9. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    "I wonder what sorts of bands and artists are popular here in this area..." Maya mused. "That would be a good starting point in helping me find a song. Only rule is--it has to be playable on an acoustic guitar."
  10. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    @ChocoChicken @SAF

    Robyn and Robin exchanged glances at Alex's remark. "Hmm. Alexa-chan does have a point," Robyn said. "We ought to take this elsewhere, and we can listen to songs where it's not as crowded as here."

    "I forgot my headphones though," Robin sweatdropped. "If someone could lend a pair, that would be nice."


    "Oh, come now! Who needs to know about bands and artists when we have Azura-chan? She's very popular around here, and you've already heard one of her songs" Kamui said in an exaggerated tone as if trying to be dramatic.

    Then Kamui stood up. "Still, it wouldn't hurt to get away for a bit and put some thought into the songs. You know, I agree with Alex-chan! Let's relocate. I know the place where we can rack our brains. And I doubt anyone would try to follow us there."

    It really was quite the hassle to get out of Sokai Sushi unnoticed. For one thing, Robyn guessed that it wasn't just fans who wanted to see her and her clubmates, but also people who had no clue what was going on and wanted to know what was happening. Robyn shook her head. At this rate, someone would try to point out her similarities with Robin. Kamui might as well be the type to throw a smoke bomb as the means of escaping.

    7/20 Saturday: Afternoon; Suzanoh Park

    If there was anything that Byakuya-shi was known for, it was the wide expanse of grass and white blossom trees that was only found in Suzanoh Park. Despite Byakuya-shi being a very big city by area and having a busy atmosphere by nature, the park offered its own sense of tranquility as if it were separate from the city itself. It helped that it was not surrounded by buildings and at least one . And there was a bus exchange located at the entrance to the park too.

    The park was very quiet. Not even the noise from the bustling streets of Byakuya-shi could penetrate the air of the park, save for the occasional wailing from police, ambulance, or fire services. The trees waived in the wind breeze, and then there were fields behind them, where rivers, gardens, and ponds decorated the landscape.

    Kamui led the club (plus Meru) to a space near the trees. The brightness of the blossoms reflected in the sunlight really acted like natural lighting for them!

    Robyn meanwhile was still listening to Tiny Stars on her phone.
  11. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    Once settled in the park, Maya first looked up Azura's discography--maybe some of the albums were on Ebuto, or had tabs for them, she thought.
  12. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 39
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    "This place is pretty and all, but... are you sure this is a safe spot?" Alex gave Kamui a sideways glance. "It's still public."

    "Look - there's nobody around for a while, Al," Tamal nudged his friend, already reaching for his phone. "C'mon. We have club business to tend to anyway, don't we? Kai, I'll show you my idea for our song first. How does that sound?"
    WavePearl likes this.
  13. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014

    "Tamal-kun is right! How bad could it be? This is a very big park," Kamui agreed. "There's no one nearby, so I'm sure it's safe! But you know, if we want to be extra safe, we can move closer the fields. It would be hard for someone to spot us there. Plus, you could play an instrument here and it would be hard to hear from afar without an amp. So you would have to be nearby."

    @WavePearl @SAF

    So Kamui led Robyn and the rest of the club on a park trail that went through the field and beside a flowing river. White blossoms blew endlessly in the air above and around them. As they walked, Kamui added, "Oh yeah, Maya-chan. You'll find plenty of hits from Azura... and merchandise. You could even buy fan posters of her at the train station!"

    Then they stopped near a pond that had some benches for sitting, with a tranquil view of white blossom trees all around them. It was as if they had stepped into another world from Byakuya-shi. Just what kind of a park was this? It felt magical. With that said, Robyn took out her notebook to review the lineup and also looked at Robin. "Any thoughts?"

    "I'm still considering it," Robin replied. "If I had to place a spot, it would be after Azura-san's performance, perhaps."

    "Righto," Robyn replied, and then jotted down Robin's request, all while singing the first lyrics of Tiny Stars to herself. "Nanimo mienai yozora hitosuji no nagareboshi. Kirakira mabushii sugata ni yuuki o moratta yo..."

    So while Tamal and Kai were talking, Robin around asking if anyone had any headphones or earbuds to spare.
    What Kamui edited 1. Han-san (x2)
    2. Reflet ft. Little Han-san
    3. Rising Star Capella ft. Big Han-san(?)
    6. Azura
    7. Reflet (Robin)
    8. Rising Star Capella
    11. [Group]

    (Can't help feeling amused that Kamui has some Kotone in her)
  14. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    Maya, meanwhile, perused Azura's discography on Ebuto--out of all of these, which one worked best for a solo acoustic guitar?

    She decided the better approach was to see if any of Azura's songs had guitar tab...
  15. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 20
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Sokai Sushi Even with Meru acting as the crowd control for the talent/idol club, treading through the fans was still hard. She might as well be the club's liaison at this point. Oh, if only the crowd had some decency to leave the club alone...

    Suzanoh Park One trip to Byakuya-shi's local park later, the club finally got all the privacy needed for further planning. The Hansens soon made themselves comfortable before addressing their respective collaborations (further discussions about the opening song(s) could wait until they got home unless someone asked).

    @122 Generation

    In Nora's case, she joined Robyn while she was listening to Tiny Stars on her phone (at least before she continued the whole discussion). However, the more she listened, Robyn's offer to sing with her sounded less viable to the kid given her limitation as a classically-trained violinist. "Uh, Robyn-senpai..." she meekly nudged the club leader on her arm. "I can't sing while playing my violin. Sorry."


    As for Kai, he'd been considering Tamal's collab idea as soon as it was offered. "Coolio," the brunet smiled. I mean, now that Tamal asked again, what could stop him from actually responding to it?

    "By the way, Kamui," Kai then turned to the club's tour guide of the day. "Will there be a projector on the stage?" he asked.
    #1295 Sep 27, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2023
    WavePearl likes this.
  16. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 39
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★

    Tamal gave Kai a thumbs-up in return and pulled out his phone to play the song - loud enough that the whole club could here. "This one's just for the two of us. I can take the upper harmony where it's present, and we'll decide roles for the speaking segment later!"

    @122 Generation @WavePearl

    The moment the song was over, he began typing again. "Here's the other song - the one I'll need a band for! It was actually sang by the same celebrity who voiced the Phoenix Lord in the recent Phoenix Quest movie. And if you can't hear it, the violin kicks in around after the first chorus, and is louder at the end. It's a pretty simple part."

    "As for how we'll do this song, I'll be on vocals. Since we don't have a drummer, I'll need someone on electric guitar - which could be me, really if someone lends me one - someone on keyboard, Nora on violin - hopefully electric - and someone on bass. Anyone up?"

    (The bit about the voice actor is running on the Mario Movie = Dragon Quest Movie in this universe, given how it was discussed back then. If you didn't know, Jack Black sang this and voices the character in-game.)
    SAF, 122 Generation and WavePearl like this.
  17. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012
    @SAF @122 Generation @ChocoChicken

    As Maya continued perusing Ebuto on her phone, a familiar Utaloid song make her smile. True, Vivid Angel Squad and Azura had covered it, but she liked the Utaloid Luka version best. It also wasn't to hard to adapt to guitar--play in G with a capo to play in F with easier chords.
  18. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    (Meru might as well become some kind of bouncer :P)


    Robyn made a sad face at Nora after feeling the nudge. "Aw... That's okay. I could always have Robin join us onstage. He can be the other vocalist, and the guitar... right?" she said with that last word emphasised in Robin's direction.

    Robin, suddenly conscious that Robyn was leading him to answer, nodded silently.

    "Okay! Then it's decided. Robin can join us so Nora-chan can focus on strings," Robyn concluded. So it seemed that she, Robin, and Nora would be performing together.


    Robyn's train of thought was then disrupted by a considerably irritating tone, courtesy from Tamal's phone. The music was so... senseless (in Robyn's honest opinion). What was this about a fish, anyway? The thing was that Robyn was finding it hard not to smile from the tune. From the way Robyn saw it, Tamal and Kai were really into this. Maybe - maybe - she ought to name the part as some kind of unit with natto in the name.

    Then by the time the second song played, Robyn paused. "Wh-what?! This song was sung by the same voice actor?! That's so cool! I'm sure Robin could lend his guitar unless you really want to do it, Tamal-kun," she said. "Since as you said, we don't have a drummer, I think I could contact one of my friends to make drumbeats for us - with the computer. I'm sure some DJs do that already. If nothing else, I suppose Kamui-chan's friends in the music club could lend us a bass guitar." It was true that the club had no drummer, so perhaps electronic means was a possible option. All that was left was to find someone who could do it.
    As for Kamui, she had stars in her eyes with the way this meeting was headed. To Kai, she replied, "Better yet, there will be enormous TV screens above the stage! Unless if you really need a projector. Why?"


    So while Kamui was chatting away with Kai, Robyn had left Robin with the club (and also left him to brainstorm someone who could make beats) so that she could check in on Maya. "Well, Maya-chan? You seem like you know what song you want." The closer Robyn got to Maya's phone, the more she could listen to the familiar tune that only a certain Uta-loid was known for. "Want me to add you in the lineup?"
    What Kamui edited 1. Han-san (x2)
    2. Reflet ft. Little Han-san
    3. Rising Star Capella ft. Big Han-san
    4. Phoenix?
    6. Azura
    7. Reflet (Robin)
    8. Rising Star Capella
    11. [Group]

    (I didn't know Jack Black sang for other characters heheh)
  19. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 33
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    "I like the tune, but the lyrics may not fly in a school setting." Maya explained. "That, and if it is OKed, I need to learn it."
  20. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014

    "You better decide soon. The performance is next week," Robyn warned. "Whelp, you can let me know when you've decided."

    Robyn then left Maya to rejoin the others, all while thinking who could possibly make beats for the club, since there was no drummer. Cordelia was the first face who came to mind, since Robyn did see her interacting with members of the Ylisstol High School music club (which, by the way, was similar to but not quite the same as the talent-idol club).
    WavePearl likes this.

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