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Group RP Pokemon: Evolution Quest (IC thread)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by WavePearl, Aug 24, 2020.

  1. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    As Swirlix was being reprimanded by Celine, Josson, and the entire Expedition Society for eating a Blast Seed of all foods, it appeared she was still in a hungry mood as she helped herself more to her snack bag. That was basically her answer.

    As for Atelier, he shook his head to get his mind off of his personal matters (as well as Brynhildr's voice). He decided to listen in on the conversations around him, but he was so tired that he didn't have the mind to listen to anything. There would be time to plan a strategy later.
  2. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 20
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    (Welp, figured that I should tackle the rumors first -- an exposition about Kickenham's situation will be quite a long read by itself.)

    @WavePearl @122 Generation @ChocoChicken

    While her guildmates were having their own squabble, Mawile flipped to another page of Aine's notes where there were several rumours jotted down:

    Rumour #1 Rumour #1: One of the treasures in the Royal Archives supposedly played a part in the First Dragon War.

    "I don't know, honestly," even Mawile scratched the back of her head at this particular rumour. "You'll want to ask a scholar there to make sure."

    Rumour #2 Rumour #2: The Sword of the Seven Stars is hidden somewhere near the royal city.

    And now Blacky perked up. Considering he had been gathering the legendary sword's components, it's natural for him to be curious about the sword itself. Unfortunately for him, however, Mawile wasn't entirely sure about the rumour either. She directed him (and anyone interested) to ask the lorekeeper for the royal scholars about it -- he should know the stuff.

    (Spoiler: The lorekeeper in question is the "Raihan" NPC Wave and I had discussed in our DMs beforehand. I also got the word "lorekeeper" from Zinnia's trainer class.)
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    #4682 Jul 1, 2024 at 4:45 PM
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2024 at 5:53 PM
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