Welcome to Shallow Shelgon! My name is Caden, but you can call me Roaming. I'm a digital artist, mainly working on my iPad with Procreate. I'm opening to draw Pokémon requests, partially for practice, partially because I haven't drawn anything related to it, and I miss it. Now depending on the complexity of the Pokémon, price will change. To preface, these are sketches at base. So if you request for Turtwig, it will be uncolored and only a sketch. Additions such as Pokémon Base Stage: 5PP Middle Stage/Single Stage: 10PP Final Evolution: 15PP Box Legendaries: 20PP Additional Pokémon: +5PP I can't completely group together certain Pokémon types, such as Mythics, so if you're unsure, go ahead and ask. Upgrades Lineart: +5PP Colored Sketch: +5PP Colored Lineart: +10PP Colored and Shaded Sketch: +10PP Colored and Shaded Lineart: +15PP Examples Basic Sketch Spoiler Lineart Spoiler Colored Sketch Spoiler Colored Lineart Spoiler Colored and Shaded Sketches Spoiler Colored and Shaded Lineart Spoiler Slots Jeydis - Poncho Kecleon Skullbash - OC OPEN OPEN OPEN That'll be all! If you have any further questions, go ahead and ask!
ooh I was hoping you would open up shop How do you feel about adding accessories to things? This would be a poncho and hat on a Kecleon to be specific.
Yep, can do that! Simple items like a poncho, scarf, or hat won't cost extra, they're easy enough to do
Awesome, I haven't requested art of this little guy in ages. Description: A Kecleon with a Ludicolo sombrero and a poncho with ludicolo's zigzag pattern. Edit: Woops I forgot to mention the level I was picking, Colored and Shaded line art please
Hi! I was wondering if you'd be willing to do a colored and shaded line art of this character. https://sta.sh/213z9znzau21 I'd be willing to pay extra for it if it's an inconvenience
Sorry for the late reply, you got it! I'd say your character is about as simple as a first stage Pokémon, so only 20PP including the extra for the colored and shaded line art! And it's not at all, don't worry!
Sounds amazing, Can I ask for this duo. (I had asked this duo to another member also,) so they are cute XD Anyhow, a grown up (parent like) Typloshion and a kid Umbreon. Can I ask for a couple plz, 1: Playing in the snow (If it might look good, maybe the Umbreon wearing a warm poncho) 2: Celebrating Christmas (Maybe the typloshion wearing santa clothes) 3: Celebrating new years eve with fireworks (Maybe if it looks good, a firework/star in there palms) Colored and Shaded Lineart: +15PP this one plz thanks a lot, lemme know what it will be
Hey! So your requests are actually more than I provided in the examples. What I'm doing is mainly portrait work, and what you're requesting is more akin to full on backgrounds. I'm sorry, but that complicated of work would require real money. They take me 6+ hours to do, often 8+. I hope you understand!
Hi there! Would it be alright if I commissioned you to draw two Pokémon for me? One commission will be Dewott, the other will be Alolan Raichu! I'd like both commissions to have lineart and shading too, please ^^ That would be 55 points in total, right?
Excuse me @Roaming Ashes, may I have a colored lineart of Vulpix (both Kantonian and Alolan) in the style of yin-yang, please?