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Featured Summer Scramble 2023 - Feedback thread

Discussion in 'Support Hub' started by Jeydis, Aug 19, 2023.

  1. Jeydis

    Jeydis Deep down in Underfity

    Level 11
    Aug 11, 2017
    Poké Ball ★Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    I completely forgot to set up this thread sorry about that folks. So what are your thoughts on our Summer Scramble for last July? Did you have fun? Are there any events you disliked? Any that you would love to see next time? Let us know!
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  2. HiddenLore

    Time Master
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 36
    Mar 25, 2014
    Crown of ValorPoké Ball ★Root Fossil ★★★Beedrillite ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★
    I really enjoyed this year. the teams were small but it felt about the right size honestly. Most of the events went well, the nuzlocke was an interesting addition, though I don't have the speedrunner mindset to make much of that one. And I'm terrible at shiny hunting, but that's a me thing. Overall I had a blast and as usual, I'm looking forward to next year.
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  3. HeroofFire101

    HeroofFire101 Stirlingite

    Level 34
    Feb 13, 2017
    While I do consider this to be a more laid back type of Summer Scramble, I would say that there was a few hiccups. Unexpected things popped up and interfered with the flow of this Scramble (though I would say that this happens every Scramble). It had a bit of everything, and personally, this Scramble let me do this at my own pace due to my work schedule. I would say that as always, Time Zones Are A Thing.

    In my opinion, the Trivia event was not what I expected, being something that was a quick time event and NOT a turn-based event, because there was an advantage on certain groups. I highly prefer events that let those of us WHO ARE NOT FAST TYPERS be able to answer in a reasonable amount of time. It was heavily swayed to those members who are fast typers, and I find that kind of unfair. When I participated, I verbally knew the answer but I could NOT type fast enough, let alone SPELL it correctly. This event was what I felt like one-sided and didn't let some of us have a chance to answer. This is so my only complaint. Jeopardy-style trivia does not work in a discord setting.

    So, that was definitely a fun Scramble, smaller than previous years. Here's to many more.
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  4. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 37
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    I had more stuff up my schedule and couldn't have been as active as I would've liked (sniffs at the 500 post), but the Scramble was fun nonetheless! Is a shame we were a member down but don't hold anythin against them.

    I will note the two events that were won by default, though. Creatémon and Shiny Hunt both only had one team participate, and it feels a little off to me. Probably just from low people count, and of course some teams will have more participants than others in every event, but when half of each team is participating and none of the other team are the event isn't exactly the most exciting as a result.

    To me at least, Arcade, Nuzlocke, Showdown, and the live events all felt more like big events, rather than those two where people just submitted their thing only to see there was no competition at all. (At least that's how it felt for me, Rangers might have appreciated the shiny sweep, who knows.)

    My only proposal for solutions is maybe next time pitch most of the events that probably will happen before seeing what members are interested in what for a more even split? Iunno.

    I would liked to have seen the RP events from past years return, but I understand if the smaller event plus the fact that it probably would have been two people on each team yelling at each other would make it too small to judge. Also something involving the Catcher could've been more accessible rather than more of the game-based challenges, but then again I literally have 1200+ mons and the site would probably explode.

    Either way, huge props to the mods for holdin another great Scramble! GG to the Rangers and thank you to my fellow crime lords for all the fun haha
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  5. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Ants Troubled
    Level 18
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Honestly, this year's Summer Scramble was fun all around. Can't really think of feedbacks right now, but have one from awhile back:
    The screenshot was taken during the Scramble itself, hence Hero's message right there. Also, by "last time", I meant the spelling bea. Should've said so in context. :)

    I'd say nuzlocke is more about consistency that speedrunning, but given the time constraints, you have a point there.

    I AGREE!!! The trivia event felt too fast-paced for me with a lot of fast typers piled in one team. Not to mention it was my first live trivia event (second if you count the spelling bea) ever...

    Well, well, welly well...

    Not sure what's the bandits' problem with the shiny hunt, but I'd say us rangers didn't have enough braincells for the fakemon one. :sweat:
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  6. Sethal

    Sethal Vibing to OST

    (Alolan Vulpix)
    Level 1
    Nov 12, 2017
    Comet Shard ★★★★Star Piece ★★★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★Water Stone ★★★Thunder Stone ★★★
    Well, suffice to say that this year's SS was definitely a blast. However, that doesn't mean that it was without its fair share of flaws, of course.

    I'll just go ahead and point out the one the mods/admins do not have any direct control over: the amount of people participating. While the previously pointed out events, in which only one team bothered to actually partake, took this problem ad absurdum, I generally felt as though the low amount of participation really harmed the competitive spirit overall. Each team only had a handful of members, and while that might've made for a more... intimate? experience, it also didn't really feel dynamic, making it hard for me get into a competitive spirit. Then again, as said, that's hardly something LVs staff team can just change like that, so no blame there. Still, best to point it out, I'd reckon.
    What personally bothered me was that the Summer Scramble's conclusion had to be delayed for a few days. This is definitely a trivial matter, sure, but I was like: "Well, hasn't the deadline passed by now? Why are some events still going?" Long story short, I was rather confused haha
    Also, why not choose more niche games for the arcade event? It doesn't always have to be Tetris! I'm sure there are many other interesting games out there.

    What I really liked though that there was a nice mix of events that were scheduled to take place at a certain times, like that trivia event, and that simply had a general deadline. For people like me, it is sometimes hard or outright not possible to adjust their schedules accordingly in time, so it was nice to be able to "work" on some events (e.g. the writing one) whenever I wanted to.
    Last but not least, I think the rewards we all got were pretty sweet. I mean, sure, that special forum sure is nifty, but I actually thought it pretty cool that that tricky little Beta Wooper actually made its way out and was accessible for everyone. Once again a big GG to the bandits.

    With that being said, I'd conclude that this year's SS itself was a great experience, but that it, due to the context in which it had to be hosted in, just didn't get me interested as much as it once used to. Generally, though, I still think the staff did a good job.

    Thanks for hosting this year's SS!
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