During today's episode of Pokénchi (a Japanese variety show based on Pokémon), Generation 7 director Shigeru Ohmori came onto the show and revealed a new form of the Pokémon Lycanroc. This form, named Lycanroc Dusk Form (or Twilight Form in Japan) has design elements from both of the other forms of Lycanroc. It is a quadruped, like Midday Lycanroc, but it has fur styled like Midnight Lycanroc. Its fur is also somewhere between the brown and red of the other two Lycanroc, being a nice shade of orange. Another thing to note is that its eyes are green, however they're red when it first evolves, and turn green after blinking. This was shown during the announcement, albeit briefly. Not much is known about this new form, including how Trainers can obtain it, apart from the fact that it cannot be caught in the wild (unlike Lycanroc, who appear in Vast Poni Canyon). However, we do know that Ash's Rockruff will evolve into this new form of Lycanroc in next week's episode of the Pokémon Sun & Moon anime, so there might be some hints towards that in the show. Anyway, that's all the news for today, but if you want more Lycanroc action, why not check out the Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon thread here on LV? We've got threads for speculating on this new Lycanroc form, as well as one where you can generally be hyped about it! As always, stay tuned to LV for more news announcements!
I think it looks interesting certainly more interesting than the other forms although, it really does just look like a mix of the two so there is that lol
It looks like a recolored Midday Lycanroc.. took me until now to notice its mane resembled Midnight's more haha. I won't complain though since Rockruff's line means a lot to me though but idk if I'll be using one this time around. I prefer Midday just a tiny bit more since its mane color is more natural?
It does look good and I may check it out when the games are released, but it just looks like midday with a new haircut. If this is the new mon they expect the hype to ride on I do hope is a good one in-game or at least better than midday and/or midnight is.
It looks a lot like Midday Lycanroc, took me a while to figure it out xD Ooh, I wonder if there'll be a Dawn Lycanroc? If want it to have dark blue night fur with stars on it to be honest.
Oops, misread it! How embarrassing xD I wish the designs were more complicated though, maybe with clouds or stars? But that's just me.
This just in - CoroCoro has begun leaking, revealing a two-page spread on Lycanroc Dusk Form. This new form will have access to both Accelerock and Counter, which were the spotlight moves of Midday and Midnight Lycanroc respectively. Dusk Lycanroc will also have Tough Claws as an ability. There is also details on a distribution for a Rockruff starting November 17, and it appears that it might be holding a "ルガルガンZ", or "Lycanrock Z Crystal", but this has yet to be confirmed. Stay tuned for more details.
Can't say I'm a fan of this new form... The design feels kinda lazy but I can see why some people like it. There's likely going to be a "Dawn" form where the Midnight Lycanroc's traits are more dominant. It probably loses its mohawk, still has that fluffy neck thing and stands on two legs lol
I love this new form, and I'm glad it has Accelrock. But it seems like Gamefreak took all the best design features of Midday and Midnight and mashed them together...does that mean Dawn Form will have the worst parts of Midday and Midnight? If Dawn Form looks like Midnight, I hope it doesn't lose the Mohawk.
Lycanroc Day decided to go to the hair salon during evolution, huh. Got orange dye and its counterpart's manecut. "Ultra."
I like the colour scheme but... to be completely honest that's about it. It's quite a literal rehashing of the other two Lycanrocs and to me, it's rather lacklustre. A revamped fan-favourite, not very spectacular...
Not that I hate this new Lycanroc form, but I really wish GF would chill with all the forms and alternate versions and do sneak peaks with actual next gen Pokémon like how Togepi was shown before Johto was a thing.
Alright, the CoroCoro scan that was posted about above has been uploaded with a much clearer image, and as such, more information has been released about this new form of Lycanroc. Lycanroc Dusk Form is a pure Rock-type Pokémon, being 2'07" (0.8 m) in height and weighing 55.1 lbs (25 kg). This form of Lycanroc can not be obtained through normal gameplay means, and will only evolve from the Rockruff that is to be distributed from November 17th, 2017 to Jenuary 10th, 2018 (similar to the Torchic distribution of XY, Beldum distribution of ORAS, and Munchlax distribution of SM). As a more aesthetics-related piece of news, its eyes glow red when it attacks, as it unleashes the fighting spirit of Midnight Lycanroc. The Official Pokémon website for Korea has also posted an image of the Sugimori art for this new form of Lycanroc, not bothered by the text of the magazine article, but it was soon removed from the site. Fortunately, the Internet is a place filled with people who can click "Save as" very quickly, and as such we have access to this image, and a better look at Dusk Lycanroc's overall appearance as a result. Please continue to check back to this thread for any more news regarding Dusk Lycanroc, and look out for other articles pertaining to Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon in the near future!
Okay so they wanna hype a form but only a special Rocruff can evolve into this new form, that's honestly just silly in my opinion.
So, the way I understand this is that the anime didn't want to make a commitment and give Ash a version exclusive evolution, so they made their own that combined both forms and decided to make it an event Pokémon like with Ash-Greninja. They need to stop doing that.