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Group RP Iris-shi High School Talent (Idol) Club! (IC)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by 122 Generation, Jul 14, 2022.

  1. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 45
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    The way back to the bus station wasn't far, and luckily, Maya didn't have to change busses to get home. After texting her mom to let he know she was coming home, she settled in to enjoy the ride.
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  2. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    @WavePearl @SAF @ChocoChicken

    7/8 Monday - 7/12 Friday

    So the last week of classes arrived, where Robyn and Robin listened attentively to the last lectures of their classes. Most of the week was review and asking any burning questions in the heads before the finals, plus handing in final assignments.

    Then when they had downtime, they spent time studying together in the school library or the city’s public library. If there was any time left over, Robyn would review the club’s channel as well as her communications with Kamui. It was easy to get distracted too - unfortunately. If she was still awake before bed, there was always a chance to follow up with Tala too.

    By the end of the week, they were both feeling the pressure of looming finals.
  3. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 45
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    Between studying for finals, play rehearsals, and guitar practice, Maya had a lot to do! But she still managed to find time for sessions of Phoenix Quest or a movie, or just relax in between her studies.
  4. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 56
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    With finals approaching? To say Alex and Tamal were both stressed beyond their minds was an understatement. Even if Alexa's collapse at the park last time had been concerning, she didn't seem to do anything about it. If anything, it was getting worse.

    Tamal constantly found himself on the receiving end of many late-night texts - but to his surprise, most of them weren't actually about studies - rather, her dilemmas seemed to be mostly about the club. What she should do, the courtesy of visiting Byakuya-Shi, the right song and choreography plans for their next performence... It wasn't entirely unlike her to save some thoughts for her clubs even during exam season, but wasn't this excessive?

    He mostly kept his own questions to a minimum. Iris-Shi wouldn't be as competitive as some other schools now, would it? Besides, he wasn't going to pile his own problems on her of all people. She had it rough enough as is!

    Instead, he contacted a few other people who... mostly seemed as lost as he was on some of the questions. Sonali was a grade younger, Barrett had no idea what the hell he was looking at, his parents were usually busy. Whatever - he'd figure it out. And as for the club? Forget it - there was a time, place, and person for this sort of thing, and they weren't exactly his tutors. He'd just tough it out, as he had every other exam season.
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    122 Generation likes this.
  5. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Level 1
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    By the time the final week of classes rolled, Nora had already uploaded the previously recorded videos with her brother to her own Ebuto channel. However, due to the relatively busy week full of final exam preps, neither siblings had a chance to monitor the newly uploaded videos. What little downtime Kai had was filled with the play rehearsals and Stewrica gaming. And Nora? She opted to jam on her violin instead -- sometimes with self-imposed challenges a la Ling-Ling Workout.
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  6. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    (Dang it Nora :sweat: 48 seconds of D string. She must have given Kai a headache

    Also, I hope Alexa is okay...)

    @WavePearl @ChocoChicken @SAF

    7/13 Saturday: Morning; Robin's Residence - 7/14 Sunday: Afternoon; Robin's Residence

    Over the weekend, it was apparent that Nora's Ebuto channel was racking up a lot of viewership. Could it be because of her stardom with the club? Robyn wouldn't have guessed it if not for the sudden increase in viewership on the club's promotion videos. Comments in Nora's video did refer to Nora's recent uploads, after all.

    It went without saying that Morgan had taken the week to recover from the accidental collapse of books from Nora, and it was also a miracle that Morgan didn't need to go to hospital either. Over the weekend, she mostly rested and opted to help with making meals for Robin and Robyn. Meanwhile, Robin and Robyn diligently studied together, not wanting to leave home. After about two hours of study, they would reward themselves with some entertainment. Robin would be looking up a map of Byakuya-shi to familiarise himself with the area as he listened to Uta-loid tunes, whereas Robyn would be exchanging texts with Kamui. If not that, it was playing Luigi Kart.

    Then the crushing pressure of finals really piled up on Sunday evening. They reviewed as much as they could but wondered if they had left something out. There was always that nagging feeling, wasn't there?

    7/15 Monday: Morning; Ylisstol High School, School Gate

    Then the first day of finals arrived. To no one's surprise, Robyn and Robin were seen walking together past the school gate. Once they were in the foyer, they made their way to their respective cupboards to swap shoes before stepping into the school grounds. They were already informed during the last week of classes where their exams would be held.

    Talent/idol club was the last thing on their minds. At this point, the pressure of finals was crushing. Honestly! If pressure was this bad, then how could this compare to fighting off an evil dragon?

    (Cuing finals... after this)
  7. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 45
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    After one final session cramming for...well, finals, the first day of exams finally arrived. Maya had two exams today, and then two more the next day, with play rehearsals afterwards both days. Deep down, she was growing more and more excited about playing Caeda.
  8. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    @WavePearl @SAF @ChocoChicken

    7/15 Monday: Morning; Ylisstol High School, Gym and Theatre - 7/19 Friday: Afternoon; Ylisstol High School, Gym and Theatre

    Finally, the final exam season was underway. To Robyn and Robin, as well as Chrom, Lissa, and everyone else in the Shepherds, this was a week of survival. The exam hours felt short, as if they never had enough time to finish their exams, yet the days felt long when there was a looming exam in the morning and in the afternoon. After the afternoon exam was done, the evening was spent cramming and reviewing materials for the next two finals the following day. Even Morgan knew better than to disturb her older brother and de facto onee-chan while they were studying. It was stressful.

    Unlike midterms, where the exams were held in various parts of the school, all final exams were to take place in the school gym and theatre where there was sufficient space to hold simultaneous exams at once. Both the gym space and theatre space were fully used so that students were sufficiently spaced out from each other. Funnily enough, Minerva the crow was perched above - unnoticed by the students and staff, save for Cherche - and observed the students. She was tempted to caw, but she also had enough sense to not cause panic in the school.

    As Robyn and Robin took their exam booklets, they needed to unload whatever knowledge they had onto the paper immediately. There would definitely be no downtime as soon as they finished their exams. Whatever downtime they had was spent preparing for the next exams, save for cooking. Why, they constantly bought dinner from Anna's or the Hee Ho Mart throughout the week because they were so stressed! The stress was nothing compared to preparing for economics, mathematics, languages, and social studies.

    The feeling was like going back into the heat of battle again, although Robyn and Robin were going into the exam feeling like normal students. In a sense, though, it really felt like they were about to take on another dragon. If only they could all slay the dragon together!

    (Yeah... Needed to pull a reference from Assassination Classroom where the 'final exam' is a monster and the classmates are an army trying to slay it. Then the exam throws a curveball question to wipe out the class in one strike :P In a sense, there's a bit of inspiration from Xuehua too.
    Now cuing finals...)
    WavePearl and SAF like this.
  9. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Level 1
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    It's that season again. A season where students were gathered in big rooms yet too busy doing their own work to actually talk to each other. Not that it was even allowed, but the stress it had caused was real.

    Apparently both Hansens weren't immune to the stress either. The two of them, like any other students, spent their free time cramming to the point of having no time for jam sessions (or even games, for that matter). That, and double that stress for Kai in particular because his exam results this term would be partially used to determine his graduation.
  10. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 56
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Alex walked into her exam room with the confidence of a baby chick in a forest fire. She'd double and triple-checked everything she could - pens both blue and black, pencils, eraser, scrap paper and water bottle wherever those were allowed, all writing utensils sharpened or refilled with a new ink cartridge.

    Tamal didn't look much better. His hair was not brushed, his bag was stuffed, and even when not in the sun anyone could swear he was sweating. Even as he walked into his hall he was reciting mathematics laws to himself - and from the look on his face, he didn't know if they were right either.
  11. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 45
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    The scribbles and scritching of pens and pencils filled the exam room as Maya continued writing the third page of a long essay question's answer. She glanced at the clock for a moment, then kept writing. Better to have too much for an answer than too little, she thought. She knew well the two novels she had been asked to compare and contrast, but she hadn't expected to take this long for one question.
  12. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    @SAF @ChocoChicken @WavePearl

    Robyn and Robin, like Kai, also felt the pressure of their graduation being dependent on these exams. It was like they were standing off against a beast (that is, the exams), and the two of them were only armed with swords and tomes (that is, their pencils and brains) to take on it. That was particularly the case when it came to their economics problems, as they tried reciting the principles they learned.

    Even then, there was one exam problem that humoured them. Their teacher took his daughter ice skating and said daughter wanted hot chocolate afterward, but spilt the hot chocolate over his car which got him angry. So the exam question asked what was the economic principle to explain why the teacher was angry (which, heartless as it may be, the teacher actually explained said principle to his daughter!).

    7/19 Friday: Evening

    By the time Robyn and Robin were done with their finals, they could feel the weight lifted off their shoulders as the pressure was finally gone! Finally! It was hard to explain the kind of relief they felt as they left the exam together and prepared to head home. Although it wasn't exactly healthy, they bought dinner from the Hee Ho Martp again (which only made sense, since it was across the street from the school) and brought it home to eat with Morgan.

    That evening, Robyn checked her exchanges with Kamui. Supposedly, the plan was to take the train to Byakuya-shi first. Then Kamui would meet the club at the station. So to make sure everything was in place, she sent emails to everyone in the club informing them to meet at the entrance of Iris-shi Station tomorrow morning.

    Robyn was also reminded that it was Maya's birthday tomorrow. So something had to be done, right? Aside from that, Robyn realised a new problem had arisen. Now that school was done, where could the club meet? It wasn't like the conference room could be used now that the school would be closed. Robyn decided to sleep that off.
  13. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 45
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    Luckily for Maya, she had managed to organize her to-do list so nothing important had to be done on her birthday. That is, unless you considered gaming, movies, and family time important.

    So of course when the email arrived, she was a little annoyed at first. Look on the bright side--it could be a ruse for a party!
  14. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 56
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    Alex was pretty sure she was no longer a person by the end of finals when she dragged herself home. Well, hopefully the other Iris-shi membesr wouldn't mind too much if she kept mostly quiet during the tour. Maybe Tamal would be willing to lend her a hand in communication, if he was also alive.

    There was also Maya's birthday. Unlike Nora's, Alex prepared early for this one. Maybe Tamal had something as well, but only time would tell, because she was way too stressed to even text anyone at this point.
  15. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    @WavePearl @ChocoChicken @SAF

    7/20 Saturday: Morning; Iris-shi Station, Entrance

    If it was any normal morning, Robyn and Robin would loved to have slept in. There was nothing better than catching up on hours of sleep that otherwise made up for those countless hours of studying for finals. So as a result, it was evident that neither Robyn nor Robin had gotten enough sleep as they had no sooner woken up the next day to pack their schoolbags with a few belongings that they would need for Byakuya-shi. Their phones, wallets, ID cards, student passes, and support logs were all packed and ready to go. For Robyn, it was nostalgic for her as she knew that her belongings - including her bag - were transferred from her universe. Not that anyone needed to know that.

    Later that morning, they left home (having prepared food for Morgan too) with a box of lemon puffs and took a bus to Iris-shi Station. There, they planned to meet up with their fellow clubmates at the entrance. Interestingly enough, they opted to wear their school uniforms for the day. Maybe it was because they had no time to decide what to wear.

    "I'm going to find a gift for Maya-chan. You're okay with waiting here, right?" Robin said.

    "No problem. I could use a little more sleep," Robyn yawned. So Robin went to the convenience store inside the station, whereas Robyn went to grab a seat on a bench and grabbed a nap. In her hands was her phone, as well as the Tepig keychain and the Poketto notebook that the club had gotten her during her depression phase. The box of lemon puffs was in her bag.
  16. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 45
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation

    "Happy birthday..." Maya was gently nudged awake by her mom. "I made you breakfast pizza as--one of many-- special treats for you."

    "Okay..." Maya yawned as she woke up. "Thank you..."

    After checking out all the birthday texts from friends and family, Maya went to get ready for the visit with the club--and any potential parties.
    #1216 Jul 20, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2023
    122 Generation likes this.
  17. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Level 1
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Friday The exams were finally over. Both Hansens got their notifications about a trip to Byakuya-shi on Saturday -- the day right after the final day of exam season -- which so happened to be Maya's birthday. Yes, Kai knew about the birthday part from the drama club's pseudo-group chat (they usually made one nearing a member's birthday where they excluded the birthday kid from) and told Nora about it. So now Nora spent her free time making a Taki papercraft -- the very same Taki from Poketto Legends: Taki and the Phoenix Seal -- for Maya while Kai ended up getting her a notebook featuring Aine the Sylveon minstrel, one of the four main characters from this Poketto x Phoenix Quest crossover titled "Evolution Quest" (fan nickname: Evo Quest).

    Saturday Fast forward to Saturday, the siblings decided to put their gifts in a basket -- mainly for the papercraft's safekeeping so that it wouldn't be squished. They also packed some Pocki sticks and water bottles in their bags. And as for the outfits, they opted to dress casually with their uniforms stowed in their bags just in case. Nora wore a lilac T-shirt with Vulpix yin-yang image on it and a pair of black knee-length shorts (her brother was not a big fan of anything shorter than that in a casual setting), while Kai wore the "Cool kid" T-shirt from his idol debut paired with brown joggers.

    And now they're taking a bus to Iris-Shi Station... only to find Robyn taking a nap on a bench by the time the siblings got there. She looked like she didn't have enough sleep, though.
    #1217 Jul 20, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2023
    122 Generation likes this.
  18. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    It was fortunate that Robyn was out in public like this, taking a nap. Had she not been at the station here, she would have been an easy victim to pick on. Evidently, it so happened that Robyn's friends Gaius, Stahl, and Ricken were on their way to catch a train at the station when they noticed Robyn napping on the bench. Normally, they would have greeted her, but they knew that Robyn probably wanted to sleep with finals over with.

    So instead, Gaius went up to Robyn to steal a lemon puff from her. "Call me a thief if you want, Melonpan-chan, but these puffs aren't helping themselves," Gaius said. Turning to Nora, he said, "Sorry there, honey. Don't mind me."

    "Um... I don't think Robyn-san would approve," Ricken muttered. He could have sworn he saw Robyn's twin tails twitch.

    Inside the station's convenience store, Robin had bought a model kit that Maya might like. From what Robyn had told him, Maya was a Poketto fan like he and Robyn were, and also happened to follow Evolution Quest. Nevertheless, Robin was not expecting to find any kind of Evolution Quest - or Poketto - merchandise in a convenience store. Yet in this one, they were selling model kits of Poketto monsters, of which Robin got a model kit of Delphox. Maya might like that.

    As he returned to find Robyn, he greeted Gaius, Stahl, and Ricken with a silent wave as the latter party went to pass the ticket gates.
  19. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 56
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★
    "I'm not late, am I?" came the call of Alex's voice as she burst through the crowds towards the station. Her bag looked much lighter than before, but still decently packed for a trip. Tamal stumbled after her a few meters back, clutching a small gift bag by his side - if the cyan and chartreuse ribbon tied to one side were any indicator, they were for Maya as well.
  20. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 45
    Nov 22, 2012
    @122 Generation @SAF @ChocoChicken

    Maya approached the station to find her clubmates with various gift bags. "Hi, everyone! I'll take a look at your gifts once we're done with club business--unless you really really want me to open something now...."

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